[OT] Dead Space 3 - MattAY peed his pants

Dead Space 3 - http://www.gamerevolution.com/game/dead-space-3
February 5th, 2013
Xbox 360 - PS3 - PC

Cooperative play is introduced to the Dead Space series, nixing the competitive multiplayer originally introduced in Dead Space 2. The co-op campaign is entirely optional and changes the narrative and gameplay significantly. Playing single-player presents the original concept of Dead Space - alone, pissed-pants scared, and scary. Co-op play introduces hallucinations and side objectives that only one player can see while the other player watches and goes wtf is wrong with this guy?

I love Dead Space, so fuck all of you complaining and bitching about coop play. I'm getting hyped no matter what you say.

Also, I have an ulterior motive for this OT. I... may or may not have an opportunity to interview the devs in the coming weeks. Anyone have any questions they want answered?
I'm very excited about the experiences between solo and co-op being different. It's kind of a best of both worlds...or a way to counter all the haters - either way!

Questions for devs?...Erm...

- Which necromorph is their favourite and why?
All I 've got haha.

PS - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XICd91cwKo
Its one of those series that isn't perfect but seems to get better each game.

I rather enjoy the world and characters including the ones from the animated movie. I also really loved the gravity bending jump levels and the jetpack levels.
Yeah I love the Gravity play, the jetbootpack and the way it sounds. You pretty much HAVE to try Dead Space with surround sound. Walking out into the vacuum is amazing.

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