What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

I've not played any games for a month now since moving house - it's killing me! Unless you count Clash of Clans or Gardenscapes on my phone.

Also, if I have to build another piece of flatpack furniture I'll lose the will to live!

Yeah, I haven't turned on a console in about three weeks now or even played on my Vita. Just some simple phone games. So I can totally relate.

Having said that, here, build this Kallax for me! :P
I'm sorta "playing" No Man's Sky again, due to all the massive updates. I wouldn't really call it playing, though, as I'm in creative mode which gives you unlimited resources and takes away the game's challenge, giving you only instead the creativity. I kinda like that.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is out next week on the 23rd of August. Really looking forward to it!
Playing Danganronpa which is kinda like a whodunnit visual novel and Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice from the people who made Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and Heavenly Sword. If you do decide to get Hellblade, it's recommended that you should wear headphones while playing it.
For Honor won me over at the free weekend. It's really fun and I love going against strong opponents. Took me 4 days to grind out enough currency for Shinobi class which I had given a try in bot practice and really liked it but after getting it immediately got annihiliated everywhere against human opponents. I thought he was pretty bad but after a few days, damn he's fun once you figure him out. There are still opponents that annihiliate me but I struggle less and after defeating a much experienced player in 1v1, I've come to see it's strenghts and weaknesses.

Now, when will the dedicated servers arrive? ;)
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Well, tomorrow my new GTX1080ti will be arriving, so I'm playing the PC upgrade game. Once I've got it installed and made sure there are no problems, I'll need to see about trying to sell the 1080 that it's replacing. Once that's out of the way I have Just Cause 3 to keep my busy. I picked it up on the cheap during GMG's Summer sale. Once I got the hang of juggling grappling, parachuting, and wingsuit gliding, I pretty much stopped using vehicles. It's too much fun to to just fly around tossing out destruction at every turn. It's going to hard to stop playing it long enough to play Uncharted: Lost Legacy next week.
After long break I said "I'm sorry" to PUBG and started playing again. Pretty hard for me with i5-6600k and GFX 960 (max 60 fps, all low). Anyway I got a lot of fun with it. I'm also trying to get back to CSGO but it's getting a little bored after almost 1k hrs played. And still thinking ti buy GTA5 for multiplayer but I'm afraid that's not worth at this moment (possibility of releasing new GTA).
Crash Trilogy is all done now.

I've gone back to Furi and am going through it on Furier difficulty....pulling my hair out lads, pulling my hair out.

Crash Trilogy is all done now.

I've gone back to Furi and am going through it on Furier difficulty....pulling my hair out lads, pulling my hair out.

I played through Furi then went to DLC boss and just couldn't do it, couldn't get past stage 2. Now few months later went at the boss again. Beat him on my first try. Somehow I got better by waiting. :D
Haha nice! I should get that DLC (when my internet returns...the struggle is real).

Managed to complete Furi - now platinumed.
Have moved onto DMC 4 Special Edition...gonna go for some Son of Sparda with Vergil....MAN it's fun playing with Vergil!!
I picked up Uncharted: The Lost Legacy for PS4 yesterday, spent a couple of hours with it. I love the Uncharted series, so I've really been looking forward to this.

My thoughts will contain spoilers to Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.

Similar to Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, The Lost Legacy does have a bit of a slow start to it, but I can see and understand why. Graphically, it's still amazing (probably the best I've ever seen on the PS4) and for the most part, the controls are still fine. The gun play feels better, I don't know how or why, but it seems easier to knock off head shot kills.

Stealth is back and it's just as easy to abuse as the previous game. In saying that, I enjoy stealth and even if there are mechanics to abuse, it's still fun. The game also brings back the 4WD vehicle as well as large environments to drive around in. The rope and grappling hook is back too, which while it's silly to use, is also fun, especially in areas of hectic combat.

I like Chloe and Nadine, they're an interesting team, especially considering that they're both not really "good" guys. I mean, Nadine was a bad arse villain in Uncharted 4, but to be fair, she was a mercenary, so for her it was just business, where as the main antagonist, Rafe Adler, was doing what he was doing out of some crazy, possibly psychotic passion and obsession. Chloe's not a villain by any means, but she's not exactly a good person either, and she can admit to that.

I do miss Nathan Drake, but in all honesty, I'm glad he's not in this game. Considering how A Thief's End finished, it wouldn't make any sense for Drake to make an appearance. It might be nice to see old characters like Sully, Cutter or maybe even Sam, but I think if they appeared, it would take away from Chloe's story. As an Uncharted fan, I really like how they casually dive into Chloe's past through her conversations with Nadine.

