So, the one mission that was paying out 9k each time got changed to 3k. Which makes more sense, but still.

Despite how much Rockstar has been saying "This game isn't going to be pay to win!" they really don't seem to like people actually making money. Considering you lose two grand every single time you die, it's not just "I'm impatient with making money". I want to actually be able to buy shit after playing online for the last 20 hours.
Longo_2_guns said:
So, the one mission that was paying out 9k each time got changed to 3k. Which makes more sense, but still.

Despite how much Rockstar has been saying "This game isn't going to be pay to win!" they really don't seem to like people actually making money. Considering you lose two grand every single time you die, it's not just "I'm impatient with making money". I want to actually be able to buy shit after playing online for the last 20 hours.

So does it feel like free to play models? I know GTA V Online doesn't have a subscription but it appears to me like they really really want to make you spend real money for ingame cash.
It definitely feels like they want you to. The fact that there's a dedicated button to it on the pause menu is an indicator of that.

Though part of it is just that the payout for every mission is so low, and they're going "LOOK AT ALL THE COOL STUFF YOU COULD DO WITH MONEY!" when you have to play for 30 hours just to get some of the more basic things.
I think he's being sarcastic.

Regardless, 1) who BUYS apartments? And 2) the high costs wouldn't bother me if it was easier to get money.
Why is it so hard to get money illegally, anyway?
Step 1.) Steal bugatti
Step 2.) Remove tyres
Step 3.) Sell for $10k a set
Repeat as desired.
Well Im online now and probably will be this weekend since I am now done with tests for awhile would love to play with some of you guys
Fuck. Accidentally spent 25000 to put the crew symbol on some random car. It wasn't even my personal car.... That's like all my bank account. How are people getting to repeat these high-pay missions over and over?
Rockstar just patched it out.

Because even though characters are being deleted and the cloud server is an absolute mess, Rockstar's number one priority is making sure people can't repeat missions.
So, I figured out what that means is that it's now impossible to repeat missions no matter what.

If you're doing a mission you enjoy where you have to go out and assassinate someone, and you want to replay it with your friends, guess what? You can't anymore, because Rockstar doesn't want you to be able to get money!

As fun as GTA:Online is, Rockstar's handling of it is a fucking travesty.

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