The exact opposite of this:

Bretimus_v2 said:So what's the word? Good? Bad? Better than COD: Treyarch? Not enough mutton chops-mustaches?
Eyebrowsbv31 said:The exact opposite of this:
TheJx4 said:Picking it up tomorrow, I didn't have a ride today.
StickyGreenGamer said:TheJx4 said:Picking it up tomorrow, I didn't have a ride today.
Legs. Bus. Hitchhiking.
That is not a good enough excuse Jx4.
EDIT: http://www.denverpost.com/search/ci_19293905 <----Moron
StickyGreenGamer said:TheJx4 said:15. Parental control.
UPDATE: (4:26) On my way to pick it up now, mentlegen.
So, you know how many 15 year old kids disobey their parents on a daily basis?
BTW, they ask where this defiant streak came from, you better not point at me.
StickyGreenGamer said:So, you know how many 15 year old kids disobey their parents on a daily basis?
BTW, they ask where this defiant streak came from, you better not point at me.
TheJx4 said:StickyGreenGamer said:TheJx4 said:15. Parental control.
UPDATE: (4:26) On my way to pick it up now, mentlegen.
So, you know how many 15 year old kids disobey their parents on a daily basis?
BTW, they ask where this defiant streak came from, you better not point at me.
Why conform to the norm? b**** I'm Dragonborn.
StickyGreenGamer said:Rented it out of Redbox. Beat the campaign in about 5 & 1/2 hours last night...yeah, I put in some work.It was good for the most part, don't really feel like going into detail right now though.
I suppose I'll get online to muck around with that later. Hoggy Hog2 if anyone wants to play.
EDIT: Actually, I just turned it on, it said I did the campaign in 4 &1/2. I was playing on normal though, I'm not about to go grind out a Veteran campaign on a rental.
TheJx4 said:Hardened is a b****.
De-Ting said:I've yet to try beating it on Veteran. I'm too busy with multiplayer.
What does everyone like to use? I've been doing really well with the G36C, just waiting until I get the ACR. I keep my perks kinda varied, but every class has Assassin Pro on it. There's just no better way to play. And I use the Specialist Package most of the time, because getting the All Perks Bonus is just freakin' awesome. Plus, having Stalker and Marksman at the same time is absolutely vicious.