Move over Simpsons, South Park is going to be 20 years old..

Meh, South Park is funny in places. But I watched a whole episode the other week and about 10 minutes in I said aloud to myself, "...what the fuck is this?!" And changed the channel to babestati- I mean...sci-fi
I think it's great. While I'm not their greatest fan, it's easy for me to admit that comedy -in general- needs the balance that South Park provides, but the internet has a way of hating anything older than itself so I fully expect some backlash from some sorts. The internet...pfft.
Episodes are hit and miss, but when they hit, they hit hard.

I thought the season finale was pretty good. The Penn State jokes were inappropriately humorous, the strict agnostic household was great, The mock batman, Cartman trying to avoid being the poorest kid in school.

It should be cool to see a few more seasons, but it will be interesting to see if their willing to advance the characters in age anymore then they already have.
The thing about South Park is that every episode has been written by Matt Stone and Trey Parker (unless someone can prove me wrong), which is incredible. I do agree that the episodes are very hit or miss.

When they miss it's usually too disgusting/stupid for me or they take a boring topic that's going on in the news this week and try to make it funny. But when it hits it's usually very smart, witty, and laugh out loud funny. And seeing how the same two guys have been writing every episode I can let the awful ones slide. They're pretty talented and Team America: World Police still makes me laugh to this day. But much like The Simpsons, how long can they go before they've got nothing left to say?
Well they have a team of writers, but yes, they both play a heavy role in writing the episodes. What's more amazing to me is that each episode is written and animated in only a week.
I absolutely love South Park. When I was younger, it was a novelty to me. Then I just didn't watch it regularly at all. Then the past few seasons I have watched it religiously and it is really better than ever. Great social commentary while still being hilarious.
I think once South Park has lost its magic, Parker and Stone will pull the plug. They've been cold, and have made their fair share of shitty episodes, but they are still proving that they've still got it.
By the time The Simpsons got to its 15th season I'll admit it was pretty terrible. I haven't seen the new South Park but if it's still funny in its 15th season then there is still hope.

I tried watching the brand new Simpsons but now they've gotten rid of their couch gags :( How do they get away with that?

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