What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

I'm blindrunning Dram World, a well know romhack of Super Mario World. This sh*t is very stressful on my thumbs in which I have callouses on joints. I call them "Kaizo callouses."

Waiting for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 to release.
State of Decay

I got this as a gift like 4 years ago (I think LinksOcarina gave it to me) and didn't know what to do with it. I played it for like ten minutes and then quit.
Then I decided to give it another go.
So far, it's really enjoyable. Got some flaws, but a solidly built budget game.
State of Decay

I got this as a gift like 4 years ago (I think LinksOcarina gave it to me) and didn't know what to do with it. I played it for like ten minutes and then quit.
Then I decided to give it another go.
So far, it's really enjoyable. Got some flaws, but a solidly built budget game.

I heard State of Decay is unpolished, but apparently it's actually a lot of fun?
That's a good way to put it.
I've been enjoying it, but it has done a few things that frustrate me.
Apparently one of the DLCs is like a sandbox mode, which would be more fun I think. Still a good game, though.
Playing Everybody's Golf.

Anime and golf is right up my alley, and it's really fun. Have to play on serious mode otherwise it's far to easy. But I get more EXP that way so all good.
Have yet to try out any online stuff, but it would be nice if more courses were available from the beginning.

I've been playing it for about 5 hours total now, and there's still only one course available. Can get a bit old and would like a bit of variety!
Other than that - I'm working on making the hottest waifu for my golfer, watch this space (Jimbo I'll give her a meaty ass and specs just for you ;) )!
Going to start Destiny 2 tonight after I get off work. Extremely late jumping on the Destiny wagon about 3 months ago, at the time of D2 announcement teaser trailer, when The Collection got slashed to 20 bucks at the local game shop. Been enjoying Year 3 D1 lots (mainly PvP), and most of the news on changes in D2 looked good enough. Had a peek at some videos explaining the new equipment systems, and it sounds like improvements. Not sure about class and subclass ability trees though (haven't seen/analyzed in detail though); I like the mix-n-match of D1.

Anybody interested in setting up a semi-official (mods) or unofficial (users) Clan?

EDIT: dedicated forum topic up, please drop by! http://forums.gamerevolution.com/threads/destiny-2-clan.32809/
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Played through Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm in past two weeks and loved it a ton. Now started playing Legacy of the Void campaign, still awesome. Struggled at first because protoss build units so slowly, then finally one mission told me to turn them into warp gates and I immediately went "Ohhhhhhhhh..." because that allows you to constantly and automatically store up a limited number of units that you can then warp straight to pylons in matter of seconds. Been a breeze since then.

Also finally got around to Rise of the Tomb Raider. When the game threw me into Siberian survival scenario after the old school Syria sequence, I immediately realized I hate the survival stuff and don't want it from Tomb Raider game. Syria was perfect. It was just Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider and a literal tomb, waiting to be raided. But even there after listening to third lore scroll, I realized that this breaks the game flow and I wanted to go back to tomb exploration. Skipped looking for scrolls after that because I just don't care for them. But seriously, next game needs to quit with the survival stuff. Enough of that. If I need to survive, I'll just go rob the competition, the bad guys who are after the same tombs as I!

Also, Lara still has that shampoo!
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Haha, that's so awesome of you to share GameRevolution's first GR Strips :). Man, I look at the artwork and I just cringe. :P

I personally wasn't a big fan of Rise of the Tomb Raider. I loved the first, 2013 reboot, but the sequel, while I was so hyped and excited, left me feeling frustrated at the game and disappointed of the outcome.

I'm currently playing Destiny 2, which I bought on a complete whim. I only bought it because it was being sold at a promotional, heavily discounted price of $64 AUD ($51 USD), being discounted from the traditionally expensive $99 AUD ($79 USD).

It's okay. I've been playing with a friend of mine and it's pretty fun. The soundtrack is bloody awesome. Sometimes the graphics, depending on the environment you're in, range from bloody beautiful, to downright ugly. I find the game play can get repetitive and quite grindy, so it's good to play for a few hours at a time. I don't think I can binge on this game. Still... I've had the game since Saturday and within two days, I'm already level fifteen (max level cap is twenty). Is that suppose to happen?
Haha, that's so awesome of you to share GameRevolution's first GR Strips :). Man, I look at the artwork and I just cringe. :p

Hey it's alright, it looks humorous and serves it's purpose well! I read a ton of webcomics back in the day with worse art so your style was pretty good. I'm certainly liking it.

