Pics of yourself

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Katie, as somebody who loves you I'm going to warn you of two things.

1) Beware of boys who cut their hair with weed wackers.

2) You have no pants on in that second photo. That is a good way to catch pneumonia and die. Don't die Katie :(
Nice necklace!

and just for those of you who think i am gay, no. i didn't notice that first...
hell, how can you not notice the bright red?
thetank said:
Hey, don't crush the expression of the better sex, MattAY.

haha that's just a nice way of saying, "im a pervert"

..and I tip the hat to your sir xD!
I'm not a perv, I just think that if a lady thinks she looks good in red underwear, who are we males to tell her otherwise?
thetank said:
Ah, f*** you guys, I don't deserve this.

*slams Internet door*
Bad things always happen when a girl posts a picture of her in underwear on a gaming forum. I admire Dobby for her courage (and red panties). But I still don't know WTF the II on her tatoo was for...
haha good thing used hasn't been here for a while to hear that.

actually where is that man? holiday?
StalfrosCC said:
Katie, as somebody who loves you I'm going to warn you of two things.

1) Beware of boys who cut their hair with weed wackers.

2) You have no pants on in that second photo. That is a good way to catch pneumonia and die. Don't die Katie :(

i actually cut his hair, i did a really good job of it too, despite however it looks in the photo.. he just spiked up his hair so it looks abit weird.. && theyre shorts, not underwear..
It looks like underwear. Not a good pic to post on a forum with horny 15 yr olds. Unless you want the attention.... j/k

TheNesMan said:
Hexagram said:
GhostTrip said:
Hex! Where do you live in Toronto? We must hook up man!

I used to live downtown voluenteeting at CBC. But it got too expensive to live down there so I'm near the 401 and Kennedy right now in Scarborough.

LetheanDreams said:
Whoa. You look nothing like I expected you to.

Please don't tell me all this time you thought I was asian?
I remember you posted a picture a long time ago and there was some asian guy in it and i thought that it was you <.<

haha, which is why I asked if white rabbit thought I was asian all this time. :p First off, I didn't post the pic, someone else did as a joke and I wasn't here when it happened so as far as everyone knew it was really me :cry:
Dobby2244 said:

...Dobby... please, move your hand.... :?
Dobby is that some vag I spot thar?


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Robmiester said:
Urban please don't be a loser, cmon man. sorry, seriously - sorry dobby..

i almost didnt do it... i almost didnt do it. I thought, "is this bad form?" but i have the worst instincts imaginable - and i followed them.

Dobby, I apologize.
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