GR census


Did you add me? my gamertag is the same as my username here.

@The Big Cheese

I think what we need is to set up the details, the date, the time, and think of a good way to advertise it to the rest of the GR members and we should be set. Doesn't matter if the Staff come either, we'd just have a big Xbox live GR member party.

But I'm probably getting too ahead of the myself, who's up for the idea?
1. I have been posting for... four years? I think it's four.

2. I think it's a habit by now.

3. I have been wanting to start a forum game in the Nintendo forum for some time now. I seem to never get around to doing it.

4. I will always lurk and poke my head into a topic if it catches my interest from time to time. I'll be here as long as it takes to find out how Mattay's sprite comic ends! That might be awhile. ;)

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