What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

I finished Super Mario 64 after decades and it's awesome to see how smooth the gameplay is, the level design holds attention, the songs stick to the head and even with old graphics the game doesn't look bad. This is one of those classics games that leaving the graphics aside is really good game even in today standards, awesome game.
I like different shooter games and E sport. My current game is Valorant. Following recently this guide. Valorant employs players in a hero-centric, rapid-paced, full-of-life 5 vs 5 situation with each character boasting its own set of unique abilities. Tactical gunplay, diverse maps, and a whole lot of guns are what that best define the free-to-play genius of Valorant. The game has a steep learning curve and requires aspiring players to pay attention if they ever want to make it to the big leagues.
Still playing Styx: Shards of Darkness for PS4.

It's getting better and more interesting. I'm finding the game is becoming more fun as I level up Styx's abilities and make further use of his powers. The story is getting more interesting too, but I find that there are some things I don't understand, most likely because I didn't play the previous and original Styx game.

I encountered a "boss" recently. Without spoiling anything, I failed two times, the second time was quite unfair as after I beat the boss, I accidentally set off a trap and died, resulting in me having to do the entire encounter again. In saying that, the third time... the boss seemed bugged. It didn't attack me at all. I just thought "screw it" and took it as a blessing.

So far, what I do like about the game:
  • Styx's powers are fun (e.g. creating and controlling clones)
  • Most levels are quite open, offering multiple paths and optional objectives
  • Some environments can look quite nice and creative, Styx's character model looks cool
  • Decent stealth, focusing on light, shadow and sound
  • Interesting story and lore/universe, once you get into it
  • Has co-op mode, which sounds awesome but I've yet to try
Now, what I don't like about the game:
  • Slow start
  • Game seems unpolished in terms of some graphics (other character models look awful) and game play mechanics
  • Climbing can be a huge pain in the arse, not as accurate as other games like Assassin's Creed or even Uncharted
  • Enemy A.I can be very strange at times - can be downright abused, or quite difficult
  • Questionable mechanics, e.g. a stealth game that won't let you close doors once they've been opened
  • No way to dispatch enemies by non-lethal means, e.g. can't knock them out
  • Occasional bugs, e.g. the boss fight mentioned above
  • The game's writing - the writers tried way too hard to make Styx funny, often breaking the forth wall by talking to the player, making references to the game itself ("I gotta talk to the writers about this one"), and making a lot of pop culture references. Very hit and miss
I haven't finished the game yet but if I were to give it a "score in progress", I'd probably say 7 out of 10, or maybe 6.5 out of 10.
I just finished Grim Dawn as a level 49 gun soldier. I enjoyed the game a lot, and I want to play a similar game.
So I began to play Van Helsing Final Cut which had been slept in my GOG backlog in a while.

Maybe I would just continue to play Grim Dawn (with DLCs on sale right now), but in later the game became a bit laggy and sometimes doesn't respond with a mouse click, so I decided to end the game.

As I enjoyed being a gun soldier in Grim Dawn, so I play again a gun character who is a bounty hunter. I use an area of attacking skill as a main attack. and entered the capital city (chapter 2).
I discover a cool game called pandora box arcade. So, let's talk about the mind-blowing experience of exploring games in the epic Pandora Box Arcade Stick Brace yourselves for a nostalgia-packed adventure, 'cause this bad boy is stacked with a mind-boggling array of retro classics. From pixelated wonders like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong to high-octane thrills of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, it's a gaming paradise. Each click of that joystick unlocks a world of childhood memories and unadulterated fun. With its slick design and arcade-perfect controls, the Arcade Pandora Box takes you on a trip down memory lane, reminding us why we fell in love with gaming in the first place. Get ready to unleash your inner gaming guru and conquer those high scores like a boss!
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I'm playing Immortals; it's a RTS game still in the test phase; it had a public playtest a few weeks ago. It's really good, and if you are a fan of SC, it will be a good game to add to your wishlist.

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