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Started Marvel's Spider-Man last week, and it's a ton of fun. The web swinging is almost perfect (I have occasionally gotten stuck on a building, usually during timed chase sequences, of course), the combat system is pretty good, and I am really enjoying the story so far. And I like all the upgrade methods, from the tokens you acquire, the skill tree from leveling, the little side games to get certain upgrades; the variety is good.

With my average gaming time as of late, this may last me to the end of the year or more. :D
Hey COMaestro - sorry that I haven't been posting much on these forums anymore. Unfortunately, I'm kind of giving up on GameRevolution, the ads are just getting obnoxiously intrusive and it's just incredibly frustrating to deal with. On top of that, the bots are coming in more than ever to the GR forums and the GR staff don't care. If you're on Facebook, hit me up. Send me a private message via GR and I'll add you!

Spider-Man is an epic game, by the way. It was one of the best games of 2018 and now that I think about it, while I thought Red Dead Redemption 2 was my Game of the Year, it probably should have been Spider-Man.

I'm currently playing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. I am really digging this game so much. It's an odd, obvious mix-up of the Legend of Zelda, with Dark Souls, Sekiro, the Uncharted series, the new Tomb Raider series and a touch of Metroid: Prime, but it works so damn well.

As a huge Star Wars fan, I feel like this is the Star Wars game I've always wanted to play, especially considering that the last two Battlefront games were a letdown.

While waiting for the release of Fallen Order, I bought Hitman 2: Gold Edition as well as the Hitman: Game of the Year edition on a Steam sale, so I was having fun playing as Bald Man Murdering People Simulator.
Don't have Facebook, Craig, but feel free to add me on PS, same name as here. I don't notice the ads because I use a blocker. I have to, or this site is essentially non-functional.

Jedi Fallen Order will be the next game I play, after I finish Spider-Man. Glad to hear it's good, though reviews have been pretty unanimous regarding that anyway, it's always good to hear from someone firsthand. That's...quite a mix of games you list there, so now I'm even more intrigued.
For PC, Jedi Fallen Order, so far the best action Star Wars game ever made. Forza Horizon 4 and Motorsport 7. I have a full wheel setup with a shifter and everything. Not the cheapo Logitech ones either, I shelled out for a good Thrustmaster set up back in March.

Red Dead 2 on Epic Game Store, and no, the game is exactly the same as Steam. I literally was dying laughing this morning when all the Steam naysayers were whining about issues at launch. They literally thought Steam would save the game or something. NFS: Heat is pretty fun and I'm replaying Metro: Last Light Redux just because.

Astral Chain on Switch is halfway done and I'm diving in and out of Pokemon Shield.
I've been playing Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order: We Need More Colons on PS4. It's definitely the odd mix of games Craig mentioned above. Lots of unlocking new abilities which enable you to reach new areas meaning you have to go back to areas you've been before in order to find everything. I'm not all that far into it yet, as far as I can tell. Finally got a scomp link in the droid, so that's been nice. Definitely my 2019 game of 2019. Spider-Man at the moment is probably my best game of the year that I played, but more time with Jedi might change that.
Hey Ivory_Soul and COMaestro,

Apologies for my lack of response and activity here on the forums. My partner and I were recently out of state for the holidays and have only just come home. Speaking of which, I hope you both had a lovely Christmas.

I am unsure if both or either of you will read this post, but I agree, I do not post on GameRevolution much nowadays nor do I rarely check the front page. To me, the site is unfortunately "dead", as is its online forum community.

I strongly believe that the current staff of GameRevolution.com have priorities elsewhere and quite frankly, do not care for the forums or its online community, which honestly pains me to say, as I have been visiting GR since 2008 (technically since 1999) and I have even worked for GR as a freelance illustrator from the beginning of 2014 to the end of 2016.

If you would like to keep in touch, please send me a private message here on the forums and I will reply as soon as I can. I can provide you with my e-mail address, my personal Facebook and my PSN user name.

Thanks guys. Hope you both have a wonderful New Year. All the best for 2020.
Started up The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt this weekend, for the very first time ever. I only bought it sometime last year during a PSN sale, but I have been curious about it for a long time considering the rave reviews it has always received. I haven't played the previous two games either, so I felt I was going in blind. You really get dropped into the middle of things, so thank God for the Netflix series, which helped ground me in the world of the Witcher a bit, even if I've now seen things in the game that are likely spoilers for upcoming seasons of the show.

That said, I'm really enjoying the game so far. I haven't done much, only having played a few hours, but I am impressed with the breadth of side quests I've seen. I've been having some trouble with combat, as I instinctively use the right stick to try to pan the camera around to be aware of my surroundings, but end up switching my target lock to a different enemy. Also just figuring out what I can parry and what will stagger me if I try, like Drowners. I do like how easy it is to get swarmed by enemies though, as it feels realistic, and I know I just need to get better to avoid it.
Also just figuring out what I can parry and what will stagger me if I try, like Drowners. I do like how easy it is to get swarmed by enemies though, as it feels realistic, and I know I just need to get better to avoid it.

