Pics of yourself

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cmon grandma why u gotta be the wussy nice guy.

let us have a lil fun.

I think Tangerine and Downwiththeclown should have a freestyle battle like 8 mile!
madster111 said:
So, Tangerine, you're a white gangsta wannabe who wants to illegally download Xbox 360 games, who goes out with a girl clearly younger them himself?

Great, just what GR needs. :roll:

maca, please, please for the love of God ban him.

Excuse me, but if we banned for loose ethic, you'd be long gone ;) (And I wouldn't be a mod..)
you and yo boys aint as hard as me. Im cold as ice bitch!

in fact, just call me Mr. Cool Ice


I think Eyebrows and Madster need to be more accepting. Tangerine hasn't done anything but particapate in topics (aside from one request for downloaded games which he was reprimanded by a proper source) and post a picture of him and his "boys" which I know I wouldn't want to run into after the premier of the latest Barbershop movie.

The both of you are annoying to say the least. Why don't you try to post a picture and participate in our community and stop tearing it down.
StalfrosCC said:
I think Eyebrows and Madster need to be more accepting. Tangerine hasn't done anything but particapate in topics and post a picture of him and his "boys" which I know I wouldn't want to run into after the premier of the latest Barbershop movie.

The both of you are annoying to say the least. Why don't you try to post a picture and participate in our community and stop tearing it down.

I have posted pictures, and that guy has done nothing but post random topics all over the damn place.

Star, you're irritating too. What do you think because you have a higher post count your entitled to something? You speak as if I'm a threat to the GR community for gods sake, I've been coming to this "Community" longer than you, so I'll concern myself with whatever I want.

You're preaching tolerance yet you're not being tolerant of our intolerance. Eh?

I said it before, if you have a problem with me, send me a PM.
Edit: you know what.. there was a REALLY awesome post here putting Eyebrows in his place, however there is no excuse auguring with somebody that ignorant on the forums.

Let's get back to posting pictures!


If I didn't know that guy, this photo would be creepy.
StalfrosCC said:
Hey, that eye thing you did... don't post any more of those. That scares the SHIT out of me.
I made some weird dream with those, and now that I saw the picture again I remember where that came from. Stalfros is right, stop it if you want us to stay as sane as possible.
You know what? F-U-C-K Y-A-L-L!

With the excpetion of some of you, most of you are just a bunch of whiny brats who would shit their pants if they ever came down to it wit me on the streets.

I don't need to take this shit, peace out to all the people who stood up and to the rest y'all can kiss my ass!
Tangerine. Brother. You also need to take a pill. The "hard" act doesn't translate well on the internet. Here you have to harness some power of communication to get your point across.
Tangerine said:
me and my boys

Don't f*** wit us!

DOA records? What are you guys a rap group or something? And btw we already have an icepick.

And to prevent this thread from becoming a flame war, I'll take a note from Mikey and post a pic.

Me in my apartment, just getting home from my last mid-term.

Ahhhh, I could feel all the stress and tension melting away, haha..
StalfrosCC said:
A) Is Marius really your baby's name, of have you given him a handle already.

Yes, that is his real name, Marius. Good old fashion Roman name :)
Now I just need two more sons, so I can name them either Julius, Brutus or Octavius
Tangerine said:
With the excpetion of some of you, most of you are just a bunch of whiny brats who would s*** their pants if they ever came down to it wit me on the streets.
I'm sure you're very mean and very scary. A real gangsta.
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