Fallout 4

Yeah, one of the things I've been enjoying the most about the game so far are all the little side stories and sub plots going on. I've done a few of them and found them pretty entertaining.

What is most impressive is that you can go into a place like this one school (I won't spoil it) and just by seeing whats inside and reading through logs you get half the story of what happened, but enough of a clear idea to imagine the rest of what happened. I enjoy that quite a bit where the story gives you just enough information and lets your imagination do the rest.

As for the settlements, I have multiple ones up and running now and I still have no idea what they are for other than to be a time sink.


Speaking of settlements, I just found out something the hard way. When I was setting mine up, I thought I would be clever and build walls around them so they would be well defended and attackers would have to go through a choke point where they would be met by turrets

Turns out this was a absolute gigantic waste of time and resources because when the settlement gets attacked, the enemies spawn pretty much in the center of the settlement which I find stupid as hell. Or even more hilariously stupid is if there are enemies outside the wall, the settlers and enemies will just try to run though it and try to kill each other though the wall like fucking morons.

And even with several heavy machine gun turrets, you can expect to lose most if not all of your settlers if you fail to come to the rescue. And thanks to what only can be a bug, I'm not getting messages popping up when they are getting attacked, only getting pop ups for failing to defend.

Needless to say, I'm kinda pissed and am pretty much done with that part of the game. They can all burn.
I'm just caring about one settlement being Sanctuary to be honest. Not caring about any others. It is too much.

And that is dumb Nate, I agree. I've been putting turrets along the edges of my settlement thinking that's where they'll be coming from. In the middle they will be then!
I like robbaz idea, just focus on making 1 big base.
Of course, his idea of a 'base' is 'doom fortress'

And yeah, i definitely agree they should have focused more on less, more detailed building areas rather than just slapping them all over the place.
I just want a nice, flat field out in the middle of nowhere with a positionable workshop bench and some almost-pre-war spec items, even if they're expensive.
madster111 said:
I like robbaz idea, just focus on making 1 big base.
Of course, his idea of a 'base' is 'doom fortress'

And yeah, i definitely agree they should have focused more on less, more detailed building areas rather than just slapping them all over the place.
I just want a nice, flat field out in the middle of nowhere with a positionable workshop bench and some almost-pre-war spec items, even if they're expensive.

I will say I like the diversity of the areas you get. There is at least some play with them that way, although it makes building anything a pain in the ass.

I should know...I built like ten settlements and are now babysitting them every so often to make sure the residents don't kill each other.
madster111 said:
I like robbaz idea, just focus on making 1 big base.
Of course, his idea of a 'base' is 'doom fortress'

And yeah, i definitely agree they should have focused more on less, more detailed building areas rather than just slapping them all over the place.
I just want a nice, flat field out in the middle of nowhere with a positionable workshop bench and some almost-pre-war spec items, even if they're expensive.

I think that's the best advice. Pick the one settlement you like the best and go hog wild on it so you have a cool looking home base where you can send companions and keep all your extra stuff.

But I almost fell out of my chair when I heard him say the AI is better this time around. If only he could have witnessed the epic battle that took place at my settlement in the screenshot above. There, my settlers and a group of gunners spent a solid 5 minutes of trying to shoot each other though solid walls. When that failed, they then tried to gun bash each other to death through those walls. This probably would've gone on a lot longer had I not put the poor gunners out of their misery. Better AI indeed, hah.
I made a settlement specifically for my companions. I sent them all there by themselves with no other settlers.
Don't mess with the General.

I lost Dogmeat :^( I thought I sent him to Sanctuary Hills, but he wasn't there nor was he at Red Rocket.
Ahh... the guass rifle. For those hard to kill enemies.

UghRochester said:
I lost Dogmeat :^( I thought I sent him to Sanctuary Hills, but he wasn't there nor was he at Red Rocket.

He usually appear in a dog house. I heard if you destroy all the doghouses except for one then he'll show up there eventually.
That rifle looks amazing. I need it.

I've noticed the happiness level in my main settlement is dropping. How can we improve it? Is there any negative affects on community happiness dropping?
Master_Craig said:
That rifle looks amazing. I need it.

I've noticed the happiness level in my main settlement is dropping. How can we improve it? Is there any negative affects on community happiness dropping?

I'm having the same problem.

The happiness level in my Sanctuary hovers between around 40-50% and nothing I do or build seems to help. The have tons of food, water, power, defense, beds. I've wired all the houses with lights and tv's. I've put decorations up and even built vendor stands.

I don't know what else to do at this point.
Mine is in the 70% area. It was in 86% happiness, then I left town to find scrap and do side quests and suddenly, I return to sanctuary being at 73%. 73 down from 86 is a big drop.

I've done the same thing... my settlement has lots of food, water, power, bedding, heaps of defense (like nearly 200 points worth) and the homes have decorations of various sorts - TVs, radios, paintings etc. I've also began to build other vendors as well like clothing and such.

I've got 17 people in my settlement. Does anyone know what the max count is? Also I've reached probably three quarters of the maximum building bar. Slowly expanding to what I can.
Hey, C_nate, Jessica was experiencing some of the same problems. She had to completely scrap the settlement and start from scratch before it worked again.

Still don't have that Gauss Rifle. Can't believe I haven't found one yet. :(
I just ignore the complaining assholes in sanctuary. 'wah we have clean water and tons of food and clean beds and lights and tons of activities! Only 44% happy!'
Bloody sooks.

I also found out that Justice is absolutely insane when you go hard with the upgrades, i had difficulty with a certain sentry bot and initially tried the minigun and when that didn't cut it (and my reload and attempt to lay mine ended in pain for all), took like 4 shots to the head and it was just done.

Does anyone else feel like playing Shoot to Thrill all the time? I show up to a settlement in my minuteman armor, do a running sprint drop 50m off a cliff and land in front of them, shaking the entire earth before casually stepping out in my general outfit with a .44 and just want my character to look smug and be all 'yeah i'm a fucking badass what of it'
Like i just want him to rock up with the music blaring and like fireworks going off in the background and everything, maybe a pair of mini nukes go off just behind on either side and everyone else flinches while he just smiles slightly

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