So tired.
SORRY TO KEEP YOU WAITING...also, sorry if you didn't even realize that you were waiting.
Kojima, that tease, is at it again. On the 25th of August he let loose that there was upcoming earth-shattering, "industry-shaking" news.
Then we heard about an event and we were shocked and the industry was shook as it was foretold it would be. But mostly we were all like "wow, super exciting...BUT WHEN DO WE GET TO SEE THIS?!?!?!" I maynot be an insider to the industry, but I'm pretty sure I'd be more excited ifI saw...
Then, like Manna from Heaven we were blessed with 1/1000th of the sure to be ~180 hours of cutscenes in an awesome jaw-dropping 11 minute cutscene with just a little bit of actual gameplay. To say the lease...PRE-PRE-ORDERED.
Return for more. Discuss. And get ready because I'm pretty sure that this OT is going to be around for at least 2 years of delays. Worthwhile delays. Because have you ever compared those early MGS4 vids to the actual ones? Yeah, tons of justified delays.

Kojima, that tease, is at it again. On the 25th of August he let loose that there was upcoming earth-shattering, "industry-shaking" news.
Then we heard about an event and we were shocked and the industry was shook as it was foretold it would be. But mostly we were all like "wow, super exciting...BUT WHEN DO WE GET TO SEE THIS?!?!?!" I maynot be an insider to the industry, but I'm pretty sure I'd be more excited ifI saw...
Then, like Manna from Heaven we were blessed with 1/1000th of the sure to be ~180 hours of cutscenes in an awesome jaw-dropping 11 minute cutscene with just a little bit of actual gameplay. To say the lease...PRE-PRE-ORDERED.
Return for more. Discuss. And get ready because I'm pretty sure that this OT is going to be around for at least 2 years of delays. Worthwhile delays. Because have you ever compared those early MGS4 vids to the actual ones? Yeah, tons of justified delays.