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Wish I weren't poor...would love to play some Secret of Mana action. Hey, GR...I'm at like 8 points out of 150...how about you spot me the other 142 and send me the game and we'll call it even? <3
Wish I weren't poor...would love to play some Secret of Mana action. Hey, GR...I'm at like 8 points out of 150...how about you spot me the other 142 and send me the game and we'll call it even? <3

There was nothing saying you got to choose the free game they send you. In actuality it's a copy of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing. They tried to destroy the game, but it refuses to die.
Um, you should probably wash your hands if they're that bad.

My wife and I, after a number of years with things lost in storage, finally found our gear to get the band back together. We played Rock Band 4 for the first time last night, despite owning the game for a couple of years now. We were never super hardcore players of the game, but it was always fun to relax and unwind with a few songs here and there, doing our best to complete the career modes of the various games. Sadly I didn't know there was a Rock Band 2 export key that was available for purchase at one point, so I missed out on the opportunity to get those songs for a discount, if not outright free. Got the ones for 3 and Green Day though, so we've got lots of songs to choose from, in addition to all the songs we had purchased for previous titles back in the day. We stayed up a bit too late, but we had a lot of fun!
That's the only thing I miss from my 360 days. I had SO MANY SONGS for RB2/RB3. I think I clocked in at over 650 songs by the end of my time with RB3. Why yes, doctor...I do have a problem!

Still playing through Trails of Cold Steel. Made it to Chapter 5, struggling to make it through Ashley Burch's voice acting. I feel like she has two modes: passable (like in Zero Dawn) and AM I LOUD AND WHINY ENOUGH GUYS?!?!?! (like when she butchered Rise in Persona 4: Dancing All Night and in this game, where she sounds EXACTLY like her Rise voice).
I got the remake of Secret of Mana last night. Fans of the game will know this, but I'm not very far, I've only just beaten the first boss and been exiled from Potos Village.

So far...

The game play and overall mechanics feel quite similar to the original Super Nintendo version. However, combat honestly feels easier, and I would say that's because of the game's new 3D mechanics. In the SNES version, enemy sprites always faced the camera/viewer, so they could essentially attack from all directions. In the remake, because enemies are now 3D who move and turn in a 360 degree fashion, they must be facing you to attack you, making it easily possible to get behind them, avoid being hit and deal damage yourself.

There's voice acting and cut scenes now. They feel static. Most characters' facial expressions stay exactly the same, and some of the voice acting (English) leaves a lot to be desired for, especially the main protagonist, Randi. Some of the vocals are okay, though.

The graphics don't look that good. They look pretty basic, like it came out of an iOS game or something. To be fair, that's probably the look they were going for, I imagine they didn't want to stray too far from the SNES version.

The soundtrack is so good :) but some people have been complaining about it. Kotaku claims the games' "once beautiful" soundtrack has now apparently been ruined.
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People are going to nostalgia. That's what they do. Your point about combat sounds pretty cool -- I remember that particular issue in the original game. I loved the original soundtrack, so I probably will be biased against this new one, as well. I also loved the Ramia's Theme track from Dragon Warrior 3 and felt a bit of pain twisted with nostalgia when they revived said theme in DQ8 for the PS2...it was bittersweet, because it was a throwback to something grand even if the same feeling wasn't quite there anymore.
Switching over to the Metal Gear Survive and Sea of Thieves Betas, then the full release of Metal Gear Survive on Tuesday.
Shadows of Luclin dropped on EQ Agnarr and Corniaiv TLP was announced. Not that I'm playing EQ ever again after Quarm, but it makes for some interesting server economics when new servers are announced.

I also just beat Pillars of Eternity: White March II in anticipation of Deadfire - my first mid tier backed crowdsourced game, can't wait for my package.
Playing a bit of Monster Hunter: World and Secret of Mana.

Secret of Mana is enjoyable. I find it a relaxing game to essentially take a "break" from other games. The difficulty seems to be much easier than the original.

Some of the remade soundtracks do honestly sound annoyingly bad (so yeah, I've changed my mind) but some of the tracks are actually alright.
Finally made it to Chapter 6 in Trails of Cold Steel (Part 1). Bad voice-acting will not keep me from finishing this game.
I have finally played (and finished) The Witcher 3. I must say it held up to the praise and hype I've read about it for years. It's immersive, the writing is incredibly good and the characters are fascinating. What really struck me though, is the amount of entertainment I got for the amount of money I put up. I bought the definitive edition (or complete edition...I'm not sure) that includes the Heart Of Stone and Blood And Wine expansion, and extended my gameplay for a ton of hours more than the core game. Blood And Wine is absurdly large for a DLC and includes SO many sidequests and things to do, it really got me thinking about how DLCs are being sold to us by companies who just want to profit on us. I'm not a big DLC buyer as I really don't like being taken for an idiot and I'm very critical of post-launch material, but I wouldn't mind paying for other DLCs that are literally bigger than some other full price games.

I know this is old news, but I believe speaking about those things are always important for gamers to realize when they are treated like actual people instead of just means to make a company's profit bigger. CD Projekt Red just made another fan!

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