What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

I've been playing Letter Quest Remastered on my Vita. It was a PS+ freebie some time ago and I needed something new on there. It's a good time waster, but nothing more than that.
I'm 35+ hours into Assassin's Creed Origins and I'm sad to admit that I started skipping dialogs and most cutscenes a dozen hours ago.

It borrows everything from The Witcher except for interesting NPCs and quests. :(

Kinda just plowing through it at this point, to finish the main story and move on to something new.


Requiescat in pace, mediocre game.
Playing through Resogun. Quite fun, just filling up the time now until my xmas presents come in!
Completely sucked into the Switch version of Skyrim. It helps that I haven’t really played it since it first game out, but having the option to play on the go is totally great.
^ I was tempted to get the PS4 remastered version, but was worried I'd get bored since I've played it before.
Might grab it no a bargain I reckon.

I'm in dire need of some Persona 5, GR's GOTY and all that.
PUBG - Great concept. Bad choice in developer.

Prey - I'm kinda sadden that I didn't gave this a chance when I first brought the game. Once the game opens up a little it feels more like a Metroiodvania game more than a -shock game.
Happy Holidays everyone!!

I'm not around lately... This seems to be the best place for festive cheers!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Hope you all had a great day. :)

I'm playing a few games at the moment.

For the PS4, I've started Nier: Automata, which is so good. I've also got The Evil Within 2, which I've yet to try, and my brother bought me the Tales from the Borderlands game, also for PS4.

For the Nintendo Switch, I've been playing and going hard on Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Like any JRPG, it's flawed, has some cheesy elements (writing and voice acting) and it's very "anime" but for the most part, I've been enjoying it. I'm up to the final boss battle.
Playing The Evil Within 2.

I quite like the semi-open wolrd aspect it's got going on and frankly, it feels more entertaining than the first game. Still pretty intense, but not as frustrating.
I'm currently playing through Yakuza Zero. So much fun!! I personally enjoy the random anime-type reactions/animations for the silly things.

and EVERYTHING when dancing:

and Beast Mode:

I got Horizon Zero Dawn for Christmas, and it's boring in comparison! Seems to start very slowly.
Horizon Zero Dawn unfortunately does have quite a slow start, but it's one of those games that gets better and more compelling as you progress. The combat becomes more fun when you get better gear and have a good understanding on how to take down machines (not saying you don't, but I'm a dumb arse, so it honestly took me a while).

Yakuza 0 looks fun, though.

I'm still playing The Evil Within 2, it's intense! It's a challenging game, but luckily it seems easier than the first game. The first game was frustratingly difficult.
^ Ah Ok, good to know RE Horizon ZD. I'll crack on with it soon.

I played Evil Within 2 up to Chapter 9, I absolutely love the photography villain - he's a great character, he made it really exciting / tense when he was involved.

I also only just realised that Okami HD was out in December for PS4! That was sneaky. So I've just bought that bad boy and will play that when it arrives tomorrow :D
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Been switch between a lot of stuff lately...

Starcraft 2
Just redownloaded R6 Siege
Breath of the Wild
Horizon Zero Dawn
Persona 5
The Saboteur

I have a finishing games problem
I'm the same way. Lately I'm on a strategy games binge: They Are Billions, Age of Wonders 3, Civ 6, Stellaris and Superpower 2.

I did finished Prey. I really enjoyed better than Destiny 2.
Having finished a playthrough of Dishonored 2, I wanted something a little less time consuming for my next game, so I started up Uncharted: Lost Legacy last night (and stayed up way too late playing it). The way the story is going, it feels like I should be just about at the end of the game. However judging by the list of treasures to find, I'm only a bit over halfway done. With luck I will get to finish the game sometime this week. Might try to platinum the game before moving on to something else, as it's not too long.
Started Telltale's Batman: The Enemy Within last night and finished the first chapter. It was pretty good, though featuring the Riddler as the villain, I was hoping for more actual riddles to try to solve. Telltale continues to shake up the Batman property with their take on Gotham and it's inhabitants, making Riddler a much more competent and violent villain than he typically ends up being in the comics (at least the ones I've read), even managing to go toe to toe with Batman for a minute. I was not expecting the ending to go how it did either. So far really enjoying this season and will start up Chapter 2 soon.
So, how did you liked Dishonored 2? I'm trying to finish the game but I'm having a hard time getting into it. I guess it maybe because I chose not to have super powers and the game is good with them on.
I enjoyed it a lot! But I had super powers, though admittedly I really only used two of them regularly as Emily (well, not counting the passive ones, like extra jump height, so three or four if you count those). I liked it more than the first game as I felt the environments and stages were better and the secondary objectives seemed more fun to me. There's also this really fun (to me) logic puzzle to open a gate that you can either figure out on your own (which I did, as I like logic puzzles) or snoop around the area to get answers for it.

At some point I will go back through the game and try it without powers, but it'll definitely be a lot more difficult. I don't know how far into it you are, but maybe start again with powers, as they are fun to dick around with if nothing else. Note that Emily and Corvo do have different power sets. There is some overlap, but there are definitely some unique features to each. Maybe read a powers guide online first to see who you want to play as.

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