What Are You Playing? - The Official Thread

Since my girlfriend and I moved in together, about a year ago, I hadn’t played any games. I even gave my Xbox to her daughter. When I started seeing the commercials for RDR2, I remarked how badass it looked but pushed it out of my head knowing I’d probably never play it. A couple days ago after my girlfriend got home for work, I went to take a shower. When I came out I saw a big bag from GameStop in my recliner. Awesome woman that my girlfriend is, she had bought me a new Xbox One S and a copy of Red Dead 2 as an early birthday present.

After I got over my surprised shock, I got it going and I’m enjoying the game. As previously said, it is indeed a slow start, but I keep finding more and more I want to do. The visuals are beautiful and the voice acting is on point. I will have to try adjusting the controls as stated above though.

In the past my girlfriend would say she thought video games were childish, but leave it to her to give me the means to jump back in. What a woman.

I'm playing Hitman 2, which I'm really enjoying. I've also been playing some Spider-Man, as the new story DLC is out and its quite good.

My partner is playing Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee! which looks pretty fun.
Spider-Man looks damn awesome. Unfortunately, the PS4 just doesn’t have enough exclusives I want to play to justify buying one. I had the same issue with the PS3 and eventually turned it into GameStop
I have moved on to Uncharted 3 on the PS4 and just finished the France section. Though I played this to completion on PS3, I'm finding I don't remember a lot of it, so it's been nice going through it with fresh eyes.

I will say the controls feel a little clumsier compared to the previous entries in the series. The targeting reticle is a lot more in the way than before, blocking your sight when aiming at a distant enemy, I have noticed a lag when trying to make Drake jump backwards when hanging, and pressing the jump button in instances where I would expect to vault an obstacle in past games has often made Drake jump instead. I do remember feeling this game was a bit of a step backwards from 2, and these experiences are just reinforcing that memory.

That said, I do enjoy the added melee mechanics, and also the ability to throw grenades back at enemies if you are quick enough. Sadly, though, I feel it was one step forward, two steps back overall. Story is fun though.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception does introduce some cool mechanics, such as throwing grenades back at enemies as well as an improved, easier to use (in my opinion anyway) melee combat system, and of course the improved graphics, but story-wise, it's just not as good as Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, plus I think you're right COMaestro, a few mechanics do take a bit of a step backwards.

I'm mucking around with the Red Dead Redemption 2 online BETA (or Red Dead Online, I suppose) but I haven't gotten very far. I've yet to play with other people but I'm up to the first mission that allows you to do just that. The character creation is awful, as most characters look like a disaster.
I've given the Red Dead Online BETA a go.

It's okay, but it's a lot of random murdering, which kinda makes sense.

I've lost a lot of honour points defending myself from other players trying to kill me. One guy tried to start a fist fight with me in the saloon. I played ball for a little while, then pulled out my knife and shanked him to death.
I bought Furi and Titan Souls on a whim.
Furi is absolutely amazing. So much so that when I lost my save halfway through I have no problem playing through the first half again!
Now that I’m done with Red Dead 2, I’m flipping back and forth between Minecraft (which I seem to came back to every few months or so) and Bioshock. Microsoft had the collection on sell for $15 and I haven’t played em in a few years so I snatched it up
For Christmas, my brother bought me a copy of Subnautica for the PS4. I'm absolutely loving it.


For those that don't know, Subnautica is an indie-made, first person survival/crafting simulator, where your ship has crash landed on an alien, oceanic world. It's really bloody good.

The game does have a story, which is told through collectables like abandoned PDAs (audio files, text files etc.) as you essentially uncover the mystery of why your huge ship, the Aurora, crash landed to begin with. To me, the game also has some horror elements, as the deeper you go under water, the darker and more dangerous it becomes. It's got a bit of a Metroidvania feel to it, e.g. you need some pieces of equipment to uncover certain things, access particular areas etc.
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We bought a Switch for our kids for Christmas, though the 5 year old shows no interest in it yet. Our 7 year old, on the other hand, wants to play it constantly. By play, I mean load up Mario Kart 8, get a race going (usually as his favorite, Donkey Kong), and just set the controller on the ground and let the auto steering and auto accelerate do all the work. He'll occasionally use the items, but is usually content to just let the game do its thing. Then he runs through the replay again and again, finding things that amuse him.

