Would you rather...


Soaring Phoenix
...Have Cheetos fingers for the rest of your life or have a popcorn kernel stuck in the back of your throat for the rest of your life?

You have to choose one. I'll give my answer (when, if) this catches on with anyone and welcome submissions from anyone else.
That's easy: Cheetos fingers. I would rather be cursed with a voodoo doll for eternity than have something stuck in my throat.

All I can think about is this:

Now, the real question is, would you rather have a popcorn kernel or a pubic hair stuck in the back of your throat?
Kernel because a pubic hair is more disgusting.

Would you rather have amazing sex for the rest of your life with your dream girl but work a dead end job you hate with very little pay OR become a billionaire who can have any woman you want but you also have uncureable erectile dysfunction?
I already have uncurable erectile dysfunction, may as well be a billionaire also.

Would you rather only eat white rice with no sauces for a month or eat plain pasta with no sauces for a month?
Gonna have to pick the rice. I like it anyway and I'd think the sauceless noodles would become a solid sticky mass.

Would you rather use sandpaper as toilet paper or hot sauce as eye drops?
Haha Pradox yours are mean! I'll take the fucking eye drops!

Would you rather have your best friends' bell end for a tongue, or your mum's clit as nipples? (With all the sensitivity and everything!)
Easy.. moms clit as nipples

Would you rather be immortal with no sex drive, or a young billionaire who gets terminal cancer at 30.

I'd go immortal. If I had no sex drive, I wouldn't really feel like I was missing out on anything anyway.

Would you rather never have access to the internet or have Nicolas Cage always be within 1 meter of you.
No internet...people lived without it before! And Nic Cage watching me wank is not good!

Would you rather play Spyro the Dragon knowing you will NEVER play Crash Bandicoot again? Or play Crash Bandicoot knowing you'll NEVER play Spyro again?
I'd take Spyro because I never played it, and didn't care much for the Crash that I did play.

Would you rather have permanent clown face or have permanent clown clothes?
Clown Face.. because you can still be badass, where as with the clothing.. you're a tool.

You get to access and play any game you want for free for the rest of your lifeBUT: You either play Multiplayer or Singleplayer mode from here on in. So Would you rather have the Multiplayer experience forever or the Singleplayer experience (MMORPG's - PVP only or PVE only).
Single player experience. I prefer single player games over multiplayer games nowadays anyway. Witcher 3, Batman: Arkham Knight, Dragon Age: Inquisition etc...

Would you rather get kicked in the crotch ten times in a row, and in turn receive a thousand dollars?

Or would you rather kick someone you dislike in the crotch ten times in a row and suffer no consequences for it?
Depends how bad I need the money. But right now I'll say yes to kicking some else.

Would you rather go back in time and change one mistake you regret or go forward in time and prevent a mistake you will regret?
I'm a whore so I'd get kicked in the nuts ten times for a grand. Probably wouldn't feel anything after the first couple anyway.

And after the day I've had, back in time for sure. "Hey past me: DON'T. DATE. HER. Just tell her you like to fuck goats or something.

Now this one requires some visualization on what your day to day life would be like. Read it a couple of times if you need too: Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers, or have fingers as long as your legs?
A child, of course. No responsibilities, no existential thoughts about death, and best of all, Saturday morning cartoons.

Here's one I love: Would you rather spend a summer in Europe with all expenses paid or ten minutes on the moon?
The Moon...I can get a summer in Europe quite easily though!

Would you rather eat nothing but tuna for 10 years, or have crabs for 5 years?

(I'm out of ideas)
Crab, I love Crab - but none of that imitation crap - plus I'd become a crab connoisseur.

You're a prisoner at GitMo. The guards are physically torturing you by day, and mentally torturing you with music by night. They play deafeninlyg loud music during the night, but one guard is sympathetic to your plight and he gives you a choice between two songs.

You can either listen to one of the following at insanely loud volumes:

Barbie Girl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyhrYis509A
Friday (Death metal version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pi00ykRg_5c

for the duration of your indefinite detention... pick wisely.
zaylin said:
I don't like both. It looks like octopus.

That's not how the game works, you have to choose one or the other.

I'll have to choose Friday. The metal voice is much more tolerable than Barbie Girl.

Would you rather have explosive diarrhea for the rest of your life, or eat a big bowl of poop just once?

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