GR census


so yeah now that this place is a ghost town...just curious to see who the last hanger ons are. So fill out this short questionnaire and be counted! long have you been posting at the GR forums
2.Why do you still post here?
3.What if anything do you feel could be done to breathe some life into GR?
4.Do you think you will still be posting in the GR forums 6 months from now?

my answers
1. 9 years
2. i don't very often, but still lurk and wait for a topic to peak my interest because I still somewhat enjoy the few community members that still come here.
3. I don't think GR will be around much longer, so i think a thriving community is pretty much out of the question.
4. probably if they are still here.
Excellent Idea
Poor execution

but oh well.

1.) 3yrs give or take
2.) Some of the funniest people I've ever met r on these here forums.. the SC2 battle net forums are pretty hysterical too tho - but my allegiance is here.
3.) Nothing, it has mostly everything I could ask for as a gamer. If the forum is dying (which u think it is shaft) that will add to the coolness of the forum &people still left hanging around. We could be like an underground rogue website - that has you solve a puzzle b4 you can view content.
4.) Uhhhh. yes. probably more or less frequent but yes. I haven't taken a prolonged absence like more GR'rs do - so i think I may be due for one soon. But Urban WILL Return. stronger, wiser, and build to last!

This is more a questionnaire than a census
Where are the demographics questions?
Age, Race, Gender, Occupation, Political Affiliation, Virginity status, games owned, games played, games reviewed, events blogged, per day/per week/per month visit

Side question: Are Hispanics allowed to participate in this census or are they stonewalled here too? and on for over 8 years now. not usually a regular anymore; ive posted more in the past couple of weeks than i have in a year. ill post if i have to something to say or to contribute.

3.what would breathe some life into gr? well, gr seems cyclical. a period of good posts and topics followed by periods of direness. good posters will leave, or post less, and a bunch of kids who post in text speak will move in. and then they get bored, leave, and some of the vets return or some of the new guys turn out to be good. in answer to the question, i say be patient. business will pick up again.

4.ill still be around. i may not post as much as i used to, but i still poke my head in here and there.
1. since May of 2001
2. while I do post elsewhere, and even though I've gone without posting extra detail about my personal life on GR, I do feel I've more history here (if you can call it that) than anywhere else online. If I'm stingy with the details here, I'm nearly nonexistent there. That probably has something to do with it, too.
3. New color scheme, getting the Reviewers (dUKE and company) to post in the forums more often, allowing flash embedding on the forums, then open a Porn Videos / Ex Girlfriend's Pictures forum
4. Yeah. I think we've all asked ourself this question but I figure, for me, it's become why not stop and say hello from time to time. What would be the point in stopping, there's no one to impress - or even to not impress - by doing so.

Things are on cruise control, but they're still going. But because you no longer post doesn't make it a ghost town. I was sure this place would crawl in a hole and die when I stopped posting regularly, instead I've found that the "new" guys (read: old guys?) have already made it their own.
We have our stories and times, and a lot of what still goes on today was stuff the community started years ago. They've adopted it, though they didn't have to - you really can't ask for much more than that.
Plus Gr's overall feel is still one of a happy moderate - content, even - compared to what's going on in community led forums today. I could see how things have become too benign for some... I call that a nice change of pace.

census race questionnaire
• non-white?
• latin?
• hispanic origin?
• hispanolia?
• wanna wanna, wanna Fanta?
Then Fill in White.


I filled in Black!
1: Since i broke through the time portal of space. I know it's too much for your puny 21st century mind to comprehend ape man
2: My masters sent me back from time to the past future of the present to find the one that will fast forward the now into the then which sill be soon.
3: Ask my masters, for they have transcend life into death.
4: Only batman knows.
Chris_Crime said:
3. getting the Reviewers (dUKE and company) to post in the forums more often

Also, some organized In-Game events would work, but we have a wide range of Console to PC gamers, so that might be a little tough. I'm sure some of the people who visit the site but don't post might participate. ( there are like 200 people that participate in those polls on the side of the page - im guessing we could get at least 10 out for a game.)
1. 4 years and a few months on forums. Since '98 on cheats.
2. Because I love you guys.
3. Striptease of the following: Used
4. Yes.
1. coming up on 7 years this june...

2. no, not really

3. hmmm. i cant really say. some discussions here are great, some are self-serving inside joke shit that i could care less for.

4. probably as mch as i have in the last 6 months

5. i'm white, and it's RIGHT!!!

1. Way too long.

2. No idea. I guess it's just what I do.

3. There's nothing WE can do about it. Only shit Duke can do about it. Like bring back the black, maybe tie more of the contests and shit in with the forums, all that good stuff. All we really need is just a little bit of new blood. That's it.

