So Paradox is at a strip club...

Longo_2_guns said:
Sticky, you live like an hour from San Fernando. They have plenty of floozy women there.

So proud. Only been out here a month or so and he already knows where the floozies are at.

No...there is something the girls in the Valley. They need to be properly examined with a magnifying glass or you may wind up with some bad results.

Paradox said:
Any effort of shipping one to Cali was met with resistance, but only because they were unwilling to go further west than Arizona.

You clearly didn't use the right tool for the job. Should have used a gun and a crate instead of trying to smooth talk her into going to California to meet some guy you only know as "Sticky".

Funny though. I do appreciate the effort.
StickyGreenGamer said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Sticky, you live like an hour from San Fernando. They have plenty of floozy women there.

So proud. Only been out here a month or so and he already knows where the floozies are at.

No...there is something the girls in the Valley. They need to be properly examined with a magnifying glass or you may wind up with some bad results..
I've lived in California my entire life.

Besides, everyone knows San Fernando valley is the adult entertainment capitol of the world.
Longo_2_guns said:
StickyGreenGamer said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Sticky, you live like an hour from San Fernando. They have plenty of floozy women there.

So proud. Only been out here a month or so and he already knows where the floozies are at.

No...there is something the girls in the Valley. They need to be properly examined with a magnifying glass or you may wind up with some bad results..
I've lived in California my entire life.

Besides, everyone knows San Fernando valley is the adult entertainment capitol of the world.

Well, my mistake then. Admittedly, I skipped major portions of your biography.
Longo_2_guns said:
When I was in Amsterdam, I went to the red light district with my dad. twice. The second time was by accident, though.

The best looking prostitute out tried to get me, and I had 50 euros in my pocket, but I knew my dad would get into trouble if I left him alone there.

Haha, it certainly is a place to tap trouble. It's a surreal place, I mean window shopping for girls is cool and all - but damn weird. And I love the legalities of that place that would make it OK to smoke pot whilst talking to a policeman.
Strip clubs are fun if you're in your early 20's, single or love to drink.

They're sad if you're over 40, married, or looking for love.
Same boat as used. Never been, don't have any interest in going. Been on a couple business trips were guys from the second of Wes's group have suggested it. It just seems like there are better ways to spend the cash.
You can all act like your too cool to enjoy boobs if that's what you want, but a strip club can be a lot of fun if you don't take yourself or it seriously, it's just a different venue to have a drink in, but instead of pool tables for entertainment, there's boobs. While not worth having all, or even most of your drinks there, every couple of months it's nice to go sit down, have a whiskey neat, and have some random lady massage your genital region with her sub par dancing

When my friend turned 18, we all loaded up into his car and crossed the bridge to Quebec to see some of the fabled dancers they have there (huzza for lower age requirements) and it was a fun time, there was boobs and booze aplenty, hard to hate on that.

My ex also liked to go and get lap dances as a couple, which is a win in my books. Stop acting like if you go to one once you've become a degenerate pervert, fucking forum filled with white knights
Bretimus_v2 said:
It just seems like there are better ways to spend the cash.
Cocaine, right? You'd think so, but strippers love the nose candy. Vicious cycle, my friend.

Icepick said:
My ex also liked to go and get lap dances as a couple, which is a win in my books.
My cousin's ex liked getting lap dances as well. Keyword: Ex
Just noticing a correlation.
I enjoy boobs plenty.

I just don't want to spend money on the same boobs that 10 other guys enjoyed today.

That's the real issue.
I don't have much to share on this topic. I don't really have the desire to go, but I would probably enjoy the experience if I did. (That seems to be my attitude toward many things...)

I can share with you an awkward moment in my life, however, when a male family member said that he and I could go to such an establishment sometime. I was more or less speechless and somewhat confused.
But then I'd actually have to spend time with you people. You know what I mean, you people. Having a certain amount of governance over time doesn't make the time spent any less painful, you know.

That might be the meanest thing I've ever said here. In reality, there has been a shit-ton (we're talking metric here) of things happening in my life and they have cumulatively resulted in my absence from GR. I'm still currently a bit lost/off track, but I knew I would have to return to these grounds sooner or later. And damnit, you guys have lured me back, what with your tit-speak and GRumbling.

Now stop derailing!

Boobs and genitals.

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