[OT] Dead Space 3

I told her this game wasn't OUT YET and this was NEW FOOTAGE and she was still like Pssssssshhhhhhhhhhh.
I liked Dead Space 2, I played the first but didn't get to beat it since I had to return it to blockbuster. What was so wrong about Dead Space 2? Though I will say the constant crazy jabbering of Stross got to me after a while (but I guess in a good way, I don't know). I thought the whole presentation of the game was well done from its scary moments to its action sequences it felt unique. But maybe that's because I didn't beat Dead Space 1, I got like 60% or 70% thru the game before I had to return it. I haven't seen much footage of DS3 but the sound of fighting other humans is a bit weird but it won't put me off to playing it when it releases.
The human forces are unitologists. They said DS3 will go deeper into the religious marker themes.

60-70% of Dead Space is like everything but the semi-twist ending.
Dead Space will always be considered to have the best horror in the series because it was new and you didn't know what to expect. It was also dark and the ship and monsters groaning made you nervous the entire time.

Dead Space 2 kept some horror, threw in some action scenes, smoothed it out a little and added in some new stuff as well as a new space station as opposed to being confined to the Ishimura. I enjoyed it as well as the first including the fact that Isaac now talked and there were actually other survivors that weren't all crazy. The story wasn't the greatest but it worked for the most part.

Dead Space 3 looks to be an improvement on the second as well as adding in more story so there is more understanding of Unitology and all that good stuff as well as better combat and a completely new atmosphere (makes me think of Lost Planet a little) and adds in bigger, meaner monsters as well as a seperate singleplayer and co-op story which I am actually very interested in playing both ways (which increases replayability +1 with a friend).

As you can tell I <3 Dead Space and I want the series to continue what it's best at while adding in new elements to keep it fresh. If this really is the last chapter I will be very sad.

I'm also interested if they'll mention that Altman never was a willing participant in worshipping the marker (at least in the novel Martyr) and bring up whether the markers are originals or actually man made copies.

I can't FUCKING wait!
Scariest part of DS2 was going back to the Ishimura. If you've played the first you know when and where monsters jump out, and when you come across those places again...oh fuck does the anticipation kill me. Plus, it took SO LONG for the first monster to pop out in that chapter...I was so scared.

(edited your post because some people in this thread haven't played DS2 yet.)
When they were like "you have to go on the Ishimura" I was like "Fuck that shit, I'm not getting back on that thing."

Then I get on and I walk... and walk... and the entire time I've got my plasma cutter at the ready. I love how some of the construction equipment tips over and scares the shit out of you, but there aren't any monsters for so long
I read Dead Space Martyr and I really enjoyed learning about the origins of the marker/unitologists.

If DS3 does delve deeper into that I will be very happy
Oops, sorry for not hiding the spoiler, I was pretty tired yesterday!

I'm so happy Dead Space has its own massive universe. Anime and comics are out for the world to see - it's glorious!

Super Awesome?...Or Freaking Cool?
Nay - Spine-Tingling!

God how fucking annoying he was, like he was trying too hard to appeal to early teenagers.

Best part of that video was the drill's robot voice. For some reason it counting down whilst all that havoc was going on was very exciting for me.

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