What happened to South Park?

I'm just going to say I enjoyed the episode...
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The easter special where Stan wants to know the truth behind Easter, and at the end, Jesus did some blade shit and Kyle killed Jesus...yes I enjoyed that episode as much as you guys
South park just doesn't have that many funny episodes anymore. (I know i'm going to get hate mail but oh well.) Neither does Family Guy, except the one were they try and find the source of jokes, that made me lose it.
used44 said:
South Park is better now than it's ever been, in my opinion.

Agreed. These guys have been on the ball in the past few years, with episodes coming out that have been about things happening no more than a week beforehand. And the jokes are witty too. I've laughed harder at recent ones than ones a couple years ago, but then again seasons 1-9 were my favorites; not too much commentary, and a lot of dick and fart jokes.
schimmel said:
not too much commentary, and a lot of dick and fart jokes.

I'm the complete opposite. I love episodes with commentary on society that get people talking (like Muhammad or Bush was responsible for 9/11 or the Naggers episode) and hate most of the "let's be as disturbing as possible" jokes.
i love what's going on with south park. they're always raising the bar with the aforementioned xyz-subject matter, but also on popular current events... that's pretty admirable for animation.

but the creators are their own worst enemies, for sure.
Their genius, if we're calling it that, keeps pushing them further away from casual viewers, whereas shows like Family Guy have begun watering down (if we're calling it that) their newer episodes to fit *that* Simpsons broader appeal mold.
hardly matters, I can't see another cartoon sitcom getting away with copying the Simpsons or South Park's style. They're too finely grooved in to where they're at.

yeech, this will sound corny, but Trey and Matt's mission statement was to always be different than the others, and their manifesto to not settle. A construction paper animation style; killing off one of main characters--a kid--in every episode, no one was on that in any other medium before those 2, but now it's everywhere and in everything.

But getting back to the Big 3, Family Guy's humor peaked and waned (imo) but I haven't seen that yet from South Park. "The lazy river has never been lazier." hahahah
They were smart to keep Futrurama away from the Simpsons. It's completely different humor. but I think The Cleveland Show was created for the race jokes Seth MacFarlane would no longer air on Family Guy. (lame.)
FOX really should know when to say when.

Gee we're sorry we cancelled your show Mr. MacFarlane. How can we make it up to you besides putting your show back on the air? What's that? You wanna do another show that's basically one long gag about terror in America? Sure! And you wanna have a third show that's pretty much the exact same as Family Guy only Meg, Chris and Stewie are black? SURE!

To be fair, I love the Tim the Bear on The Cleveand show.

I still think we only need one MacFarlene show and not three. Sure, Futurama is by the same creator as Simpsons, but The Simpsons was on the air for a good ten years before Futurama aired.
There's a very strange oversensitivity to Muslim issues. It's almost as if to keep from being racist, everyone turned their fear into empathy.

I mean, if there was a TV show in which Moses was scarfing down shellfish and ham like an animal, I don't feel like anyone would really be offended. If the Islam equivalent of that happened, I feel like there would be articles and threats and so on.

What is so defendable about them? There are a lot of them? I always thought minorities were more endearing. Is it just a lot of people that are really easily offended? Do we really want to perpetuate that?

What if I invented a religion right now and the prophet looked exactly like a smiley face, and I released something to preschools saying that if any kid drew it I'd rape their mothers. I fail to see the difference.

I know we don't want to criticize a massive group of people, but there is a good chunk of the Muslim world that is fucked up. And if Christians were pulling this self-important stunt, you know people would be pissing all over them.

I just don't buy it really, I'm kind of tired of people being so arbitrary with their attitudes towards certain groups of people. Don't defend the Muslims too hard because there is a solid population of them that wants to kill you.

Religion is a pattern of beliefs. It is a personal guideline, and it shouldn't have anything to do with anyone that is not involved.

EDIT: Also, Fox is the most unbelievably incompetent network in the history of television. A part of me hopes the guys in charge of lineup management forget how to breathe while they're sleeping so someone else can take over.
Actually, there was another new episode after the Muhammad ones titled "Cripple Summer"; a great episode with Towelie.

Also, Muhammad was already shown completely uncensored on an episode of South Park some years ago when they first introduced the Super Best Friends. I think the controversy this time was drummed-up by the media due to a slow news week when it happened.
I think that Ep 201 sends a stronger signal being so censored that it is.

As a non-believer I find it stupid, if not directly offensive that some people that hold certain claims, think that others should respect their self-enforced laws.
I have had this discussion many many times, about if one should respect others beliefs.
I do not respect beliefs, but I respect people.

Who here thinks twice about eating a good beef, do you consider that you are making some fundamentalist Hindus upset about eating an animals that they consider holy.

So I am sorry to say, if you hold some made up belief, I am not going to respect that, I am going make fun of the silly parts, be it aliens in airplanes, reptilian lizard people, zombie jews, warmongering man who rode a horse into a magical place, etc.

On the other hand, I can understand why Viacom was so restrictive around airing ep. 201, since they have a lot of employees whose safety they have to consider.
Even though the group of Muslims that sent the death threats only consisted of 12 people.
It only takes one to kill a lot of people.

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