It was 20 years ago today


Sgt Pepper taught the band to play... Wait, was it 30 years ago or 20 years ago? Regardless, back in 1991 I was 5 and made a time capsule. Sadly, my mom is moving out of her house so I went over there to help her pack things and get ready for the move. My mom reminded me of the time capsule I made so I went out to find it. How fitting that it's actually been 20 full years since I buried it. Well, I dug the sucker up and here's what I found...

A #1 issue of the X-men series that was rebooted for the 90's

I had two copies, the other one is with my collection of X-Men comics.

Pearl Jam's album Ten on cassette tape

I don't remember even listening to Pearl Jam, I was into Micheal Jackson, LOL. I guess that's why I buried this tape instead of one from MJ.

Terminator 2 on VHS

A picture of our Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney

A picture of US President George Bush (Sr)

A picture of Michael Jackson

As well as posters for...
-Super Mario Bros 3
-Fresh Prince of Bel Air
-The Simpsons
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (cartoon)
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (Video Game)
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (Movie)
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Turtles Awesome Easter... (I don't know WTF that is.)

And I note that reads... and I quote myself when I was 5...
war in irak still going on and peeple are fighting wrld war 3. mom is sad that guy from queen die from AIDS. mom also sad GST tax. autumn is my girlfriend.

Translation: Autumn was a girl I met in Kindergarten... I guess I wrote this before I found out she had another 5 boyfriends.... that slut!!! The Iraqi war was going on, it was not world war 3, why did I think that? Freddy Mercury from Queen died and my mom was a huge fan of Queen. And our taxes were raised from 7% to 15%. Ouch.

Anyway, this might not have made you as nostalgic as it made me but I thought it was cool to share it.
That...was...awesome. Good spelling for a 5 year old, man. I love that your time capsule includes a US President. Canada, the ever-gracious neighbor.

Much love to the TMNT.
Thanks man. Yes I've been told I was a great writer and that I could read at the age of two. Unfortunately I never took English seriously in high school and my writing suffered. But hey, at least I know the difference between "Your" and "You're" :p

And I was indeed TMNT obsessed but who wasn't back then? The only reason I was able to bury so many of their posters was because I had another 10-15 in my room.
Cool story bro. I don't think I ever actually made a time capsule for myself, but my family keeps mementos like crazy.

We still have a soccer bag filled with action figures from TMNT, X-Men, Terminator, G.I. Joe, Batman, and the like. Truly a testament of the glory of the late-80's and 90's.
I still have some homework from when I was 5. I didn't time capsule it or anything, I just don't ever clean my room.
That X-Men comic series from the 90's was awesome. I wanted to shag Psylocke so bad... >.>

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