Hey man! Hope you're doing well. I barely visit here anymore, but I thought I'd respond to your post because I too am playing The Witcher III: Wild Hunt but for PC. I played on PS4 a few years ago, so it's pretty awesome to dive back into.

I will try and offer some advice regarding combat, if you haven't figured it out already (which I'm sure you may have).

When it comes to blocking or parrying with your sword, you can only block/parry incoming sword attacks from human enemies who wield swords, or maces/clubs. If you press block (L2) before they hit you, you'll parry and make them vulnerable for a counter attack. If you just block incoming attacks, it will drain your stamina.

You can unlock a combat skill to parry/deflect arrows and crossbow bolts.

If the human enemy is wielding an axe or a maul hammer (e.g. a big, two-handed weapon that looks slow in swing), then you can't block/parry those. Instead, you should use side step dodging (circle).

If the human enemy is wielding a sword and carrying a shield, you can parry them by normal means.

A good rule of thumb is to make this assumption, you cannot block/parry monster attacks. Focus on dodging instead, whether it's side step dodging or rolls (using X). I would recommend to use the side step dodge if you are continuing to attack (and you want to circle around or behind the enemy), but if you need to create space retreat from the monster(s), use the roll.

In regards to dodging, there's a combat skill you can unlock that makes you receive less damage during your dodge animation, to the point where you can make it nullify 100% of incoming damage. If you're more of a sword/melee specialist, this is a vital skill to invest in.

If you haven't already, I would recommend investing in the first Axii skill (the "Witcher mind trick"). Not only can it be used in dialog, but it can be used in combat to stun human enemies, and stun some monsters (or at least slow them down).

If you are attacked by humans riding horses, use Axii. Axii will confuse their house, forcing them to buck their rider off. When the rider falls to their back, you can insta-kill them by pressing the square button when nearby and prompted.

Try to get behind enemies, especially when they're stunned. Attacking an enemy from behind increases your chance of a successful critical hit.

Hope this helps. :)
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Thanks for the tips, Craig! I started just going with the assumption that I can't block enemies that have silver in their life bar, but I have no idea if that is accurate, but it's held up so far. I find that I tend to instinctively dodge attacks anyway, rather than try to block. I actually need to remind myself I have a block button sometimes. Yeah, I'm definitely trying to get used to all the skills and wish there was a quicker method of changing them in combat, especially as you want the protection spell a lot (or at least I do), but then may want to throw out fire or mind trick. But I understand the limitations of a controller. :)

Take it easy, man!
Thanks for the tips, Craig! I started just going with the assumption that I can't block enemies that have silver in their life bar, but I have no idea if that is accurate, but it's held up so far. I find that I tend to instinctively dodge attacks anyway, rather than try to block. I actually need to remind myself I have a block button sometimes. Yeah, I'm definitely trying to get used to all the skills and wish there was a quicker method of changing them in combat, especially as you want the protection spell a lot (or at least I do), but then may want to throw out fire or mind trick. But I understand the limitations of a controller. :)

Take it easy, man!

I'm actually playing The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (Game of the Year Edition) on PC with my PS4 controller. I find that I don't really like third person action games with keyboard and mouse. First person, for sure, third person? Not so much.

You are correct. If an enemy's life bar is silver, that means they're not only a monster who can only be hurt by a silver sword, but their attacks are unblockable. Some non-monster enemies, such as dogs, wolves, bears and boars, while they have red life bars (and thus, you'll be using a steel sword to cut them down), they also cannot be blocked/parried.

Just assume this - only humanoid enemies with swords, clubs/maces can be blocked/parried (including enemies who carry shields). Humanoids with large axes, hammers/mauls etc. cannot be blocked/parried either.

As for Signs, I agree. It'd be nice to have an instant hot-swap button of sorts. I'm unsure if this is available on PC via keyboard, I've never actually tried (edit/update: yes, keyboard has hotkeys for insta-use of Signs). I honestly don't use a lot of Signs, personally, but I guess it really depends on your play style. Here's what I do use regularly though:

Quen: I have the 'exploding shield' upgrade, meaning when my Quen shield is done, it creates a small explosion that can push enemies back and even knock humanoids down. I also have an upgrade to Quen that creates a barrier, where if I get struck while the barrier is up, my stamina drains but in exchange, my health goes up. Good way to heal and recover.