Also, it was a bitch to find as the comic links have stopped to function with the transition to overhauled site. Google image search however bailed me out. God bless nothing ever goes missing on the internet. ;)

I personally wasn't a big fan of Rise of the Tomb Raider. I loved the first, 2013 reboot, but the sequel, while I was so hyped and excited, left me feeling frustrated at the game and disappointed of the outcome.

Right now I am feeling meh about the story and hate having to gather materials to craft stuff, not to mention the stupid pointless RPG element of choosing your skills. I feel like the crafting system is reduntant and pointless in the new entry and I think it should be gouged out entirely for the next entry. Also, Lara needs have some character developement as she's still much the same as she was at the end of the last game. Where's the confident and clever tomb raider that we loved in the old series? She should mature into that by the next game and stop being the moody insecure girl she's right now.

But what I love about the Rise of the Tomb Raider is the tombs. Every time I go into a new one, I get that good old Tomb Raider vibe which was certainly lacking in the 2013 reboot. These tombs certainly have it.

I'm currently playing Destiny 2 (SNIP) I've had the game since Saturday and within two days, I'm already level fifteen (max level cap is twenty). Is that suppose to happen?

Yes. The real level is the mastery one or what's it's called. Gear level thing. The 20 level thing I guess exists to gate the abilities and ease you into them or smth.
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I started playing Huniepop and Superhot.

Very different games, but both are fantastic in their own ways.
I've never been much of a fan of match 3 games, but Huniepop is actually really good. And the girls are just a nice bonus. Beli is the best.

And Superhot has amazing gameplay but a really, really, REALLY dumb story/framing. This is a game that would be sweet as fuck in VR though.
Also, it was a bitch to find as the comic links have stopped to function with the transition to overhauled site. Google image search however bailed me out. God bless nothing ever goes missing on the internet. ;)

Unfortunately, when GameRevolution changed its site, a lot of data failed to migrate across, including all of the GR Strips comics we created.

In saying that, I do have them stored on both my computer as well as my personal e-mail, so I am planning to upload them somewhere like Imgur or something similar.
Yes. The real level is the mastery one or what's it's called. Gear level thing. The 20 level thing I guess exists to gate the abilities and ease you into them or smth.

Playing lots of Destiny 2 since its release. Haven't finished the campaign yet, but have reached lvl 20 and about 250 power(=light) already. This is very overpowered for the campaign, but since D2 PvE is vastly improved over D1 PvE, exploring the sandbox (if you can call it that) along the way for chests and 'lost sectors' (like semi-hidden mini boss arenas) for loot levels you rather fast. The character lvl is kinda moot, and probably only applies to the first 5 hours of playing, gating some gear and abilities progress. Real long term progression target is in the 'power' stat, which is basically the level of your gear, and it slows way down in end game. But what makes the most difference is actually weapon perks (and the style of the sights), and now also weapon/gear mods in D2. These directly affect how your weapon/character handles, and getting new gear is the bread and butter of Destiny, for cosmetics or otherwise!

I have the most fun in PvP though, so if you don't like that, then the game will probably get stale fast after you have finished the campaign. My end game looks something like this:
Play PvP for fun --> get murdered --> grind PvE activities for better performing or better looking loot --> return to PvP for fun/getting murdered. Repeat with different class.
There are enough guns, gear, and character classes (BRING ON THE 4TH CHARACTER CLASS!!!) for a very long gameplay lifetime, but PvP is still my reason to keep playing Destiny.
Moved on to playing Dishonored 2, figuring I should probably play this game I got as a Christmas gift before it gets to be Christmas time again. Only gotten past the first level so far, but did it with no killing and without being detected. As it should be.
Playing lots of Destiny 2 since its release. Haven't finished the campaign yet, but have reached lvl 20 and about 250 power(=light) already. This is very overpowered for the campaign, but since D2 PvE is vastly improved over D1 PvE, exploring the sandbox (if you can call it that) along the way for chests and 'lost sectors' (like semi-hidden mini boss arenas) for loot levels you rather fast. The character lvl is kinda moot, and probably only applies to the first 5 hours of playing, gating some gear and abilities progress. Real long term progression target is in the 'power' stat, which is basically the level of your gear, and it slows way down in end game. But what makes the most difference is actually weapon perks (and the style of the sights), and now also weapon/gear mods in D2. These directly affect how your weapon/character handles, and getting new gear is the bread and butter of Destiny, for cosmetics or otherwise!

