Max Payne 3 |OT|

Which console will you get this for?

  • PS3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • XBOX360

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • All I own is a Wii, FML

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Is everybody getting this? Do I have to get this?

If people are getting this for Xbox then I'll join you. I have a bunch of Amazon credit.

Otherwise I'll just wait on it for a bit.
Rockstar has gone back and forth regarding which platform they send review copies for, so... Either way, of it's awesome like Red Dead Redemption then I'll buy it for the other console.
90% chance I won't buy this game. I don't know why they're not releasing the PC version the same day as the console. Cause I guarantee they'd sell a lot of copies to people such as myself who will be at the midnight release buying D3, and figure WTF, I'll get two midnight release games. And then MP3 will sit on their shelves unopened, for eternity. But releasing it May 29th, none of the Diablo 3ers will buy it. Cause they'll be hopelessly addicted to D3 until MP3 is old news.

I'm almost positive I'd end up buying it just because if it was at the midnight release.

I dunno, just something I'm thinking.
I signed up for the social club and joined so I guess that means I should get the game and rep the GR. Just waiting to see what platform the majority will be playing on so I'm not running around Sao Paulo all by my lonesome.
I'll be picking up a PS3 copy of course, most likely gonna play singleplayer first and then hop onto mp for a little while.
My copy shipped but since I'm in AK I usually don't get new games til Friday or Saturday.

Woohoo though!
Fuck this multiplayer is fun. Does anybody know if there's a progress bar toward your next level? I'm not seeing it.

Daniel, what made you choose the Xbox version over the Playstation? Is there a difference? I'm glad you're playing Xbox though. Gave me a chance to dive through a third story window, land on that statue and get shot in the head by you.

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