what are we watching these days?

Big Bang isn't funny. Sorry, laugh tracks for a show today, even if they're filmed in front of a live audience, just suck. I don't want to be told when I should laugh, and I don't want to hear uproarious laughter at a bad joke.

Oh yeah, Community and Modern Family are where it's at for new comedies
lokness said:
Im also watching the pacific, gossip girl (that s*** is legit!) and big bang.

I also get the UFC fights, vampire diaries (f*** you), stargate universe, LOST and man vs wild.
Yeah, i'm gonna break into your house and disable Go! until you can stop watching Vamp diaries and Gossip girl.

Bing bang, 2 1/2 men, Stargate universe, top gear, south park, supernatural, the pacific, weeds, spartacus, NCIS, lots of anime (~30gb ATM), and a bunch of Discovery, History, Nat Geo and BBC.
And Neighbors.
No, i'm not gay.
The shows i've been watching are manly man shows. gotta grow a beard and eat a nail sandwich to even watch em. shows like justified, spartacus, and deadliest catch. also just got done watching all 4 seasons of dexter. how i kept passing that show up is beyond me.

as for anime.... it all sucks now. it's all filled with whiny lil emos. the last good anime i watched was blade of the immortal.

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