|OT| Battlefield 3

I will purchase Battlefield 3 and play with other Revolutionaries on....

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I guess when you know the money is going to charity and not EA, it's easier to install Battlefield 3 via Origin and have fun.

I have Premium, so I have all the DLC, everything. You could beg for keys elsewhere online or go pay $5 and get the base game while donating to a cause (or to HB):

Two days left! I'm about to hop online. Origin ID: danielrbischoff
Longo_2_guns said:
Man, I really wish jets didn't control like an aneurism, because they would be a lot of fun to use.

I can't speak for BF3 but at least in Bad Company 2 helicopters were the exact same.
If anyone is playing on the PC, my friends and I still like to playing drinking games while we play. It's a blast. :wink:

Origin name is Sourdeezz
I've always found helicopters really easy to control but planes are damn near impossible.
Grab those free to plays I told you about Ugh.

Planetside 2
Tribes Ascend

Guild Wars 2 is buy to play.(No subscription)
They are no longer updating it and yes the free to play points take a very long time to accumulate.

But its a fun game and runs in the unreal engine so I'm absolutely sure it will run well on Ughs laptop or even Daniels.

Anyone who wants to do a gunmaster or scavenger in bf3 hit me up. I love gunmaster.
I got my controller to have the perfect Ace Combat-esque settings for jets!

Now instead of flying like an aneurism, they fly like a retarded goose being shot out of a cannon. Which is a welcome improvement.

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