Metal gear solid: Philanthropy
The trailers :shock:
To download or view the movie, follow the link on the main page.
Well... basically, an Italian independent studio made a non-profit movie based on Hideo Kojima work. And i'm not talking college student My-mommy-funds-it-and-likes-it, i'm talking Stunt actors, CGI, Hollywood guns and CQC!
Yeah i know, it would get a 2.5 stars movie review and the actor speaks with an accent that would made the sopranos cry, but that's still a whole lot better then Fame! or heck,better then the cut scenes in metal gear solid 4!
I'm downloading this baby right now!
Now what would Kojima think of this?
Edit: Forgot to Add movie poster
The trailers :shock:
To download or view the movie, follow the link on the main page.
Well... basically, an Italian independent studio made a non-profit movie based on Hideo Kojima work. And i'm not talking college student My-mommy-funds-it-and-likes-it, i'm talking Stunt actors, CGI, Hollywood guns and CQC!
Yeah i know, it would get a 2.5 stars movie review and the actor speaks with an accent that would made the sopranos cry, but that's still a whole lot better then Fame! or heck,better then the cut scenes in metal gear solid 4!
I'm downloading this baby right now!
Now what would Kojima think of this?
Edit: Forgot to Add movie poster