|OT| Battlefield 3

I will purchase Battlefield 3 and play with other Revolutionaries on....

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Battlefield 3

Release Date: October 25th, 2011 Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox 360

Battlefield 3 is a return to the core line of Battlefield games from DICE and EA. None of that Bad Company bull shit. Sure there's a single-player campaign. There's even co-op. Seriously though, it's all about multiplayer. Have you seen this trailer?
Here's GameRevolution's Preview and a growing list of news and media:
http://www.gamerevolution.com/preview/battlefield-3 By Kuulei
http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/what ... -pack-8177
http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/batt ... x-360-7795
http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/ea-c ... ponds-7763
http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/8-mi ... eplay-7581
http://www.gamerevolution.com/news/batt ... locks-7503
http://www.gamerevolution.com/manifesto ... -mess-7467

My first OT, hope everyone else is excited for the game!

I don't want to sidetrack another topic again but frankly, I'm very excited about BF 3. Last time I upgraded my computer was for BF 2.
So to kick us off, my question is:
Will you get BF 3 on console or PC?
Console if at all, I'm getting tired of recycled first person shooters though, so unless it's something absolutely revolutionary I'm out
Man, I really liked how that COD topic was turning into a Battlefield 3 topic. Oh well.

I'm going console, because it's really my only choice. Also, what's the release date??
Yes. BF3.
Give me now, plz.

My 'gaming rig money' transformed into my 'fix car money', so chances are good that i'll have to grab it on PS3 or something.
Which sucks hard, i'd prefer computer.
used44 said:
Man, I really liked how that COD topic was turning into a Battlefield 3 topic. Oh well.

I'm going console, because it's really my only choice. Also, what's the release date??
I don't think they've announced one. They could go one of two ways: November to go head to head with call of duty.... or October like they did with Medal of Honor... and look how that worked out for them.
I may pass on both Shooters this year since frankly, every shooter I've bought I've sold back. Nonetheless, game is pretty.
October, eh?
So that gives me 4 months to build up a good gaming rig.

Does anyone know if BF3 will be like Black Ops and Halo 3, where you can splitscreen online?
Or even have offline multiplayer at all, unlike BC2?
I enjoyed your commentary, Dan. The visuals in the games looked so awesome. Unlike you guys, I just have a basic laptop. So I'll probably get it for the Xbox 360
This is basically the only franchise shooter that I'm looking forward to. It looked great and I'm really starting to love the Battlefield feel.
After watching basically 20 minutes of the new COD gameplay and the 8 minutes of BF3 gameplay (thanks teasers) I decided if BF3 doesn't become a major hit then there is something wrong with the masses. I mean... MW3 looks cool and all but I watched it and just nodded my head and went ok. While watching anything BF3 related I literally had my jaw drop, I'm going to pre-order the hell out of this game. This is a great example in my mind of what a sequel should be because when you dish you product every year a COD happens leaving little room for update. DICE was smart, spaced this sequel and just shot out Bad Companies in the mean time.

But seriously though WOW BF3 looks just plain awesome, I can't get over how impressive it looks so far. I am a call of duty fan as much as I've been a battlefield fan, played all of each series and I gotta say BF3 will make me pull a "MW3? Whats that game?" routine.

If this^^ is fanboy-ish I apologize, I usually try to give love to all games but I really was very impressive about everything BF3 is (graphics, animation, sound, gameplay and engine)
It's not fanboyish Delorean. I loved BF2, but never got Bad Company. I've gotten all of the CoD games (which looking back, was a waste of money). Battlefield just looks superior. They rebuilt the engine from the ground up, added a ton of new features. MW3? Using basically the same engine, with MAYBE modest upgrades, and is basically the same as every other Call of Duty game that's come out in the last 3 years. Dice wins hands down in my opinion.

The only thing I could see keeping people from going for Battlefield over MW3 is that the game-play is slightly different, with the larger maps and vehicle usage. Otherwise, I don't know why you would pick MW3.

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