|OT| - Modern Warfare 3

Plan on picking up MW3?

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  • Yes, on 360.

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  • Yes, on PC.

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  • Yes, on Wii.....what?

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The exact opposite of this:

Bretimus_v2 said:
So what's the word? Good? Bad? Better than COD: Treyarch? Not enough mutton chops-mustaches?

Picking it up tomorrow, I didn't have a ride today.
I've heard a lot of people complaining about killstreaks counting towards streaks, which I hate. Also a lot of things from Black Ops that aren't present, really simple things like A/B/C icons not disappearing when ADS'ing over them.

Black Ops started out really crappy and is almost perfect now, I hope the same goes for MW3.
15. Parental control.

UPDATE: (4:26) On my way to pick it up now, mentlegen.[/quote]

So, you know how many 15 year old kids disobey their parents on a daily basis?

BTW, they ask where this defiant streak came from, you better not point at me.
StickyGreenGamer said:
TheJx4 said:
15. Parental control.

UPDATE: (4:26) On my way to pick it up now, mentlegen.

So, you know how many 15 year old kids disobey their parents on a daily basis?

BTW, they ask where this defiant streak came from, you better not point at me.

Why conform to the norm? Bitch I'm Dragonborn.
StickyGreenGamer said:
So, you know how many 15 year old kids disobey their parents on a daily basis?

BTW, they ask where this defiant streak came from, you better not point at me.

I'll willingly rat you out. :P
TheJx4 said:
StickyGreenGamer said:
TheJx4 said:
15. Parental control.

UPDATE: (4:26) On my way to pick it up now, mentlegen.

So, you know how many 15 year old kids disobey their parents on a daily basis?

BTW, they ask where this defiant streak came from, you better not point at me.

Why conform to the norm? b**** I'm Dragonborn.

bitch I'm Dragonborn made me spit my coffee... TPS nominee. :)
Rented it out of Redbox. Beat the campaign in about 5 & 1/2 hours last night...yeah, I put in some work.It was good for the most part, don't really feel like going into detail right now though.

I suppose I'll get online to muck around with that later. Hoggy Hog2 if anyone wants to play.

EDIT: Actually, I just turned it on, it said I did the campaign in 4 &1/2. I was playing on normal though, I'm not about to go grind out a Veteran campaign on a rental.
StickyGreenGamer said:
Rented it out of Redbox. Beat the campaign in about 5 & 1/2 hours last night...yeah, I put in some work.It was good for the most part, don't really feel like going into detail right now though.

I suppose I'll get online to muck around with that later. Hoggy Hog2 if anyone wants to play.

EDIT: Actually, I just turned it on, it said I did the campaign in 4 &1/2. I was playing on normal though, I'm not about to go grind out a Veteran campaign on a rental.

Hardened is a bitch.
You on PS3 or 360? Btw, don't play ANYTHING on Dome. It's basically Nuketown spawns all over again.

http://kotaku.com/5858098/why-its-stupi ... ll-of-duty
So I was playing the multiplayer on xbox with my housemate (his copy of the game, not mine), and on Dome, I ran into a building, and immediately realized it was a reused structure from CoD4, specifically the main building from Vacant. I don't know if they were just lazy or if it was supposed to be some sort of easter egg (though I don't really buy that explanation anyways for reusing old shit this extensively).
1 million Premium subscribers in two weeks.
That's over $40 million.

People are...stupid. Why not wait until DLC launches for MW3? That'll net you all the DLC for MW3 and next year's CoD (if its worth buying, <3 Treyarch).
I've yet to try beating it on Veteran. I'm too busy with multiplayer.

What does everyone like to use? I've been doing really well with the G36C, just waiting until I get the ACR. I keep my perks kinda varied, but every class has Assassin Pro on it. There's just no better way to play. And I use the Specialist Package most of the time, because getting the All Perks Bonus is just freakin' awesome. Plus, having Stalker and Marksman at the same time is absolutely vicious.
De-Ting said:
I've yet to try beating it on Veteran. I'm too busy with multiplayer.

What does everyone like to use? I've been doing really well with the G36C, just waiting until I get the ACR. I keep my perks kinda varied, but every class has Assassin Pro on it. There's just no better way to play. And I use the Specialist Package most of the time, because getting the All Perks Bonus is just freakin' awesome. Plus, having Stalker and Marksman at the same time is absolutely vicious.

Two Support classes
One Specialist-
Two Assault-

Always have Overkill for my Support classes.
The Specialist package is really cool, its insanely easy to get the Pro perks with it.
I'm weak, and simply can't go on without a CoD title in my library.

I'll be picking this up after work. And spending all my free time in MP again...
Coming from someone who's played all of the CoDs in MP fairly extensively....MW3 MP is BY FAR the weakest MP in the series.

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