Fuck You George Lucas

StickyGreenGamer said:
It is his property, and therefore, his to do with as he pleases. I don't disagree with that, I strongly support his right to do that..

God, I've been attacked my so many Star Wars nerds for saying that.
Lien said:
Lethean said:
I'd definitely be up for watching RoTS in 3D. Hell just that awesome opening sequence alone would be worth it.
I'm sorry... but no... just no

In this mess of a CGI film, the opening got like100 things happens in the same time... THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PLOT!

Seriously, everyone goes like "poof! we saved the chancellor and doku is dead!... so... Lakers tonight?" then bla bla politics, obi wan leaves Anakin alone with Padme for some random hijinks and then plot holes are covered up faster then anyone can say vader built C3PO. That film was a mess... a computer generic made mess with a horrid opening. Want a better film opening? watch the original one.

At least that one set the tone for an atmosphere: despair, empowerment by a greater force and shows the rebellion cause. This is proven right after when the first line of dialogues comes in. C3PO filled with confusion, the rebels are exasperated and THEN Vader walks in being badass. Remember that was the first time we see him. That bigger ship swallowing the smaller ship in the pic just above was just there to introduce Vader and the rebels, it sets the theme for the entire film. It's worth rewatching those 10 minutes all over and over again over and over again in it original splendor.

Now, the first line of dialogues episode 3? Just obiwan and anakin... doing a laurel and hardy sketch like they always do. And I guess they did a good job... cause that's what they do for the rest of the film.

And if you want a CGI opening that would be kickass in 3D... try casino royal. It'll be the trippiest thing you'll ever orgasm on!

You make it sound as though I've never seen the original trilogy or Casino Royale. Yes, the opening 20 minutes of RoTS are CGI filled but for pure action and entertainment? It worked. The opening scene in the ANH was also awesome and rivals RoTS but since Lucas, as far as I know, isn't rereleasing the original trilogy in 3D, I didn't mention ANY of the awesome scenes from the first three episodes such as the attack on Hoth, the destruction of the death star in ANH or the lightsaber battles in all three.

Just saying...It's Lucas' IP, If he wants to milk it for all it's worth, which he's doing, let him. Is it REALLY affecting you in any way besides a few advertisements for it? Just don't see it. Problem solved. It isn't like it's a film glamorizing rape and genocide. It's fucking Star Wars. Quit nerd raging :P.
Lethean said:
Lien said:
Lethean said:
I'd definitely be up for watching RoTS in 3D. Hell just that awesome opening sequence alone would be worth it.
I'm sorry... but no... just no

In this mess of a CGI film, the opening got like100 things happens in the same time... THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PLOT!

Seriously, everyone goes like "poof! we saved the chancellor and doku is dead!... so... Lakers tonight?" then bla bla politics, obi wan leaves Anakin alone with Padme for some random hijinks and then plot holes are covered up faster then anyone can say vader built C3PO. That film was a mess... a computer generic made mess with a horrid opening. Want a better film opening? watch the original one.

At least that one set the tone for an atmosphere: despair, empowerment by a greater force and shows the rebellion cause. This is proven right after when the first line of dialogues comes in. C3PO filled with confusion, the rebels are exasperated and THEN Vader walks in being badass. Remember that was the first time we see him. That bigger ship swallowing the smaller ship in the pic just above was just there to introduce Vader and the rebels, it sets the theme for the entire film. It's worth rewatching those 10 minutes all over and over again over and over again in it original splendor.

Now, the first line of dialogues episode 3? Just obiwan and anakin... doing a laurel and hardy sketch like they always do. And I guess they did a good job... cause that's what they do for the rest of the film.

And if you want a CGI opening that would be kickass in 3D... try casino royal. It'll be the trippiest thing you'll ever orgasm on!

You make it sound as though I've never seen the original trilogy or Casino Royale. Yes, the opening 20 minutes of RoTS are CGI filled but for pure action and entertainment? It worked. The opening scene in the ANH was also awesome and rivals RoTS but since Lucas, as far as I know, isn't rereleasing the original trilogy in 3D, I didn't mention ANY of the awesome scenes from the first three episodes such as the attack on Hoth, the destruction of the death star in ANH or the lightsaber battles in all three.

