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For fun I had picked up the Disney Afternoon collection and last night I played it for the first time, getting through the old NES Chip 'N Dale's Rescue Rangers. Sadly, I had to use the rewind function they added in order to beat Fat Cat, as I ran out of continues and I didn't want to have to start from the beginning. Funny enough, I did the boss rush mode right afterwards and beat him easily, without even getting hit, clocking in at just over 2 minutes.

Ridiculously, there is a trophy for completing boss rush mode in under an hour. An hour? Really? The entire game is about an hour if you play well!

On to Duck Tales next, I think.

EDIT: Oh, and holy HELL is the game loud! For video games my television is normally around volume level 16 or so. Movies tend to go towards the high 20's up to maybe 30. I had to lower the volume to 2 for this game! 3 wasn't too bad, but anything higher was way too loud.
I've been trying out a lot of beta/demos at the moment. Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT, DragonBall Fighter Z and Monster Hunter: World, all for PS4.

Dissidia looks incredible, has a great soundtrack but the game play honestly feels kinda boring and shallow. I don't think I'll get this one, as I imagine it'll become quickly repetitive.

DragonBall Fighter Z also looks amazing. I love the 2.5D (not 3D) look that they're going for, so despite having cel-shaded 3D graphics, the frame rates are just like the anime show. The beta didn't offer much, and since I'm not super into fighting games, I probably won't get this either.

I am interested in Monster Hunter: World. The controls remind me of Dark Souls and it's quite fun to play with friends, but I imagine this game might be a bit boring as a solo experience.
Started up a bit of Rocket League again after a while. When the fuck did everyone get so good?! How do people do the jump really high in the air thing and manage to get the ball?!

Playing Monster Hunter: World for the PS4.

I play with friends, and for the most part I enjoy it. I'm new to the realm of monster hunting, so it's a bit overwhelming at times. The game can be a tad grindy as well, having to re-kill the same particular monsters/bosses in order to get the materials you need to make new equipment.

I tried starting off with dual blades and it is fun, but unfortunately the fast weapons don't deal a whole lot of damage... so I've given using the hunting rifle a try, and while easy, it feels kind of boring.

Might switch back to dual blades. It's been suggested to me that I shouldn't try and upgrade too many weapons, just one or maybe two.
I started up Persona 5 last night. It's pretty much as weird and trippy as I was expecting after having played P4, but great so far. Though everyone has pretty much been a complete dick to me so far! Very different reception from the adults and other students in this game compared to P4, but it's an interesting change. Two hours in so far, only 100+ to go probably. :)

I downloaded the Fortnite Battle Royale thingy, and will attempt to play at the weekend probably.
Anyone got this? Good? Bad?
Fornite: Battle Royale is okay. It's fun to play with friends, but it can be incredibly stressful. Honestly, if you play with mates, it'll depend on what they're like with that sort of game.

I played with three to four friends of mine and we found that we would pretty much rage at each other when stuff went wrong. I actually uninstalled it, because every time we played, we always ended up getting annoyed at each other. We never actually won a game, but one time we almost did.

I'm still playing Monster Hunter: World for PS4. I'm really enjoying the dual blades weapon set, now that I've learned how to better use it.
A bunch of PUBG on xbox. It's broken as hell when compared to PC, but still so addicting.

Monster Hunter World also. This is like my 5th time trying to get into this series, but it's going better on console with a dedicated multiplayer partner.
I'm reviewing Monster Hunter World, and it's a beast (pun intended). I'm also just starting Panzer Dragoon Saga on the Saturn. After years of wanting one I finally broke down and got a white Japanese model on eBay. After seeing how it looked on my flat-screen I convinced myself to grab a XRGB Framemeister and all the SCART/JP-21/D-Terminal cables and adapters that go with it. It was maybe the most frivolous $400 I've ever spent, but man does it look sharp now.
I was playing Monster Hunter World, though the game lost my interest after a certain point became grinding expeditions to progress the story. Also playing Trails of Cold Steel on the PS3...hoping to get through it and Trails of Cold Steel 2 before the third hits PS4 this year.
I'm gonna hop back on AC Origins and polish that off, then hopefully get back onto Horizon Zero Dawn.
I'm currently jumping into Celeste. I've heard a lot of good things about it, but Super Meat Boy (the game it's compared to the most) never really connected with me, so I hope I'll have a better time here.
I've started playing Shadow of the Colossus for PS4.

I've never played Shadow of the Colossus before, never on the PS2 nor on the PS3, so this is a real treat. It's an absolutely gorgeous game and it's a real satisfying feeling to take down a Colossi. Some of the controls do feel a bit funny though, particularly the horse riding.
I'm playing Overwatch to get those sweet Year of the Dog skins. I currently have zero, and as I don't buy loot boxes, that's probably unlikely to change.

I also downloaded Full Metal Furies, a co-op beat-'em-up from the team behind Rogue Legacy. Rogue Legacy is one of my favourite games of the last five years, so I'm hoping that this is comparable. It's looking good so far.
Still in Trails of Cold Steel. Finally reached Chapter 4, but the struggle is real because I want to S-rank each chapter and I spend way too much time trying to get everything perfect so I can. I might burn myself out on this game at this rate.
I've started playing Shadow of the Colossus for PS4.

I've never played Shadow of the Colossus before, never on the PS2 nor on the PS3, so this is a real treat. It's an absolutely gorgeous game and it's a real satisfying feeling to take down a Colossi. Some of the controls do feel a bit funny though, particularly the horse riding.

You're definitely in for a treat.
I'm gonna hop back on AC Origins and polish that off, then hopefully get back onto Horizon Zero Dawn.

I know you're Mr. Platinum, but i can't imagine having fun while going for 100% in AC: Origins. Just finishing the main game is a battle against extreme repetition.
Having a break certainly helped. Well, the break occurred because I was bored with it in the first place! Yeah, not an AC to remember sadly.

I downloaded Rime, and played through for a few hours last night. It's a nice game, reminds me of The Witness, but with less puzzles and less intrigue.
I do wish the puzzles were a bit harder - nothing has challenged me yet.
Going back and forth between Shadow of the Colossus and Monster Hunter: World, both for PS4.

The Secret of Mana remake comes out tomorrow! I'm super excited, but also quite anxious! Secret of Mana is one of my all time favourite games (certainly in my top ten) and it was honestly the first JRPG I've ever played, playing it when I was eight years old. It was also the first game to teach me about video games being capable of telling amazing stories.

I don't expect the remake to be better than the original, but in saying that, I am interested in some of the new mechanics. That, and it's not being retailed as a full price game, thankfully.

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