What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

I'm playing through Yakuza 6 right now, and I'm loving it. I know the Japanese release got some criticism for being too "lean" an experience, but I'm really enjoying what's here. I do miss bowling and the claw machines, but the new baseball management and clan creator mini-games make up for it. It's not quite up to Yakuza 0 levels of goodness, but it's definitely a great game to play coming off the back of Yakuza Kiwami.
Started up Arkham Knight, and I gotta say that I like it quite a bit. Not as compact or solid as City, but absolutely wonderful in its own right.
Story is a bit too much... I dunno... drama? Silly melodrama? Could be better. But the gameplay is perfect.
Started up Arkham Knight, and I gotta say that I like it quite a bit. Not as compact or solid as City, but absolutely wonderful in its own right.
Story is a bit too much... I dunno... drama? Silly melodrama? Could be better. But the gameplay is perfect.

I loved Arkham Knight for its gameplay, but a common complaint (which I agree with) is "too much Batmobile". The story isn't as good as Arkham City because again, I agree that the drama was a bit too silly.

The whole tanks being piloted by A.I (drones) for the Batmobile to combat with heavy weapons is just... way too convenient for Batman.
Since Bloodborne is currently free on the PSN, I'm playing it again.

I just beat the third (optional) boss, the Blood Starved Beast. I forgot how much I love the general aesthetics and setting of this game.
Been playing Warhammer Vermintide 2 with a friend the last few days. It’s really quite fun, and surprisingly difficult even on the lowest difficulty.

Also started up Forza Horizon 3 again, and I’m thinking about jumping back into Bloodborne as I never got very far the first time I played it.
Been playing Warhammer Vermintide 2 with a friend the last few days. It’s really quite fun, and surprisingly difficult even on the lowest difficulty.

Also started up Forza Horizon 3 again, and I’m thinking about jumping back into Bloodborne as I never got very far the first time I played it.

Bloodborne is good. Some of the latest updates make the game a lot better. The Old Hunters DLC expansion pack is also on sale, too.

I'd like to play Warhammer: Vermintide, that looks fun. I heard it's like Left 4 Dead?
omg retro - I re-installed Age of Empires 2 as my 7 y/old found the box and wanted to play - got the Conquerors expansion - lots to do ... now as soon as the kids are in bed ... AOE2 time ... lol
Over 190 hours into the romhack I was playing (advice, don't play old games on an upscaled converter. Stick to a CRT) and now I'm finally at the Bowser fight. Just glad to be able to finish it soon.
Got Bloodborne free this month. Started it and I came to the conclusion that I need to finish everything else I'm kinda halfway through before I get going with this as it's fucking hard, and quite in-depth!

That said, I got Devil May Cry HD Collection and am playing the first. Lovely nostalgia!... And fuck those shadows!!
Got Bloodborne free this month. Started it and I came to the conclusion that I need to finish everything else I'm kinda halfway through before I get going with this as it's fucking hard, and quite in-depth!

That said, I got Devil May Cry HD Collection and am playing the first. Lovely nostalgia!... And fuck those shadows!!

I've been playing Bloodborne too and you're right, it is a damn hard game which requires a lot of time and focus.
I was playing more of Bloodborne on New Game Plus, but I got kinda bored and stopped.

What annoys me is with Bloodborne, once you've finished the game, it automatically pushes you into New Game Plus. You don't pick it from an options menu or anything like that, it just pushes you in... that means if I want to play The Old Hunters DLC, I have to play it in New Game Plus mode. The DLC isn't accessed via an option menu either. When you buy and install the DLC, it becomes a part of main game, meaning you have to reach a particular point in the story in order to access The Old Hunters. Meh.

I also downloaded Rime for free via PS Plus. It's okay, but it might be a little bit too slow for my liking.

Far Cry 5 comes out tomorrow. I'm pretty keen. I won't be able to buy it tomorrow as I have to work late, so I'll be sending my partner to swoop in and score my a copy. :P
I was playing more of Bloodborne on New Game Plus, but I got kinda bored and stopped.

What annoys me is with Bloodborne, once you've finished the game, it automatically pushes you into New Game Plus. You don't pick it from an options menu or anything like that, it just pushes you in... that means if I want to play The Old Hunters DLC, I have to play it in New Game Plus mode. The DLC isn't accessed via an option menu either. When you buy and install the DLC, it becomes a part of main game, meaning you have to reach a particular point in the story in order to access The Old Hunters. Meh.

That’s pretty much how it works in all the Souls games.
That’s pretty much how it works in all the Souls games.

Yeah man, I completely forgot. I should have known better, considering I've played and finished Dark Souls and Dark Souls II.

Interestingly though, in Dark Souls III, the game doesn't force you into new game plus, but rather gives you a choice to move into it once the credits finish rolling. If you choose no, then you'll stay in your normal game, but you can move onto new game plus via a bonfire. To be fair, DH3 didn't come along until after Bloodborne.
Got my hands on Far Cry 5 last night for PS4.

So far, I like it. The plot is pretty basic (it's Far Cry) but at this stage, interesting. I do like the concept and setting, plus I love the whole "play stealth, go loud if shit hits the fan" routine. I've only played for an hour or two but I like it.
I’m playing FC5 too. As Craig said it’s pretty much the same Far Cry as 3 and 4 but the setting is really interesting.

Plus the compound bow is OP as hell.
Overpowered bows is like a Far Cry tradition and I'm way into it.

I'll probably download it today and get started on playing it co-op with my brother, as we have for the last several FC games.
Yeah, compound bow rules. It's fun. Feels very Rambo.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get more weapons. I don't want to give up my bow for a cool assault rifle or anything.

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