I'm still early into the game, but for the price of $42 AUD ($33 USD), this is a bloody awesome pick up.
Sorry Craig, I dont want it spoiled so didn't read any of your post haha! But I'm thinking of picking up Uncharted 4 soon, would you say I'd have to play the other 3 games to fully experience it? If so, might have to play the trilogy collection aswell.

I've randomly started to play Bioshock 2...needed a change of pace after a lot of hack n slash recently.
It's better than I remember. I think because I always compare it to the first - it's less of a spectacle when I play it.
Sorry Craig, I dont want it spoiled so didn't read any of your post haha! But I'm thinking of picking up Uncharted 4 soon, would you say I'd have to play the other 3 games to fully experience it? If so, might have to play the trilogy collection aswell.

I would really recommend playing at least the first two games of the Uncharted series just for the characters. The first game is the roughest, but it establishes the main three characters. The second one builds on that, and it is just overall a great game. It also introduces us to Chloe, who is the lead in the Lost Legacy.

The third game sort of meandered and the characters feel like they end up where they did at the end of the second game, so I don't think it is as essential to play, though it is still a fun game, and if you do get the collection you may as well play it.

For $20 (or whatever that is in pounds), it's really a no-brainer to pick up the trilogy collection. Seeing how Uncharted 4 is the end to Nathan Drake's story, it would be somewhat silly not to see how it starts.
Sorry Craig, I dont want it spoiled so didn't read any of your post haha! But I'm thinking of picking up Uncharted 4 soon, would you say I'd have to play the other 3 games to fully experience it? If so, might have to play the trilogy collection as well

Haha, it's all good, man. Apologies for the potential spoilers (which is why I threw the tag there to begin with).

But to answer your question... I would certainly recommend playing all of the Uncharted games, before playing Uncharted 4 and then ultimately, The Lost Legacy. If you can, pick yourself up a copy of the Uncharted remastered trilogy and play it back to back, go through one, two, three and eventually four. I think that way, you'll really enjoy the overall story as well as the characters.

I think COMaestro's hit the nail on the head, pretty much. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is probably the roughest game in terms of game play and graphics (to be fair, it did come out in 2007). For its time, it was graphically insane, but you'll certainly see its age if you play it now. It's vital to play this one though, as COMaestro said, it introduces to us the primary three characters of the Uncharted franchise.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is a lot more polished, introduces to us new characters (such as Chloe Frazer, who is the playable protagonist of the just released Lost Legacy) and new game play elements. This is probably the best one of the original trilogy.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is in my opinion, a good one too. This game continues Nathan Drake's story and even dives into his past, establishing his relationship with Victor "Sully" Sullivan. Uncharted 3 isn't as good as 2, but it's worth the play.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is probably the biggest Uncharted game released. Most Uncharted games... you can knock out in five to eight hours, depending on how good you are, but A Thief's End has a lot more content and larger environments, so it'll probably take twelve hours or so?

I do recommend playing them all and if possible, playing back to back. :)
I started playing Infamous: First Light a couple of days ago. I've had it installed on my PS4 for years, but never got around to it until now. It's rather fun going back into the world of Infamous. Fetch has some fun powers, though I've mostly just spent my time trying to grab the collectibles and clear out all the zones. Hopefully I can get back to it soon.
I've been playing Overwatch and picked up Until Dawn for free. I loved Beyond and Heavy Rain so Until is right up my alley. I love how meta it is and how there are multiple characters as well. I never really play these games multiple times though. Same with Telltale. Anyone else take the time to grind the choices?
Now that I've finished Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, I don't really know what to play. I have nothing to play, actually.

I might go back to Overwatch for the PS4, but my partner is playing a lot of that, lately. She really enjoys it and has made a few friends online through it.

Life is Strange: Before the Storm comes out this week, so I'll probably pick up a copy. My partner and I really enjoyed the first one, but personally, I am a little bit skeptical of the sequel... or, technically the prequel. The first game utilized Max Caulfield's sudden and random ability to manipulate time, to use for things like solving puzzles and making crucial decisions, but in the prequel, we're playing as Chloe... who uh, doesn't have powers. So is it going to be a more generic story/choice-style game?
Started playing the first couple hours of Until Dawn since it was free on PS Plus last month, and even without being a slasher movie fan, I'm enjoying it so far. The animations are top notch and the Analyst is pretty unsettling, but the story seems to go in the right direction. Can't wait to see where my choices lead me. I hope they do matter in the end and it's not a "every choices lead to the same ending anyway" type of game.
^ Yeah they matter! Have fun!

I bought Everybody's Golf for PS4, should be arriving today. Playing golf in real life and playing golf virtually - I gots the fever!!
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