Pics of yourself

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MattAY said:
is tangerine your ganster name?

Now see, I had a comeback ready as soon as I read this one, but it probably isn't worth posting. Something about fruit, so you guys can probably figure out the rest.

Nevertheless, I think GR is supposed to be a community, not a pissing match, so if you have beef, take it somewhere else.
I agree with tankypoo. Let the mods deal with Tangerine. I am sorry for getting my boxers in a knot because of certain people and now I have egg on my face because the person I stuck up for decided to be an ass.

Lets get on with the pictures!


This is me puttin' a hurtin' on a Mrs Pac-Man machine.
Why is it, that as soon as I read that caption, I thought of Raging Bull?

Also, I arbitrarily, from here on out, object to any infantilisation of my name.
FTG started it, by calling me tanky-tank. A girl I work with started calling me Blairy, and later on Blairy-poo, and before that I worked at a restaurant, washing dishes and preparing desserts, and one of the waiting staff started calling me Blair-bear. So, I have one of those names that rhymes with everything.

Blair, the bear, over there, on a chair, drinking beer, with a pear, will he share? That's not fair, Give me beer and pear, Mr. Bear. Oh Blair, share your chair, blah fucking blah.
Tangerine said:
You know what? F-U-C-K Y-A-L-L!

With the excpetion of some of you, most of you are just a bunch of whiny brats who would s*** their pants if they ever came down to it wit me on the streets.

I don't need to take this s***, peace out to all the people who stood up and to the rest y'all can kiss my ass!

dude... were joking with you - this is your GR initiation. you are who u are were not attacking you .

i went thru it...
....dobby went thru it...
........links is still going through it....

if you cant hack it, then peace.

ps - i dont think you'd want to "SEE" MEEEEEE on the streets my freind.
crazycracker22 said:
GhostTrip, I can feel the grease on your face by just looking at it. But that's a pretty nice pole, so it's understandable.

I only posted it to get the thread back on track. :cry:
UrbanMasque said:
Tangerine said:
You know what? F-U-C-K Y-A-L-L!

With the excpetion of some of you, most of you are just a bunch of whiny brats who would s*** their pants if they ever came down to it wit me on the streets.

I don't need to take this s***, peace out to all the people who stood up and to the rest y'all can kiss my ass!

dude... were joking with you - this is your GR initiation. you are who u are were not attacking you .

i went thru it...
....dobby went thru it...
........links is still going through it....

if you cant hack it, then peace.

ps - i dont think you'd want to "SEE" MEEEEEE on the streets my freind.

This is a long ass initiation then if im still going through it.
Um, WOO! I skipped the initiation! And I'm a huge fan of Onicap Erotavlas Oderfla, and the amazing performance he gave in Ecafracs, as Anatnom Oinotna.
thetank said:
Um, WOO! I skipped the initiation! And I'm a huge fan of Onicap Erotavlas Oderfla, and the amazing performance he gave in Ecafracs, as Anatnom Oinotna.

I hope i don't speak too soon but i think i missed it to.
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