What TV shows are you watching?


I figured since there is a "what movie are you watching" thread why not one about TV.

For me just started season 2 of The League which is a hilarious show, as well as Party Down, It's Always Sunny and the Chappelle Show have been shows I've been watching lately. About to start Walking Dead season 1 to get ready for season 2 because I forgot that WD aired on sundays and completely missed the entire thing. I also plan to watch the final season of 24 cause I'm a big 24 fan.

What have you been watching lately?
I've started Futurama from the begining with Netflix. Been watching Torchwood: Miracle Day and enjoyed Falling Skies. And Doctor Who came back from break finally!

With how the Giants have been playing, this is more entertaining...
Just watched the newest ep of Doctor Who. Every time I think it's going to get super ridiculous they go and completely explain why they are doing what they are doing and win me back over. Also watching The Ricky Gervais Show on HBO GO and Blue Mountain State on Netflix. Both extremely entertaining in totally different ways.
Finished game of thrones and star trek tng recently. Still watching Entourage, Breaking Bad and Futurama. Started up freaks and geeks recently. I need to finish House and Smallville, but I greatly lack the motivation.
Dexter, anything on Food Network, King of Queens, Big Bang Theory, Jersey Shore (it's entertaining, don't be a hater), Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files (cheesy but still provides entertainment for me), Hockey when it's back, Law & Order: SVU (Stabler and Benson are by far the best L&O team).

I recently finished the first two seasons of Breaking Bad. I thought it was very good, but the show had drained me emotionally and stressed me out so much by that point that I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch any more of it. When I told this to a friend, he said that S3 was awesome, and I should take a break from it then return.

Last night the girlfriend and I finished the Pacific...it was good, but after 10 episodes it had started to drag. But now we can finally finish The Wire...only one season to go! Now that's a tv show.
everyone says breaking bad is great. but from what i've seen i have no interest. i've watched 2 episode and both were SO slow and so depressing i couldn't make it through.

the last episode i watched started off with the main character sitting in a cafe for literally 10 minutes doing NOTHING just looking around until he made a phone call. then i believe it showed 2 guys not driving or talking for 10 minutes. then it showed a guy digging up money for 10 minutes with no dialogue. then i changed it..

and what's funny is that is barely exaggeration. it was almost half done after those three scenes finished.

clearly i'm missing something because everyone loves it. do you just have to start from the beginning to appreciate it's style? cause i could use another show for sure.
As of right now I'm only watching Dexter I haven't seen any episode past season 2 on so I have started back up on it and totally forgot why i stopped watching it.
Watching through Star Trek TNG on Netflix. Futurama. Top Gear just started back up on BBC America... Most shows are still on summer break. Lots of good stuff starting back up soon, but I'm not sure if there's anything else I'm watching as it airs right now. Oh, my wife and I watch Project Runway. It's FaBuLoUs!
Shows currently airing that I am watching on a regular basis are:

True Blood
Rescue Me

Shows I'm getting caught up on:
Mad Men
The Office

Shows I want to see:
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad

Shows I will be watching when the season starts:
The Walking Dead
Jersey Shore
Billy the Exterminator
HBO Mayweather-Ortiz 24/7
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Hell's Kitchen US
^^God Tier listing

I'm getting caught up on The Office, too :mrgreen:
My dvr is bursting at the seams.
Top Gear UK is about the only show I watch regularly, although I did recently start watching Community and that's really good too.

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