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I got Far Cry 5, and I've basically been playing it nonstop.
Honestly it's easily the best Far Cry game, and definitely feels the most organic out of all of them. I also love how brutal the difficulty is right off the bat (at least on Hard) since the other games had a serious lack of enemy variety.
Also getting rid of the crafting system and replacing it with perks is an absolutely welcome change. Sure it's way slower to get all the holsters and max health, but totally worth it.
So far in Far Cry 5 I’ve taken out Jacob and John and am working through Faith’s region. I think John is the better antagonist over Jacob, however Jacob’s region was a lot more fun I thought. I do like how each region has its own unique characteristics, like in John’s region since he is more religious than Jacob there always Peggie gospels singing over the radios, and Jacob has hunters with wolf pets throughout.
More people than I thought got Far Cry 5...thought it would be a bit of a flop! Actually good to hear it isn't.

I'm gonna start a Devil May Cry 2 run tonight. Rather excited.
Started DMC2, already bored so might take a break from DMC.

I bought the Burnout Paradise Remaster on a whim - and am fucking loving it!
I'm close to the end of Divinity 2 with my party. It's been a wild ride, and it's definitely one of the best RPGs I've ever played. It might even be the best. I'm also writing a feature about how good it is, which will go live next week.
I read that Divinity 2 is heading to the PS4 and X Box One. It's pretty exciting to see new players getting the chance to play the game.

I've been playing PUBG with the fellas. Ni no Kuni 2, modded Fallout 4, and some various other games solo.
I'm playing God of War for review and it's great. Paul talking about Divinity has got me itching to go back and beat both of those games. The next month or so is looking slim for new releases so I'm hoping to start clearing out some backlog after God of War.
I'm occasionally playing Far Cry 5 on co-op mode with my friend as well as my brother. In the meantime, I've started playing Mad Max again, as it's free on PS Plus.

Waiting for God of War. Looks good.
Okay, here's something interesting for all you Far Cry 5ers.
The Arcade posters around the map put you into special singleplayer maps that are really, really good. I did one that was a spooky maze, and it was great.
Still working my way through Persona 5. I'm almost 70 hours in now, and just entered October in game time. I have so much yet to do but feel like I'm running out of time!
I'm probably going to get God of War when it comes out next week. I've never really been a fan of the series (I only tried to play the first, original game and despite it being similar to Devil May Cry, which I enjoy, I just couldn't get into God of War) but apparently it's getting incredibly positive reviews and you don't need to play/know the previous games to get into this one. The "reboot" of its overall game play style is what many claim that the series needed and it looks like it's paid off.

Until then, I guess I'll play either Mad Max or some Far Cry 5 co-op.
God of War comes out this week. I can't wait.

Here's an old GR Strips we did when God of War was first revealed.

God of War for PS4. For the most part, I love it.

For a console game, the graphics and overall presentation is amazing, the soundtrack is great and the overall setting is really cool and creative. It's an obviously polished game as I've experienced no bugs or glitches. Its game play is solid too, with tight and responsive controls and a combat system that's simple yet at the same time, advanced, if that makes sense. I also enjoy how the game offers a lot of exploration with semi-open world elements, which can lead to finding bonuses to better your Kratos and Atreus. The game also has RPG-like mechanics, so you can earn experience points to acquire new skills, upgrade old/current ones, as well as finding resources and currency to buy new equipment, upgrade equipment etc. The plot and overall narrative is really engaging, I'm basically hooked. I have no idea how far I am, but so far, I really like it.

Despite my praise, no game is perfect and there are a few things that annoy me:

- The text in the user interface is stupidly tiny. I have a 40" LCD Sony Bravia that's 1080p in resolution and the text on screen is really hard to read. Apparently, a patch was released to magnify the text size, but I heard it's still unreadable. I'll check it out later on.

- Sometimes, the combat can get absolutely hectic, and the camera doesn't really help. The camera mostly sits in a close-ish, over the top shoulder (Last of Us) style, and when there's multiple enemies attacking you, it can be very hard to keep track of them all. Sometimes when you fight larger enemies, the camera will sorta zoom out, similar to the Batman: Arkham games.

- Occasional frame rate drop.

We have a strong contender for Game of the Year, here. It's only April but I dare say, this could be it already.
Honestly GoW is almost a system seller for me. If the new Spider-Man is really good, that's it. I'm in. Probably.
Or I could upgrade my PC.

MGSV was on sale for a whopping $5 on Humble Bundle, so I'm giving that one another go.
I caved to the whims of my children and bought the Labo after doing a couple trade ins.

Its actually a lot of fun. I had a great weekend building the little projects with my three kids and honestly that has been the most engaging part of it. Will this revilutionize anything? Nah. But has it been fun? Oh yeah
I've watched someone streamed God of War from finish to end and even though I was watching it, I enjoyed the story. Kratos isn't a caricature of anger or rage anymore.

Other than that, I've been trying to finish off Pillars of Eternity before Battletech and Frostpunk gets released on Tuesday.

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