Would you rather...

Hey! Listen! I'll pick the Unicorn since Navi's advice was almost useless. Especially in the dungeons. "Try to keep moving Link!" Yeah thanks, but how about you help me find the damn key!

Would you rather eat nothing but fast food becoming morbidly obese for the rest of your life and never exercise, suffering all the health consequences (and no you can't eat the healthy options like salads and water) OR starve yourself into becoming anerexic for the rest of your life with all the health consequences and eating only enough so that you don't die from it.
I'd have to be anorexic. It'd at least be easier to manage than morbid obesity.

Would you rather shit out a softball, or piss out a marble?
Paradox said:
Would you rather shit out a softball, or piss out a marble?

Thats rough and tough to call... I say shit a softball, but i had to give it some serious though.

On a lighter note.

Would you rather marry:
Paula Patton


Thandie Newton
Leg! Then I have an excuse to not drive, not walk lots, and I can game with two arms! Plus people have to get shit for me!!

Would you rather have Ron Jeremy give you a spongebath, or look at his erect penis 1cm away from your mouth for 10 seconds?
Is he clothed? Because if so, sponge bath. A few millimeters of clothes would make all of the difference. Since the fear here is accidentally coming in contact I would rather it was with a troused trouser snake.

Would you rather be physically trapped where you could see people and they couldnt detect you to save you


Be trapped in a social living situation with horrible people you could never escape?
vrj_rrls_2015 said:
Cheetos Fingers I don't want something in my throat forever


Put me in a bad social living situation again. Its not great - but you can carve out your own nest and not interact with the idiots. Being completely isolated would suck.

Would you rather be one inch above the poverty line doing something you love, your passion for the rest of your life?


Would you work a job that you hated, surrounded by passive aggressive people you despised just to live in the 1% and not have to worry about money.
I'd rather be happy and broke than miserable and rich so I'll say no to the 1%

Would you rather have one thousand papercuts or one thousand misquto bites?

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