I have the most fun in PvP though, so if you don't like that, then the game will probably get stale fast after you have finished the campaign. My end game looks something like this:
Play PvP for fun --> get murdered --> grind PvE activities for better performing or better looking loot --> return to PvP for fun/getting murdered. Repeat with different class.
There are enough guns, gear, and character classes (BRING ON THE 4TH CHARACTER CLASS!!!) for a very long gameplay lifetime, but PvP is still my reason to keep playing Destiny.

I heard that by the time you reach end game, it's apparently really easy as most, if not all players will generally be over powered. I'm level seventeen at the moment with my Titan and I've just finished the missions on Titan (the uh, Moon of Titan I mean).

I played with two of my friends last night. One of them has had Destiny 2 since launch (he's got a level twenty character) but he was playing as a new character, as our other friend had only just got the game.

We didn't do much. We did a couple of events together, but sadly the events were boring and repetitive, as we got the same bloody event two times in a row. It was kinda boring, to be honest, but it was fun to play with friends and talk crap at the same time.

I'm hoping that future updates will improve variety on events.
Destiny 2 is pretty fun scrubbed my old character designs. Starting fresh!

Ditched my old characters as well (only two of the three carried over for some reason), thinking there'd be new options... nope. This is a major gripe I have with Destiny - why are the women so damn ugly! The guys and exos are fine, but the girls... oh man. It's a fantasy game! Why can't all the dudes be buff and all the gals be supermodels!

Be sure to join the GREV clan if you're not going to party up with buddies. Last time I checked there were already 100 members, so that means you're still going to get free rewards even if you decide to shun everybody and play solo!
I heard that by the time you reach end game, it's apparently really easy as most, if not all players will generally be over powered. I'm level seventeen at the moment with my Titan and I've just finished the missions on Titan (the uh, Moon of Titan I mean).

I played with two of my friends last night. One of them has had Destiny 2 since launch (he's got a level twenty character) but he was playing as a new character, as our other friend had only just got the game.

We didn't do much. We did a couple of events together, but sadly the events were boring and repetitive, as we got the same bloody event two times in a row. It was kinda boring, to be honest, but it was fun to play with friends and talk crap at the same time.

I'm hoping that future updates will improve variety on events.

Sounds like PvP is not your cup of tea? I think Destiny PvP is great, because there are all sorts of grenades, abilities, supers, and movement (jump) options that make each engagement challenging. I love cosmetic customization in games, so seeing everybody's style is also fun for me.
We had more fun last night in Destiny 2. I managed to hit level twenty with my Titan, scoring a fair amount of legendary gear in the process.

I don't mind PvP, I actually haven't tried Crucible yet, but I'm willing to give it a go!
Still playing Destiny 2 with my friends, but I also picked up a copy of Metroid: Samus Returns for 3Ds.

I loved the original Metroid II: Return of Samus for the Gameboy. I played it back in the 90's when I was seven years old (bloody hell, twenty one years ago).

When my brothers and I were kids, we didn't get games/toys that often, it was a birthday/Christmas thing and often, my brothers and I had to share gifts. We were not "poor", but we just weren't spoiled like a lot of other kids. My mum used to work at a school where they had a lost and found box, any items left in the box for over four weeks could be taken by staff and one day, mum bought me home a copy of Metroid II: Samus Returns.

I loved this game and played it every morning before school. I'd be the first to get up and get ready, just so I could wait for everyone else and while waiting, spend about twenty or thirty minutes kicking Metroid arse.

The remake is good, I really like it. A lot of the places of the game I actually remember, and the game actually has a wicked soundtrack. There's a few new elements in the game, like the use of "aeon" abilities (special abilities activated with the D-Pad) as well as melee attacks, used to counter enemy rush attacks, stun/damage etc.

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