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Path of Exile.
I had a long break, but the new league Delve convinced me to come back :)
Earlier I played in Diablo 3 and I regret this very much, PoE is worthy successor of Diablo 2 (in my opinion one of the best games of all time). In the new league they removed the character level limit and the monster level limit, so you can have fun longer ;-)
Still plugging away on God of War. I think I'm close to the end of the story, as I'm ready to enter Jotunheim, but I've been doing a bunch of side content which is time consuming. Just got to Sigrun the other night and haven't had a chance to play since. Finished Muspelheim and just need to open the Realm Tears in Niflheim to finish up there. Otherwise missing about 12 ravens, a few artifacts, and some lore markers. I'll probably just finish off Sigrun and Niflheim before completing the story though.
I've started playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider recently on PS4. It's okay. So far, it's better than Rise of the Tomb Raider, but it's not mind blowing or Game of the Year material, I'm afraid.

So graphically, it looks amazing and has fantastic animation. Despite the visuals, I've noticed several glitches, particularly in the in-game cut scenes (when Lara is talking to NPCs at the player's choice), such as NPCs dropping into the floor, or people walking through Lara like a ghost. For everyone talking about how "immersive" the game is, this really takes away from that.

The story is really hum-ho. While I do enjoy the game play (I'll get to that shortly), the story is kinda boring. I liked Lara in the original 2013 game but now, she seems pretty unlikeable. Her primary companion Jonah is quite boring and to tell you the truth, I don't know how or why they're friends. Lara seems like a dick. Maybe they'll further explore this later in the story or maybe not.

Game play is pretty good. The puzzles are challenging, but not the point where you'll rip your hair out in frustration, and the gun play for the most part works well. Stealth can be downright abused to the player's favour, as it's incredibly unrealistic and takes inspiration from Predator and Rambo, but hey, it's still fun. I am pleased to see that gathering resources for crafting costumes and upgrading weapons seems easier and more streamlined. Rise of the Tomb Raider felt so frustrating in this regard.

As for gun play, I say "the most part" because there was one section in the game, kinda like a boss fight, where I had to fight multiple maned wolves. When I attempted to use my assault rifle, my accuracy was incredibly poor and I felt like the game was -making- me miss, resulting in my death multiple times. The environment had a lot of arrows scattered around, so I felt the game was trying to make me use my bow, so when I used the bow, I was able to actually hit the wolves, deal damage and defeat them. So... I'm not quite sure what happened there?

So far, Shadow of the Tomb Raider is okay and I am enjoying it, but in my opinion, it's A - not Game of the Year material and B - kinda overrated.
As for gun play, I say "the most part" because there was one section in the game, kinda like a boss fight, where I had to fight multiple maned wolves. When I attempted to use my assault rifle, my accuracy was incredibly poor and I felt like the game was -making- me miss, resulting in my death multiple times. The environment had a lot of arrows scattered around, so I felt the game was trying to make me use my bow, so when I used the bow, I was able to actually hit the wolves, deal damage and defeat them. So... I'm not quite sure what happened there?

Don't you know bows are the most awesome weapon ever developed? That's why modern militaries still use them to this day! /sarcasm

The above appears to be true to the average video game developer, judging by the power of bow weapons in games. :)
Don't you know bows are the most awesome weapon ever developed? That's why modern militaries still use them to this day! /sarcasm

The above appears to be true to the average video game developer, judging by the power of bow weapons in games. :)

It's interesting because yeah, using a bow and arrows seems kinda unrealistic and less proficient then say, a gun, but it is fun and kinda bad arse. I am convinced though that during the maned wolf segment, the game was trying to subtlety force me to use my bow instead of firearms... which is a shame, because I've recently unlocked a very powerful assault rifle and fully upgraded it, but I haven't had a chance to use it.

I am quite surprised with Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I am actually enjoying it, a lot more than Rise of the Tomb Raider. I think Shadow has a lot more opportunity to explore (and I love exploration), and collecting items to upgrade items seems less tedious than Rise, as well. I still don't care about the story (in fact, the story and its characters are probably the game's weakest links) but the game play is fun.

There's two interesting things I've noticed:

1 - In previous Tomb Raider games (of the reboot trilogy), Lara acquires new items to help her progress to new areas for the sake of the story, and she gets new items through natural progression of the story, like Metroid or Castlevania. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, these items are entirely optional and to get them, you need to purchase them from merchants/vendors... so if you do decide to get them, they'll allow you to find optional secret areas, hidden challenge tombs etc. You do not need these items to complete the main story.