Axii: Not only is this used in dialog to get what you want (Witcher Mind Trick, basically) but it can be used in combat to stun most humanoids, and slow down all other enemies. Like I mentioned before, Axii can be used to confuse horses and force them to buck their rider off, allowing you to approach the fallen rider and insta-kill them when prompted.

Yrden: This skill will slow enemies down who walk into the Yrden ring you create. Useful for almost all types of enemies. Slows down fast enemies and makes large, slower enemies even more slower. Yrden is essential to use on spectre type enemies, like ghosts and wraiths.

Aard: I barely use Aard, but it does have its uses. You can use Aard to knock riders off their horses, allowing you to insta-kill them. Aard can also be used to knock flying enemies down from the air, provided they are close enough. Some flying enemies (like harpies) can be insta-killed when they're on the ground. Aard is also used to break down certain walls in dungeons, caves etc. Thankfully, you do not need to level up Aard to achieve any of what I said here.

Igni: Honestly... I think Igni is useless. Don't get me wrong though, I've heard it can be very beneficial, especially in regards to its later upgrades where you can burn away enemy shields but personally, I never use it. The only time I use Igni is when the game requires you to, e.g. solving puzzles, navigation etc.
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I actually used Igni against a Werewolf in a quest, as it seemed to stun it a bit, letting me get in some more hits before it would swipe at me again. Damn thing kept regenerating, so I needed to keep unloading on it to finally put it down. Took a few tries, as I was only level 4, and I think it was a level 7 quest.
Been playing some Super Mario Odyssey, mostly to help my kid who has taken a big interest in it. I actually started up my own game of it now, and just finished the Sand Kingdom yesterday. I'll have to try to balance my playing of this and Witcher 3.
I've not been playing anything lately, the most recent game I've played is League of Legends (with some alpha testing of Crowfall and Camelot Unchained).
I am probably the most casual player of AC:NH right now... in that I am still interested in making progress, but I really don't play it that often. When we started having to stay home, my roommate started looking into it because it was so popular and wanted in on something. Switches were/are sold out and going for at least 1.5x to 2x normal price, so I borrowed the one we had at the house. Roommate bought AC, and I joined in. Didn't realize at first that it's only one island per console, so I'm not the primary player. I don't really feel a huge attachment to it so it took me a long time to get out of a tent, and only recently have I made my room larger. Meanwhile the island around me has completely transformed and I don't know where things are anymore! Haha.

Well, since that was actually my first time trying any AC title, I decided to start a game of AC:Wild World to go back and see some history. So much the same, yet a pretty different feel. How the f do you catch any fish? I feel like I fail most of the time. Anyway. The townsfolk seem to be pretty divided on how they feel about me, so I'm just focusing my efforts on 2-3 of them. The rest can move away if they want.

Other than that, I picked up Dark Souls 3 while it's on sale. I didn't finish DS2, so we'll see how far I get before I decide to save myself and give up. Trying to play it with a friend, but I think I need to do more research on the exact details of how that works.

What else, what else... Terraria, which had a huge new update. Played some of that with Affen. Completing some big quests sounds super complicated. I just break down trees and plant acorns. :3

My living arrangement makes it feel difficult sometimes to really sit down and commit to a game, so it's all stuff I play in small chunks of time. Part of the fun of working from home is that I can chat and stream during my lunch break, which is up to an hour depending on the day. That's been a really fun part of my day, and having chat accessible all the time. :)
I play animal crossing new horizons, one of the best animal crossing I've ever played, it's beautiful, it's new and above all the customization of the island is really great!
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I've officially started Ori and the Blind Forest. What a pretty game! Despite everything trying to kill me, I think I'm enjoying it pretty well. I'm running through it on Normal mode and am pretty satisfied with that. I'm playing with keyboard and mouse, which people seem to think it not ideal. It's what I'm familiar with though, and the movement feels good. It certainly feels like it's been forever and a day since I've played a game start to finish (possibly because I play many games that don't have an end), so I hope I stick with this one and can feel that accomplishment again.

Because I'm bad at games, I got the sense that I wasn't ready for additional abilities when I gained them -- I was quite content to run and jump... why give me more things to worry about? So I felt silly for taking so long to get used to new abilities, but after solving a couple related puzzles, I'm still with it. So I guess the game did its job. :P

AC:NH is still happening at a crawl, and the island continues to transform mysteriously around me. AC:WW is also still happening very slowly, and I can't wait to get more space because I just have too many things that I need to display in my house. I don't have places for all these bonsai!

Finally, I did indeed start Dark Souls 3, and have died too many times than I care to already. I'm not loving it (I never thought that I would), but the things we do for friends... They seem to enjoy my frustration and repeated deaths. Ugh. I can get by for now. Really hard to feel like I can make good progress though, unless I happen to mash my way through a boss fight. Maybe an upside is that my distinct lack of skill leaves room for some excellent gameplay highlights.

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