George Lucas: "Greedo is the one who shot first"

danielrbischoff said:
Is anyone seeing The Phantom Menace in 3D this weekend? I might not this weekend but probably over the next week.

Nah. I like Phantom Menace more than most people, but I hate 3D more than most people as well. Plus, I have the Blu-rays if I wanted to watch it.
Han is better off having shot second.


If he had shot first, he is a murderer. Plain and simple, we would of never known Greedo's full intentions. Maybe he was going to let Han go. Maybe he was going to tag along, help out against the Empire, and eventually turn Han in after, leading to a tear jerking goodbye between the now friendly bounty hunter and smuggler. But no, Han just had to blow off his head.

But by waiting until he had been shot at to defend himself, we have a stronger, suaver Han Solo. Who do you want flying your ship; Some guy who was to much of a pansy to wait out a staredown, got jumpy and pulled a trigger; or a guy who was so zen like, that even as a blaster bolt passed within inches of his face, was calm enough to pull his blaster, fire a single shot to kill Greedo, stand up and calmly stroll out like no big deal.

George Lucas was right to do what he did.
StickyGreenGamer said:
Han is better off having shot second.

yup... thank god he didn't shot first, cause now he's just a suave drug smuggler, illegal contraband deliverer, worker for one of the worst criminal kingpin in the galaxy, killer of a whole bunch of stormtroopers (lots of them he still shot first by the way) and, oh yeah, how did he greet lord vader? You guess it, by shooting him in the face (unsuccessfully). He's very zen indeed.

Oh i am sorry, because han never shoots first. That's why in the soon to be release starwars "ultra edition", han will offer vader a slice of pizza instead.


And if you ever think again that having han shoot first was destroying his character? What about greedo! He wasn't going to kill han in the first place, he was about to BRING han to jabba! It's just han was uncooperative by taking his time (and then shot him). But now that the studio changed that scene, greedo isn't a guy "just doing his job", he's a cold blooded killer. For all we know he probably had a wife and three kids.

"So poor han's image?" NO! it's "poor greedo's image"!
Chris_Crime said:
Is George Lucas really worth the praise he gets? I mean, besides Star Wars, what else has he done?
Was Star Wars enough? It would seem so. He's on such a lauded pedestal but seems a better marketer than writer. You rarely hear Indiana Jones and Lucas mentioned in the same sentence, the credit usually going to Spielberg.
I guess it doesn't help that his other movie was Howard the Duck. And I prefer the duck to the wars.

I'm genuinely interested in why I never got sucked into the vortex. I had the Kenner toys and saw the movies. What did I do wrong? :? (Not a trekkie, either.)

Hey, don't forget about American Graffiti and THX 1138.
You're the only person to ever bring those two titles up. No, I mean including outside of these walls. No one talks about those two titles anywhere
Chris_Crime said:
You're the only person to ever bring those two titles up. No, I mean including outside of these walls. No one talks about those two titles anywhere

That doesn't make them bad movies.
Chris_Crime said:
but does that make them good movies?

No... but that's not the point. The point is, they're not bad movies, and are relatively good. Just because people don't mention them when they discuss George Lucas, because George Lucas has made Star Wars his life's work, doesn't make them any less significant or make them bad and forgettable, which is what you seemed to be suggesting. You asked what else he had done, and I provided some examples.
Well honestly, the examples are irrelevant because its pertaining to Star Wars, not the stuff preceding it.

and let's be honest, since the first Star Wars movie, Lucas has been terrible....just saying.
Lien for Post of the Year. This is exactly what I'm saying. Greedo shooting first changes nothing about Han's character or the movie as a whole. Lucas has made far worse changes.

American Grafitti is pretty great, by the way.
Yeah, I'm going to stop in real quick to back used up. That movie is awesome. You don't have to look far elsewhere to find people that agree.
I'll say it's good, too. Gets a lot of undeserved credit, but sure, it's good. When anyone mentions the movie you'll instantly remember a scene, so good enough. Try the movie out, it's more than the police car scene.

As for THX 1138? Any takers?
Hey look, I have 1138 posts!

Well, 11381 now. But shutup.

Anyway, I think by now I've just gone numb. Since Ep. 1 or 2 I've just been like "Eh." Star Wars is gone. It's just gone. It's done. Stop beating the corpse.
I've actually never seen THX 1138. I haven't really heard it called a 'must watch' but I could be talked into it.
used44 said:
I've actually never seen THX 1138. I haven't really heard it called a 'must watch' but I could be talked into it.

It's more of an art film than anything. Good, but not the best sci-fi movie by a long shot.

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