What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

I’ve actually really enjoyed the story modes. Especially since most fighters lose value when other people aren’t around to play.
Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat X had enjoyable story modes. They've probably got the best stories for fighting games (aside from Injustice, but to be fair, same format and same developers). I know that's not saying too much, but I feel like the developers put in a pretty good effort.
Started a new playthrough of Red Dead Redemption since it just came out on backwards compatability, and with the One X enhanced version is looks great for such an old game. Like it could almost be passed as a current game.
Since finishing God of War, I haven't been playing -any- video games, at all.

How about the rest of you? What're you all playing? :P
So I tried out Dota 2 for the first time this weekend. I actually enjoy it from a long time HotS player it definitely seems to have more strategy involved than HotS.
Still having a lot of fun with God of war. I’m currently focusing on all the techniques I purchased and never mastered. It is a really cool game and getting beyond button mashing has made strides in my play.
Still having a lot of fun with God of war. I’m currently focusing on all the techniques I purchased and never mastered. It is a really cool game and getting beyond button mashing has made strides in my play.

What I like about God of War's combat, is that it's quite simple yet at the same time, deep and effective. There's a lot to it and once you acquire more techniques, gain specific techniques (and level it all up as well) while learning to parry and utilize Atreus, it really becomes a whole bag of fun.
Yeah launching and juggling is really fun. Having to be precise with Kratos instead of swinging crazy chains at 3/4 of the screen feels a lot more rewarding.
I had the most fun battling the Valkyries, have you fought them yet? I found them to be the most challenging yet satisfying enemies to fight. While they were hard, they weren't unfair, and you essentially had to make use of all of Kratos' abilities as well as near-precise combat.
I've started playing Batman: Arkham Knight again on the PS4. Felt a bit inspired after watching a few Batman films over the weekend.

While it is the most "fun" Batman game in terms of game play, it's story is quite weak and I forgot just how frustrating the Batmobile is. It's kinda fun to drive around but when the game forces you into puzzle-solving with the Batmobile, it quickly becomes a bit of a drag. Fighting all those drone-tanks (how convenient for Batman that they're unmanned) feels like an entirely different game that's not Batman.
Got South Park: The Stick of Truth.

Great as South Park entertainment! The actual gameplay gets a bit old, but is worth it for the South Park humour alon for me!
Got South Park: The Stick of Truth.

Great as South Park entertainment! The actual gameplay gets a bit old, but is worth it for the South Park humour alon for me!

I liked Stick of Truth, but there was one quest which put me off the game because it was way too hard. Maybe I was under leveled at the time. It's an amazing looking game, looks exactly like the TV show (which is a really cool aesthetic).
I think I know exactly what mission you're talking about.

And I picked up Sleeping Dogs for cheap, so I'm going through that again for the first time since it came out and I still love it. Definitely one of the best open world games ever made.
I'm back! 6 months of not being able to log in to this site has prevented me from staying active here. I posted a lengthy complaint in the support section of the forum.

Anyways, God of War is the single best game to be released this entire generation hands down, no questions asked. Sony is killing it with exclusives this generation and they are probably going to be the clear winners here with Microsoft having nothing exciting to ever be released except Forza and...Forza? My Xbox One S has sat unused for months.

I finished building my high-end gaming PC over the last few months, so I'm back to PC gaming mainly. I've been on a God of War kick and I finished Chains of Olympus, God of War 1 (both on Vita), and God of War III Remastered. I'm currently getting through God of War II and playing some PSP games.
I'm not sure about "this generation" to be honest but at the very least, I do agree that God of War is an absolutely amazing, near-perfect game and I would say that it's a strong contender for Game of the Year 2018. At the moment, it -is- my Game of the Year for '18. I would estimate that the only game to potentially top God of War in 2018 would be Red Dead Redemption 2, but we'll see.

Good to see you back on the forums, Ivory_Soul. :)

I haven't played any games (like Batman: Arkham Knight) since the weekend. I've been doing a lot of drawing lately, which I've been spamming the self promotion thread with.
Playing Vampyr on PC right now. It's really interesting yet a little bit clunky, but still enjoyable. Some of the reviews are quite unfair.
I'm still rolling with Batman: Arkham Knight. Closing in on the story's finale.

I forgot how bad some of the Batmobile segments are.

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