My wife and I played a quick Grand Prix last night after the kids were in bed. We haven't played Mario Kart together in a while, so it was fun. Curious to try out Smash Bros, and I need to get the kid started on Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. He's terrible at the original DKC, but he loves playing it on the SNES mini anyway, so I want to see his reaction to the new one.
I’ve been tempted to get a switch. I’ve been getting the itch to play a Mario game. Plus I hear a new Metroid is coming next year
I'm on Winter break right now and I graduate nursing school in a few weeks so I whipped out my PSOne with the portable screen and have been trying to play my backlog. I have nearly 100 PS1 games and most of them I haven't ever played. I'm also playing Forza 7 on PC and Battlefield V.
Started up Horizon: Zero Dawn (though I've just gotten to where I have control of kid Aloy before I had to stop) and messing around with Mario Kart and Smash Bros on our new Switch, unlocking stuff for the kids.
I’ve been tempted to get a switch. I’ve been getting the itch to play a Mario game. Plus I hear a new Metroid is coming next year
Worth it. There's a large enough library now to really justify the cost. I got one last Xmas and even then it was worth the purchase. The trickle of games has kind of slowed down, but it should pick back up next year.
FFS. My 7 year old, who was crazy about Mario Kart on the Switch, has now moved on. Instead, he wants to play either Donkey Kong or Super Mario Bros....on our NES mini! Classics never die, I guess.
Worth it. There's a large enough library now to really justify the cost. I got one last Xmas and even then it was worth the purchase. The trickle of games has kind of slowed down, but it should pick back up next year.

The backlog would be enough to justify the purchase for sure. I’ve considered the same for the PS4. There’s been enough exclusives that I’d like to play that I may get that and the Switch sometime this year.
The backlog would be enough to justify the purchase for sure. I’ve considered the same for the PS4. There’s been enough exclusives that I’d like to play that I may get that and the Switch sometime this year.
Oh heck yes! Get a PS4 Pro though it's well worth the purchase as any game past 2016 looks like caca on the original PS4. Get it even if you have a 1080p TV. The PS4 is murdering this generation with amazing exclusives and I even sold my Xbox One because every exclusive outside of Halo is on PC so it sat for 18 months unused and I got rid of it. My wife has a white Xbox One S so it's there for basically just Halo.

It doesn't help that every exclusive for the One got canceled and there have been nearly zero new IPs this cycle. Microsoft really just dropped the ball. The sales figures show with PS4 leading by double the amount of sales. Even in the game stores and electronic stores they have shrunk the Xbox One section down to almost nothing while expanding the PS4 section. It's crazy and the exclusives and numbers don't lie.

I mean God of War is single handedly the best game to ever come out for this cycle and then you have 3 Uncharted games, Spider-Man, Gran Turismo Sport, Tearaway Unfolded, Tetris Effect, The Last of Us Remastered, Infamous, the Yakuza series, Until Dawn, Ratchet & Clank, Shadow of the Colossus, Detroit, Persona 5, The Last Guardian, Bloodborne, Horizon...and the list goes on! You can't beat that quality of exclusives on Xbox One. You just got Halo, Forza, and Gears of War...that's pretty much it. Most of the exclusives outside of those three franchises are sub-par or really bad.
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I definitely agree that PS4 has a more impressive exclusives list. In the past it was the other way. I remember pretty much only using my PS3 for Blu-ray and eventually sold it. But all the God of Wars, Last of Us, and recently Spider-Man are really making me want to just go one weekend and drop it all on my GameStop credit card
I definitely agree that PS4 has a more impressive exclusives list. In the past it was the other way. I remember pretty much only using my PS3 for Blu-ray and eventually sold it. But all the God of Wars, Last of Us, and recently Spider-Man are really making me want to just go one weekend and drop it all on my GameStop credit card

Well, it was still that way even with the PS3. PS3 had Heavenly Sword, Killzone, The Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, Ratchet & Clank (3 of them), God of War 3, Ascension and the two collections, Puppeteer, Gran Turismo 5 and 6, 3 Uncharted games, Metal Gear Solid 4, Demon's Souls, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus collection, Journey, Infamous, LittleBitPlanet, MotorStorm, Resistance, Wipeout, Yakuza, and not to mention the numerous JRPGs that never made it the 360....so yeah the PS3 wiped the floor with the 360 about half-way through that console cycle.

The 360 started out strong and lost ALL of their exclusives except, once again, Halo, Gears of War, and Forza, and PGR but Bizarre Creations is now no more. Mass Effect, Shadow Complex, Dead Rising, Ninja Gaiden, and many other developers who exclusively made games for the 360 left early on. The 360 suffered the same fate as the Xbox One, just much later on and not as quickly.
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