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I caved to the whims of my children and bought the Labo after doing a couple trade ins.

Its actually a lot of fun. I had a great weekend building the little projects with my three kids and honestly that has been the most engaging part of it. Will this revilutionize anything? Nah. But has it been fun? Oh yeah

I've been interested in getting one of those "Labo" things. I'm not sure if I can justify it because it seems more like a party accessory (would that be fair to say?) and the only person I would have to play with is my partner. We don't have friends over at our place often enough, but it sounds perfect if you have children who play video games.

I've watched someone streamed God of War from finish to end and even though I was watching it, I enjoyed the story. Kratos isn't a caricature of anger or rage anymore.

Other than that, I've been trying to finish off Pillars of Eternity before Battletech and Frostpunk gets released on Tuesday.

I heard God of War is very popular on Twitch. I'm still unsure as to how far I am in the game, the game doesn't give you any indicator in regards to your play time, and apparently the game can take anywhere from twenty to forty hours to finish, depending on how long you spend exploring, doing side quests etc.

Pillars of Eternity is a good game. Well... to be honest, I didn't actually finish it, I gave up near the end, but its sequel is out soon and I hope the sequel is a lot more polished. I like old school RPGs like that.
So I got a PS4 Pro with the 20% off Target coupon...so now I need to figure out my playing list. Start P5 or Horizon over or something else like God of War


I reckon go God of War, or Horizon Zero Dawn. I've never played Persona 5 so I can't say, although I've been told that I'm missing out on an awesome game.
I think the camera is going to take some getting used to in God of War. I felt similarly with Witcher 3, where it has a unique 3rd person camera and I was just like, "whoa yuck my eyes are crossing" but then it eventually clicked.
I've never played Persona 5 so I can't say, although I've been told that I'm missing out on an awesome game.

Yep, you are!

I'm about 85 hours or so in now, and nearing the end from what I can tell. Will probably wrap up somewhere near 100 hours, and it has almost all been entertaining. Some of the dungeon grinding can be a bit tiresome.
Labo is not incredibly deep. But we’re doing a lot a day where time permits to really stretch the enjoyment.

The kids are having a blast but I wouldn’t have bought it for just me.
I've been playing Rimworld and it's gotten me hooked. Trying to keep my poor psychotic colonists from starving to death is a lot funner than I thought it would be.
Powered up Devil May Cry 3.
Fuck this game is hard! And fuck that ice dog boss!

Haha, Cerberus! I remember that son of a bitch.

Devil May Cry 3 is quite hard. Interestingly, when DMC3 was released to Australia, America etc. the game's difficulty was altered. For some reason, our "Normal" mode, was the Japanese version's "Hard" mode. Why they did this, I have no idea. I heard in the Special Edition of DMC3, the developers changed it back to default, so our "Normal" was "Normal".

It's still a damn hard game, especially at first when you've got so little upgrades. As much as I loved DMC3 back in the day, the biggest issue I had with the game was that you couldn't change Dante's fighting styles on the fly like you could in DMC4, that you had to do it either at the very beginning of a level, or when you find one of those golden statue shop things.
I heard God of War is very popular on Twitch. I'm still unsure as to how far I am in the game, the game doesn't give you any indicator in regards to your play time, and apparently the game can take anywhere from twenty to forty hours to finish, depending on how long you spend exploring, doing side quests etc.

Pillars of Eternity is a good game. Well... to be honest, I didn't actually finish it, I gave up near the end, but its sequel is out soon and I hope the sequel is a lot more polished. I like old school RPGs like that.

You should try the Divinity: Original Sin series. You might enjoy it.

ATM I'm playing both Frostpunk and Battletech. Frostpunk is a steampunk city survival game. Made by the same guys who made This War of Mine. Depressing people really. Battletech is a turn based game similar to XCOM where you have to manage a mercenary group in the Battletech/Mechwarrior universe. I dig the business side of the game. You'll feel triumphant when you when a mission with only two seriously damaged mech left then coil in horror when you realize how much the repair bill is going to be.
You should try the Divinity: Original Sin series. You might enjoy it.

ATM I'm playing both Frostpunk and Battletech. Frostpunk is a steampunk city survival game. Made by the same guys who made This War of Mine. Depressing people really. Battletech is a turn based game similar to XCOM where you have to manage a mercenary group in the Battletech/Mechwarrior universe. I dig the business side of the game. You'll feel triumphant when you when a mission with only two seriously damaged mech left then coil in horror when you realize how much the repair bill is going to be.

What’s your favorite of the two so far? I’ve been looking at both to pick up but not sure which one first
I've finished God of War and I've finished most of the side quests, particularly a hidden but difficult element which I finally managed to achieve last night. I think for now, I'm pretty much done with the game.

I'm hoping they eventually release some cool, story DLC like The Witcher or something. We'll see.

In the meantime, I don't have anything to play. I could go back to trying to play The Last Guardian, but I had a lot of trouble getting into that game... maybe return to Shadows of the Colossus? I was playing Mad Max (as it was free on PS Plus) but I think I'll uninstall that game... it feels more repetitive than when I last played it and I was pretty much only playing it while waiting for God of War. Kinda sad when I say it like that.
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Soon I shall be playing various SNES games, as my wife was able to snag a SNES Classic at a ThinkGeek store!

Be sure to look up the rom hack for the Classic. It’s super easy to do and now I have access to pretty much any SNES game in its library, the only thing holding it back it the Classic’s harderive space, but there’s still enough room for like 300+ games.
Be sure to look up the rom hack for the Classic. It’s super easy to do and now I have access to pretty much any SNES game in its library, the only thing holding it back it the Classic’s harderive space, but there’s still enough room for like 300+ games.

I've heard that there's a chance you can brick your console doing this? Or is the process pretty solid and easy so that won't happen?

Because I'd love to have more games.

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