Just saying...It's Lucas' IP, If he wants to milk it for all it's worth, which he's doing, let him. Is it REALLY affecting you in any way besides a few advertisements for it? Just don't see it. Problem solved. It isn't like it's a film glamorizing rape and genocide. It's f****** Star Wars. Quit nerd raging :P.

What happens if I scan your QR code?
Casino Royale's opening in 3D?


I would pay money for that. I wouldn't even need to see the rest of the movie in 3D, since I've seen it 10 times already.
Look, it's NOT a bad thing to put these movies back in theaters. When I saw them as a kid in the 90s I was so overjoyed. It made me the nerd/geek/whatever I am today... but this is happening way too often.

The Phantom Menace was released in 1999. At least wait 20 years minimum.
danielrbischoff said:
Look, it's NOT a bad thing to put these movies back in theaters. When I saw them as a kid in the 90s I was so overjoyed. It made me the nerd/geek/whatever I am today... but this is happening way too often.

The Phantom Menace was released in 1999. At least wait 20 years minimum.

That's like waiting for a game to get a re-release after 20 years.

I was 3, btw. :D
Paradox said:
lol, how dare i care about something from my childhood and hate a man for tinkering needlessly with it because of money and some senile misconception that he's perfecting it
UrbanMasque said:
personally in the future if there happens to be some real revolutionary breakthrough in they way movies are viewed I wouldn't mind revisiting Star Wars. Like if movies somehow got mapped into this interactive mind first person POV thing - Star Wars would be awesome (and sad - seeing as how I will probably never see this in my lifetime.
This. Exactly. This is totally acceptable. The rereleases in the 90s were OK because, let's face it, there was a huge leap in computer technology while still retaining a semi-reliance on the miniatures that MADE the original films.

3D isn't a tech leap you can justify a remake with. It's just a buzz word people are willing to drop $4 extra on at the movie theater.
I wouldn't really call it a buzzword. More a buzzconcept.

I remember when I went and saw it when I was a kid when it came back to theaters. The whole time I was asking my brother when the Death Star was going to blow up. I think I cheered when it did.

Oh, speaking of Star Wars, has anyone been on the new Star Tours? HOOOOLY SHIIIIIIT, it's awesome.
Longo_2_guns said:
I wouldn't really call it a buzzword. More a buzzconcept.
Yeah basically what I was aiming for.
Longo said:
I remember when I went and saw it when I was a kid when it came back to theaters. The whole time I was asking my brother when the Death Star was going to blow up. I think I cheered when it did.
I totally fucking clapped at the end of each movie. They are an awesome childhood experience.
Longo said:
Oh, speaking of Star Wars, has anyone been on the new Star Tours? HOOOOLY SHIIIIIIT, it's awesome.
NO! BUT NOW I CAN'T WAIT. Think I'm going in the new year.
Here's a tip. Go right when the park opens, get a fast pass, and then get right in line for it. And then ride it again in the afternoon. Every time you ride it it's completely different, so it'll be one of the star attractions for a few years.
There are around four parts each with four different possibilities, and they take parts from every single movie. Like, think of an action/vehicle scene from any Star Wars movie and it's in it. Even the bongo scene from Phantom, which was actually very well done.

And it's all random each time, so the odds of getting the exact same thing are low.
I remember my friend sleeping overnight at the theater when the Phantom Menace came out and then we skipped school to go wait with him in line and bring him food and beverage. I remember watching the whole trilogy at his house the weekend before. It's an awesome memory, even if they didn't turn out great.
Good memories yes.

I don't give a damn if he's re-releasing it in 3-D to be honest, he re-released the originals (with added shit but still.) and it was a good moment, something that my dad, who saw the original as an adult, thought he would never get to replicate.

I think the problem is he keeps "perfecting" things to the point where he needs to lay the hell off.
danielrbischoff said:
lol, how dare i care about something from my childhood and hate a man for tinkering needlessly with it because of money and some senile misconception that he's perfecting it

It wasn't meant as a jab, I just thought it was a funny pic to suit the conversation at hand.

I'm neutral on the whole re-releasing/re-doing thing. I have my box set DVDs I got years ago and thats all I need. Whatever stuff Lucas does with the films, I can just pop one of those discs in the player if I want to watch Star Wars.

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