I have a new goal in life: become batman

My guess is he's been watching Kick-Ass, Super and the documentary on real-life superheroes.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Frozen, how important is a secret identity to you? And if the answer is...not very...I DEMAND videocasts of your training.

Honestly, until I get out the marine corps, it won't be much. I'm going to need to divide my time between work, finishing my CS degree, and becoming batman. This year will mainly be physical conditioning, going to work myself up to running 10 miles at a 6min/mile pace, and do some strength training. Not really looking to be stupid strong, just strong enough to fling my body + another with ease. Right now I have trouble carrying another 180lb person on my back for like 100 meters. But I guess I could get someone to record me doing the obstacle course or something.

Martial arts training won't be till next year. I would LOVE to go to the marine corps martial arts instructor course in quantico, but I just don't have the time left in my contract to do it.

used44 said:
I'm wondering what actually prompted this topic. What's up, Frozen?

Started out as a workout joke. My buddy has a massive man crush on Daniel Craig and said he was working out so he could look like him. In response I was like "Well, I'm going to be batman." This was a few months ago and of course I wasn't serious. What got me serious was a conversation dealing with work and basically how someone called me a detective. I then got to thinking about REALLY training to be batman. I'm close to getting my CS degree and I will use the G.I. bill to get an electrical engineering one, which will is the perfect skillset to make gadgets with. I also already have a bit of experience tracking down bad guys. So I figure with a lot of time and dedication I think I could make this work. Only thing is I am not rich. But do you really need to be rich to become batman? What if I just had the right connections instead?
Speaking of comic book characters, do you guys think I should keep the signature I have now or do a different one? I'm thinking either this one or this with Longo_2_guns on it.

I was gonna do a Red/Orange/Blue lantern logo as my avatar, but I like Black Adam.
Frozen, I'm curious, why electrical engineering over mechanical? Course I guess if you were really dedicated, you could double major. That would be tight. I've got a cousin working on Ph.D for electrical engineering, right now Intel has him crammed somewhere doing devious intern work.

As far as your financial concerns; Have you considered bedding a wealthy, yet sick, elderly woman (or man if they allow gay marriage)?

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