
As we transition into the month of February, and further on into the spring months, it becomes time to rid yourself of those nice facewarmers you have spent the past months growing. And I can't be the only one who hates that...

I've got an appointment in about three hours, so I'm going to have to part with my nice bit of growth. I've been shaving since about 14 (thanks JROTC), so I'm pretty use to it by now, still don't like it though.

So, anyone else, hate shaving? Curse Gillette?
Army made me hate shaving. Doing that twice a day did real harm for my skin and now I've stoppen completely. I keep it pretty short by trimming it, but no razor is getting near my face in near future.
My facial follicles are a failure. I only have to shave three times a week to maintain a fairly baby smooth appearance. You made fun of me in HS, but you have mad envy...admit it.
I only shave like once or twice a week, so I don't really care either way.

But I do hate shaving cream, which is why I haven't used the stuff in like 2 years. Shower shaving is the greatest.
I use clippers. Saves me a fortune on replacement blades, which run ~ $40+ for a box. Plus I hate the baby face look. Those faces I'd want to punch, even my own. So then I keep the stubble as to cause myself no harm. ...stupid face, I Punch You now! Yes, into the mirror. I'm troubled.
I wish I could grow a good beard, because I look like I'm 12 when I'm completely clean shaven.
I just let my stubble grow until I have to be social. So I basically shave about once a week.
I hate shaving so much that on day, about two years ago, I just decided to stop. I am now the proud owner of a magnificent beard.
I don't shave. I haven't shaved in... 4 years, but I also keep my beard trimmed, mostly just before special occasions or when I go to events. Publishers don't need to see how neckbeardy i can get.
Because of my current job, I need to shave every three days or so, and I'm really glad for having discovered the wonders of using a safety razor (i.e. what our grandparents' generation used for shaving). Not only is the shave 10x smoother, but I also get fewer nicks and cuts (most of the times close to zero if not zero). For $10 you get ten platinum coated razor blades, and a blade can last 3 shaves if you're being thrifty (I usually replace it every shave). It really does make Gillette look like a scam.
I do shave my neck beard every two or three days. And, this is a weird one, I have to shave a few outlying hairs from up high on my cheeks. I don't know how high your beard grows, or maybe its just because I have high cheekbones, but I have to keep control of a few patches above my normal beard or else I look like the Wolfman.
But at 25 I still don't grow that much facial hair. I can get a goatee going but thats it, really. I usually shave every other day.
I don't really grow that much facial hair so its about every week and a half to shave for me and its basically a goatee and thats about it.
I didn't shave for the three months leading up to my second child's birth and my wife felt I looked like "a 14 year old trying to prove something". :(

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