Penny Arcade's Strip Search - Anyone watching?


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Hey guys.

Just wondering, has anyone been watching Penny Arcade's web reality show, "Strip Search"? For those that dont' know, it's about PA trying to find the next big web comic artist.

I normally hate reality TV, but I've been watching this due to being a Penny Arcade fan, due to wanting to be an artist/cartoonist myself (particularly in web comics) and because I also applied for the Strip Search show - but failed. :P

So uh, who's been watching and what do you think of the show so far? What do you think of the idea of the show in general?

I like it so far, but some of the "challenges" were a bit strange, particularly when the artists were interviewed by the journalist (asking some very bizzare questions that probably would never be asked in a real interview). I was very "jelly" when I saw one of the artists win a big bad arse Cintiq graphics tablet though.

All the artists are very talented. Very skilled. I don't seem to dislike anyone yet. That first fella to eliminated from the show, Alex, it was a shame to see him go, seems like a cool guy.
Yeah, I've totally been watching. It's, um, getting better, I guess you would say. A few of the challenges have been weird. Sometimes the prize is nothing, and then sometimes it's a Cintiq HD.

I was a fan of Monica's for years, so it's cool to see her in this. I guess I'm pulling for her. All the artists seem really nice, though. I'm excited to see more of their products. I feel like Katie is the only one to really show us a full comic so far. Maybe a challenge involving producing a full comic soon, please!
To be honest I haven't seen the works of the other artists. I guess when it comes to webcomics, I never really read that many.

But after watching Strip Search, it's making me want to check out all of the artist's work. They're all very good.

I agree with you, used44. So far, they've only done comic challenges in the elimination rounds. I think it'd be great to see everyone produce a comic strip in a challenge. And yes, that is true, so far Katie, Alex and Ty (the latter two who have been eliminated off the show) are the only ones to produce comics so far.

With Katie's work - I like it. Her first comic strip (the aliens playing ping pong) made me laugh. "Tell my wife I love heeeeeeer!" - Alex's comic... it was really well drawn, but the joke wasn't executed very well.

In the second comic elimination round, I liked Katie's work again (poor Katie having to do it twice now!) - I can understand Mike's comments about the punch line being "sad", but to me it made me laugh in a "that's so terrible!" kinda way, so it was still funny.

Ty's work was okay... I felt his artwork wasn't that great. His writing was very clever, but in the final panel with all those speech bubbles, I was like "NOOO DON'T DO THAT MAN"

I was kinda secretly rooting for Katie but it's hard to see any of them go. They're all so nice and talented!
used44 said:
I was a fan of Monica's for years, so it's cool to see her in this. I guess I'm pulling for her. All the artists seem really nice, though. I'm excited to see more of their products. I feel like Katie is the only one to really show us a full comic so far. Maybe a challenge involving producing a full comic soon, please!

I've been checking out the artist's work now... I really like Monica's stuff, very cute art style and funny humour.

I also saw Abby's work and that was good too - twisted, but funny.

I tried to find Alex's work but he doesn't seem to be doing his webcomic anymore due to "creative indifferences" with his mate... there was a link to a new site, but nothing loaded. I had a look at through some of the archived stuff... not bad! :)

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