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It may seem paradoxical but this Deadpool is a very good adaptation while being a bad video game, it respects the crazy universe and comedy comic humor, which should at least satisfy the most fierce fans, the observation is on the less brilliant gameplay

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I'm a sucker for halfway shitty licensed games, especially superhero/action games, so I've been eyeing Deadpool for years. Can't get myself to buy it though, even on a really good sale.
Just finishing off the Crash Trilogy.
Thinking about getting Yooka-Laylee next, anyone played this? What's it like?!
I played Virginia this weekend. It was really short (about 2h, but I picked it up during Steam's summer sale at around 5$) but the art style and music were unbelievable. The story is pretty open up to interpretation (some might say confusing...including myself before reading a bit on the subject). Felt more like a movie but still was worth it in my opinion. The fact that there is no spoken word is compensated more than enough by the soundtrack.
PSN had a good sale recently. I picked up a few games; tried out Rayman Legends first. It's really good! The addiction is already setting in. I particularly like trying to place in the podium on the daily online challenges and competing with my friends' high scores. It kind of reminds me of Crash Bandicoot, at least in its collectathon menu design. It's a solid game and perfect for periodic play; a good break from Persona 5.
Beat Arkham Knight (didn't bother with Riddler's trophies, watched the true ending from Youtube) and now I went to Hitman 2016 as a side to FFXIV. Best Hitman game yet, the only gripes I have with it is that there are no dual Silverballers and no suitcase for sniper rifle. Suitcase may yet to come but there has been no word on Ballers, sadly.
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I'm still playing F13 almost daily (if any readers want to hop on a game together, let me know). Otherwise, I just got Styx Shards of Darkness and am going to get into Shadow of Mordor sooner rather than later.
I bought Styx: Shards of Darkness for PS4, as I saw it for a heavily discounted price.

For a third person stealth game, it's alright. There are some clunky mechanics and some things are questionably lacking (for example, the ability to close doors, you can't do that), the story doesn't seem that interesting but... it's okay.
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Still playing Styx: Shards of Darkness for PS4.

It's getting better and more interesting. I'm finding the game is becoming more fun as I level up Styx's abilities and make further use of his powers. The story is getting more interesting too, but I find that there are some things I don't understand, most likely because I didn't play the previous and original Styx game.

I encountered a "boss" recently. Without spoiling anything, I failed two times, the second time was quite unfair as after I beat the boss, I accidentally set off a trap and died, resulting in me having to do the entire encounter again. In saying that, the third time... the boss seemed bugged. It didn't attack me at all. I just thought "screw it" and took it as a blessing.

So far, what I do like about the game:
  • Styx's powers are fun (e.g. creating and controlling clones)
  • Most levels are quite open, offering multiple paths and optional objectives
  • Some environments can look quite nice and creative, Styx's character model looks cool
  • Decent stealth, focusing on light, shadow and sound
  • Interesting story and lore/universe, once you get into it
  • Has co-op mode, which sounds awesome but I've yet to try
Now, what I don't like about the game:
  • Slow start
  • Game seems unpolished in terms of some graphics (other character models look awful) and game play mechanics
  • Climbing can be a huge pain in the arse, not as accurate as other games like Assassin's Creed or even Uncharted
  • Enemy A.I can be very strange at times - can be downright abused, or quite difficult
  • Questionable mechanics, e.g. a stealth game that won't let you close doors once they've been opened
  • No way to dispatch enemies by non-lethal means, e.g. can't knock them out
  • Occasional bugs, e.g. the boss fight mentioned above
  • The game's writing - the writers tried way too hard to make Styx funny, often breaking the forth wall by talking to the player, making references to the game itself ("I gotta talk to the writers about this one"), and making a lot of pop culture references. Very hit and miss
I haven't finished the game yet but if I were to give it a "score in progress", I'd probably say 7 out of 10, or maybe 6.5 out of 10.
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Playing through assassin's creed syndicate right now. I started it back in 2015, but there was a gamebreaking bug about halfway through that prevented me from playing. Two years later and that bug STILL exists, but I managed to find a workaround and continued the game. After an hour or so of play the game decided to fuck up and crash. Crazy how buggy this game still is, so long after release.
18 or so hours into Mass Effect Andromeda. I'm really busy these days so at this rate I might finish it by Christmas -_-
I'm still playing Styx.

My impression on the game hasn't changed much. It's alright. I don't know why I'm trying to finish it, I just am.
I'm FINALLY finishing up the Witcher 3 and its DLCs. I definitely like it more than I did Assassins of Kings. Is it me or is Geralt the biggest gaming Mary Sue that ever lived? I do liked the Witcher contracts and the secondary characters you run into along the way but whenever he rub elbows with the elite, I get a little put off.
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I loved The Witcher III: Wild Hunt and all of its DLCs. Definitely my favourite game of 2015.

As for Geralt being a bit of a Mary Sue... yeah, kinda. In my opinion, a Paragon Commander Shepard is gaming's biggest Mary Sue, but anyway.

I guess that's kinda the point of Geralt, even in the novels. He begins as a standard monster hunter for hire, but over time he starts accepting jobs which lead him on crazy adventures and make him gain one hell of a reputation. His fellow witcher, Lambert for example, hates the fact that Geralt goes on these said crazy adventures, has met and knows "elite" people, sleeps with women etc. To be fair though, Lambert hates the fact that he was forced to become a witcher, and he's just a bucket of issues anyway.

Still... that paragraph I just typed. Yeah, okay, Geralt's a Mary Sue. Or Gary Stu, in this case.
I've not played any games for a month now since moving house - it's killing me! Unless you count Clash of Clans or Gardenscapes on my phone.

Also, if I have to build another piece of flatpack furniture I'll lose the will to live!

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