2 - You don't seem to fight that many human enemies. Unlike previous games, it was often waves and waves of nameless dudes to gun down, with the occasional animal that acts like a boss fight... here in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, I've probably experienced the least amount of combat, compared to the other two games, and have certainly fought more animals. When I do encounter human enemies, it's usually in a segmented, linear section where you can either go guns blazing or take out the enemies stealthily (the latter option is quite easy). I imagine as I get closer towards the game's finale, I'll probably be mowing down waves of Trinity goons.
Faffed about with MGS: Ground Zeroes for a bit after finishing God of War. Now I've been playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune since I picked up the collection on my PS4 a few months ago. Been fun revisiting this old gem. Really looking forward to the second game, which was the peak of the series, maybe even moreso than 4.
Faffed about with MGS: Ground Zeroes for a bit after finishing God of War. Now I've been playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune since I picked up the collection on my PS4 a few months ago. Been fun revisiting this old gem. Really looking forward to the second game, which was the peak of the series, maybe even moreso than 4.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is my favourite of the Uncharted franchise. It does have a somewhat slow beginning and the inclusion of Sam being Drake's brother is a bit random, but A Thief's End has the best graphics and probably the best game play as well, but I admit, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves probably has the most engaging story.

I reckon the Uncharted games are an absolute joy to go through if you play them back to back. I did that a little while ago before Uncharted 4 came out, I went through the trilogy via the PS4 Nathan Drake Collection, so it kept the story so fresh.

I'm playing more Spider-Man, attempting to find all the secret photo locations. I've got ONE more to go, but I have no idea where to look!
I'm playing more Spider-Man, attempting to find all the secret photo locations. I've got ONE more to go, but I have no idea where to look!

All fine and good if you are still having fun. However, if you are just trying to finish everything off to move onto a different game, that's what the internet is for! :)
All fine and good if you are still having fun. However, if you are just trying to finish everything off to move onto a different game, that's what the internet is for! :)

I found that last damn photo! :)

I don't have any new games to play, I'm afraid. Next on my purchase list will be Red Dead Redemption, which will be here in just over two weeks. I am having some fun swinging around as Spider-Man, fighting repetitious crime. I was also playing with the game's photo mode last night.

If/when Insomniac Games bring out a New Game Plus mode for Spider-Man, I will totally be all over that.
With Humble Monthly dropping Hitman and Hollow Knight for a measly $12, I jumped right on that badboy.

So far Hitman has not disappointed. As someone who has played Blood Money to death (and the others, though none of them are nearly as good) it's exactly what I want from a Hitman game. I beat Paris and Sapienza to death, and while Paris is cool and shows off the game well Sapienza is basically a perfect level in every regard. I love it.

Hollow Knight has been wonderful too. Not too hard, with really interesting mechanics. Very enjoyable all around.
Forza Motorsport 7 and Horizon 3. Still chipping away at those. Assassin's Creed Odyssey on PC and it looks and plays beautifully might be GotY material. Will be picking up RDR2 on launch night.
Diablo 3 Season 15 has been my focus this past week, every few seasons I seem to get sucked in once again.

Stardew Valley and Forza Horizon 4 have also been in the rotation pretty heavy.
I've just started Red Dead Redemption 2. I would love to play more, but right now, I'm editing some photos I took while I was recently down at PAX AUS 2018.

I was playing the first piece of DLC for Spider-Man, being 'The Heist' from 'The City That Never Sleeps' package.

While interstate for PAX, I was playing my Switch and rolling with Xenoblade Chronicles 2. I've finished the game already, but it was fun exploring parts of the game I have yet to explore, taking out the unique monsters/bosses etc. I have no idea how the hell you're supposed to level up past the mid-70 range, without excessive grinding.
So like a lot of gamers right now, I'm playing Red Dead Redemption 2.

Admittingly, it has quite a slow start, but I suspected this would be the case, as a lot of titles from Rockstar Games tend to be like this. Still, RDR2 has gotten a lot better and I'm pretty engrossed by the game now.

I've encountered little in the way of bugs, but at times, the controls can feel a bit frustrating and even sluggish. For the most part though, RDR2 is an awesome game, highly recommended and a massive contender for Game of the Year 2018.
Did you turn down the dead zone on the controls at all? That definitely helps the sluggishness I think.

Bless your soul. It worked.

I turned the dead zone on the control down to the lowest setting possible, then I turned the aim setting as high as possible... feels totally different, but so much better.
I'm still playing Red Dead Redemption 2.

The beginning of the game is honestly quite slow (as is every title by Rockstar Games) and without spoiling anything, I've just moved into chapter five and I am absolutely loving this game. I have become completely engrossed by the story and what the detailed environment has to offer.

RDR2 seems to be one of those "it gets better the more you play" kinda games, similar to The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, and man oh man, it is getting so much better.

I think I've found my Game of the Year. Sorry Spider-Man. Sorry God of War.
Since my girlfriend and I moved in together, about a year ago, I hadn’t played any games. I even gave my Xbox to her daughter. When I started seeing the commercials for RDR2, I remarked how badass it looked but pushed it out of my head knowing I’d probably never play it. A couple days ago after my girlfriend got home for work, I went to take a shower. When I came out I saw a big bag from GameStop in my recliner. Awesome woman that my girlfriend is, she had bought me a new Xbox One S and a copy of Red Dead 2 as an early birthday present.

After I got over my surprised shock, I got it going and I’m enjoying the game. As previously said, it is indeed a slow start, but I keep finding more and more I want to do. The visuals are beautiful and the voice acting is on point. I will have to try adjusting the controls as stated above though.

In the past my girlfriend would say she thought video games were childish, but leave it to her to give me the means to jump back in. What a woman.

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