4. Probably. long have you been posting at the GR forums?
...Like 3 years?
2.Why do you still post here?
Because i've got no where else to go/Nothing better to do.
3.What if anything do you feel could be done to breathe some life into GR?
Nothing. A bunch of new people coming in will only wreck everything. Maybe a new theme would be good... I know! instead of this conformist white, how about we be REVOLUTIONARIES and do the opposite... Black, if you will?
4.Do you think you will still be posting in the GR forums 6 months from now?
Probably. Unless i'm banned or get another girlfriend.
Shaft said:
so yeah now that this place is a ghost town...just curious to see who the last hanger ons are. So fill out this short questionnaire and be counted! long have you been posting at the GR forums
2.Why do you still post here?
3.What if anything do you feel could be done to breathe some life into GR?
4.Do you think you will still be posting in the GR forums 6 months from now?

1) 8 years, been here for a bit longer.
2) Good question. I like a few people, but nowadays a lot of it makes me scratch my head. Habit and a few people, i'll say. Also that you refuse to come to my chat, shaft :(
3) lol. Way too late.
4) Probably me and you, shaft. I dont think the site has that much of a future either (without serious overhaul anyway) so I'm happy to go down with the ship. long have you been posting at the GR forums

I think my first post was in 2008 but I joined way before then

2.Why do you still post here?

I don't tend to post but I usually peruse the forum topics a lot. In a way you guy are like a family to me that I watch from a tree outside.

3.What if anything do you feel could be done to breathe some life into GR?

Honestly I'm not sure. Video reviews would be a cool feature and more forum linked competitions. Maybe fresh blood in the forums would help and even a broader review staff? Maybe GR could start releasing a micro-magazine? ( ... media.html)

4.Do you think you will still be posting in the GR forums 6 months from now?

I'll almost certainly still be reading them.
Shaft said: long have you been posting at the GR forums
2.Why do you still post here?
3.What if anything do you feel could be done to breathe some life into GR?
4.Do you think you will still be posting in the GR forums 6 months from now?
1. Um...whatever it says under my avatar?
2. Because when I'm on a break from GR (about a week or so) someone likes to make topics, "I miss Ugh..." I'm also still posting here because there is only one UghRochester 'round hur.
3. Whatever Chris_Crime said...except for the porn/ex girlfriend picture...Did you want to be blamed for someone's suicide?
4. It depends If I become a vegetable or not.
Dang, Shaft, what's your score on the depression test?

1. I've been here for about a year and a half, read the forums for about a half a year before posting.
2. Habit, and the laughs I get here are worth the minimal time investment. The great thing about being a member of a forum is that you don't have any true responsibility or commitment. It's just chatting with people you share a common interest with.
3. Website: It seems like they're putting a lot of time into creating a "legitimate" look, while not scoring those big items (reviews, exclusives, etc.) that other sites get. I still think that GR has some of the most objective reviews, and they usually have a good laugh as well. They have actually had some sweet contest prizes in the last year. I would love to see more time put into Manifestos and making them more team projects. The GR Staff is a GReat staff, funny, informed and invested, this is their baby and I imagine a sense of pride will keep them in it.
Forum: People need to post more and stop taking a back seat, if we want to revive the forum. It seems like there are tons of people who pop out of the woodwork for a five word comment, tons of people who whine about not having enough new threads, tons who complain about the quality of threads...but noone who makes a concentrated effort to post threads that they themselves would like to have in the forum. And when some does post something different, some people respond negatively. (Just recently Grey, I think, started a British politics thread. I have no clue about that crap, but I've enjoyed reading a local perspective.) Also, acting like a dick is cool as long as there is a reason, or it's humorous, otherwise it hurts the forum and drives people off unneccesarily
4. Lot of life changes are potentially happening this summer, but like I said it doesn't take a lot of commitment to participate. Very little effort to open a tab and check in. Plus, I enjoy conversating with y'all.
1. Two years in 8 days.

2. Like a few people, networking, the occasional intellectual conversation that is better than the porn spam threads filling 4chan now that summer is upon us.

3. I'm constantly trying to create topics that generate conversation. Usually these fail.

4. If certain people leave, then yes. As for the status of GR, they recently received a major design overhaul. That is not something you give to a dying product. I feel that so long as they start creating more unique articles (such as the morality article on the homepage) rather than just focusing on generic reviews, they have a chance of surviving.
Shaft said:
so yeah now that this place is a ghost town...just curious to see who the last hanger ons are. So fill out this short questionnaire and be counted! long have you been posting at the GR forums
2.Why do you still post here?
3.What if anything do you feel could be done to breathe some life into GR?
4.Do you think you will still be posting in the GR forums 6 months from now?

1. 9-10 years maybe, can't remember.
2. i rarely do, it's just one of the sites in my internet rotation when i'm bored. occasionally there is a thread that peaks my interest
3. less strict moderation
5. i'll probably never stop

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