What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

Playing a bit of Destiny 2. But on Xbox, which nobody around here plays.

We actually peeked into the Crucible last night and it was a ton more fun than I anticipated. I hated the bits of PVP I played in Destiny 1, so it was really really surprising that it works so much better. Supremacy, in particular, is a dope game type.

Also playing Madden as always and finished Song of the Deep after 11.5 hrs played over a few weeks.

Deciding on whether to tackle another game on my Xbox backlog or get Metroid Returns instead.
I got Metroid Samus Returns. I'm a couple hours in and it's really great. I kind of wish there were more story or cutscenes, but I get why there's not.
Grabbed Battlefront in that one week deal where it was £3.99! It's fun - love it so far.
Also got FF9, and am going through that puppy. GLORIOUS TIMES MY FRIENDS!
Star Wars: Battlefront is a fun game to play with mates when you wanna kill some time. I find for a multiplayer shooter, it doesn't feel as stressful as say, Call of Duty or Overwatch.

It does seem a bit "shallow" in terms of some game play options... but hey, Battlefront II is coming out soon and apparently will be rectifying many of the issues the first one did.

Still... for the price you got it for and the fact you got mates to play with and have some fun? That's a winner.

I've played for about 3 hours, but a full hour+ of it has been literally walking and listening to exposition.

That said, after the game started and the gimmick (whatever you do, your enemies do. Whatever you don't do, your enemies can't do) is in play, it gets REAL tense.
I love stealth games and Echo is an interesting title that I'd like to play. Is it available for consoles as well, or just PC?
I downloaded Metroid: Fusion for free last night (Gameboy Advanced Virtual Console) on my New 3Ds. Because I'm a part of the "ambassadors program" or whatever it is, I can download specific GBA games for free, and Metroid: Fusion is one of them.

I loved Metroid: Fusion back in the day. First played it on the GBA back in 2003, almost fifteen years ago. It still holds up fairly well. I like how the game has a story with narrative, but it's kept quite brief. It's a lot more streamlined than previous, traditional Metroid titles.

Speaking of previous games, I also got a mini Super Nintendo on the weekend. I love it, and I fired up some Secret of Mana and Super Metroid. Despite Super Metroid's age, I'm enjoying it, because it's one of the few Metroid games that I've actually played.
I think I still have Metroid Fusion knocking around somewhere - it's not bad!

Super Metroid is a gem - love that game so damn much!

Still parading through FF9 - up to disc 3 now, having a blast.
i am playing Major Mayhem on my smartphone, it's a game like the old time crysis

promo iphone 7 galaxy s7 abonnement
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Speaking of previous games, I also got a mini Super Nintendo on the weekend. I love it, and I fired up some Secret of Mana and Super Metroid. Despite Super Metroid's age, I'm enjoying it, because it's one of the few Metroid games that I've actually played.

And now I am jealous. TBH, I forgot this was coming out. I want to try to pick one up for the holidays as a gift for the household. Hopefully they will be more available than the NES version was.
And now I am jealous. TBH, I forgot this was coming out. I want to try to pick one up for the holidays as a gift for the household. Hopefully they will be more available than the NES version was.

Nintendo confirmed that there would be more mini SNES than mini NES', so you should be fine. Just keep an eye out in all shopping outlets, as well as online from official websites. Don't go to eBay, people are trying to charge double the bloody price.
Finishing up Divinity Original Sin 2. Pretty amazing. This is how you do a Kickstarter game. I'm also playing Cuphead and Rise of the Tomb Raider. People say that Cuphead is the Dark Souls of platformers as if it's the hardest platformer in the world. It's hard for sure but you could save to continue where you left off. I've only gotten to where you meet the guy who give you the picklock quest in RotTR. It's pretty fun so far.
I've just about finished Just Cause 3, which has been a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Easily worth the twenty odd dollars I spent on the complete edition. I particularly like the mod I downloaded that gives unlimited fuel for the Bavarium Wingsuit.

Also working through all of the new unlocks for BF1 that were released with the "In the Name of the Tsar" DLC. I rather like the Mosin Nagant M91 Infantry rifle. I usually don't go in for iron site sniper rifles, but this one just feels right.

Next week, the first major update to FFXIV since the new expansion released a couple of months ago drops, so I'll have that to play as well.

At some point, I also need to get back to Rise of the Tomb Raider. I got distracted about a third of the way through.

I'm glad there aren't any games coming out this month that I plan to buy, I just don't have the time for them.
My friends and I have started playing Fortnite: Battle Royale on the PS4, which is available for free. My PC can't handle PlayerUnknown: Battlegrounds on the minimum specs, so this is the next best thing.

It's really fun, but of course, really hard. The game essentially rips off PU:BG so most, or all of you can assume how it works. Last night we did quite well, my friends and I (a team of three) ended up going up against the final four players, out of one hundred people. Unfortunately, they pulled an Obi-Wan Kenobi and had the high ground, explosives, and an additional team member, so they beat us. Still... second place out of a hundred players and it was probably our third or forth game, we did well!

Star Wars: Battlefront II's open beta is available soon, tomorrow I think? I'm looking forward to trying it out. I've heard good things.
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I downloaded the Star Wars: Battlefront II BETA for PS4.

For the most part, I like it. The "battle points" system is a great alternative to try and get vehicles, special units and characters/heroes. The BETA didn't have much in terms of variety, but I'm hoping the full game will change that.

Looking forward to this one. I might get it, maybe wait on reviews.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War comes out today, so I might pick up a copy.

I've been playing the Star Wars: Battlefront II BETA (it seems to have extended?) and I'm enjoying it. Honestly, I absolutely love the star fighter battles. At first, the controls felt pretty awkward, but then I quickly got used to it and started doing really well. This will sound really stupid, but the star fighter battles make me feel like I'm in a Goddamn Star Wars movie. It's so much fun.

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