What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

I got to the wedding in Sleeping Dogs and I just had to... stop.
I don't know if I can do this again.

I also just surpassed 400 hours in R6 Siege and have been killing time with Totally Accurate Battlegrounds, which is the first battle royale that's actually really fun.
I ended up trading in some old games that I don't play anymore and thus, caved in and bought Vampyr. If I'm not happy with the game, I'll take it back within ten days to get a full refund.

It's... different.

The beginning sucks and is fairly boring, but it does get better as you get into the game. The presentation of the game is odd. It looks good, but can look bad, very quickly. The character models look like they're from the PS3 era of 2011, and the animations look pretty shoddy. The combat is quite tough, especially if you're playing a "good" path.

The social system, interacting with other NPCs and the story however, seems quite interesting. Exploration isn't bad either, even though it's kinda... well at this stage, mostly the samey-streets of rainy London at night.

I'll keep playing and see how I go.

I also bought and downloaded Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition, because I saw it on PSN for like... ten bucks, so I figured why not. Upon playing it, I realized it was a waste of my time, money and download, as ten years on from the game's original release, it feels incredibly repetitive and I do not have an urge to play anymore than the third level.
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I picked up Prey in the Steam sale.
Oh man.
This game rules.

Like, it's definitely not for everyone. It's slow and deep, but it feels like the best parts of Deus Ex, Bioshock, Alien Isolation, and Dishonored all thrown into one.
Which, hey, works for me!
It's seriously the most underrated game in 2017. All I've heard about it was that it's a reboot to the 2006 Prey and not the Prey 2 that everyone wanted.
I've been re-playing and learning a difficult SMW romhack called "Grand Poo World" dedicated to an amazing speedrunner, GrandPooBear. I spent over 200 hours on the hack itself, now I'm wanting to get a good speedrun time before Grand Poo World 2 comes out.
I'll be taking Vampyr back today after work to get a full refund. Unfortunately, it's just not grabbing or maintaining my attention. I want to like it, but I can't.

I've honestly been playing Fortnight on PS4. It's alright, I tend to mostly play on solo and occasionally I'll play with friends. I find it's fun when I just enter areas of chaos and look for fights.
I'll be taking Vampyr back today after work to get a full refund. Unfortunately, it's just not grabbing or maintaining my attention. I want to like it, but I can't.

I've honestly been playing Fortnight on PS4. It's alright, I tend to mostly play on solo and occasionally I'll play with friends. I find it's fun when I just enter areas of chaos and look for fights.
I have found myself playing a lot of Fortnite recently, i've had the most fun playing in squads with friends. The limited time modes that change frequently are also pretty fun.
I took Vampyr back, got my money back on a gift card. I'm either gonna put it towards a new game (maybe Spider-Man come this September) or possibly the new Darth Vader helmet for my cosplay.
Been playing The Bard's Tale on my Vita. Had a lot of fun with the game back on the PS2. The gameplay is nothing stellar, but the songs and script are quite funny, especially with the vocal talents of Cary Elwes and Tony Jay. Just finished it on normal difficulty, tempted to run through it one more time on hard.
A ton of MLB the Show 18. Playing though a franchise season without simulating at all because I'm insane.

Bunches of PUBG on xbox and that's about it.

@Bretimus_v2, how is Aces? I tried the beta/demo tournament thing and thought it was.. fine
For the most part, I'm still just playing Fortnite. It's alright. I mostly play solo and occasionally with friends. I got second place in solo the other day which is pretty cool, and in one game, I scored eight kills by myself, so I am getting better. I need to learn how to build better (I am using the "Builder Pro" control scheme, which is really helpful).
I'm currently playing Total Warhammer 2 as the skaven this time around, yes-yes!

I'm also replaying a lot of the older mechwarrior games. Some of the intro are super cheesy like:


A ton of MLB the Show 18. Playing though a franchise season without simulating at all because I'm insane.

Bunches of PUBG on xbox and that's about it.

@Bretimus_v2, how is Aces? I tried the beta/demo tournament thing and thought it was.. fine
How does PUBG run on the xbox? Is it worth the $?
I'm a bit over Fortnite, and I had a huge urge to fire up The Last of Us: Remastered for PS4. Goddamn, I love this game.
I play vampyr and I think it's the surprise of the year for me with an excellent atmosphere, a good fighting system, a gripping story, charismatic characters and good gameplay.
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How does PUBG run on the xbox? Is it worth the $?

It runs pretty well. Waaaaaay better than it did at launch. But unless you're playing it with friends, I don't see a reason to play it on xbox over pc.
A ton of MLB the Show 18. Playing though a franchise season without simulating at all because I'm insane.

Bunches of PUBG on xbox and that's about it.

@Bretimus_v2, how is Aces? I tried the beta/demo tournament thing and thought it was.. fine
It’s just ok. The Syory mode is there but it’s a rotation of four events that you
do five times at increasing difficulty. The play is solid though. You start with a fairly full roster and after beating Story you have five or so courts that you can mix it up on. My complaint is you randomly get assigned a court. But the new super shot makes for an interesting mechanic that really rewards the people who use charge shots a lot.

But I have fun playing it and it’s a nice upgrade from the N64 version my kids and I play in the basement. I would buy it if you have people to play against or will play it online.

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