What are ya playing?

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used44 said:
The release of The Wolf Among Us reminded me I had Walking Dead: 400 Days sitting unplayed since it came out. So I played that today. That's basically all I've played this week. Oh, and I started FFTactics again.

You should google, "FFT+" though I don't know if it's your cup of tea.
I started LEGO LotR with the boys. Pretty damn intense for a kids game, but they do a great job of bringing the funny with some pretty serious scenes (ex. Boromir's death).

Also, we bought Playstation All Star Battle Royale Electric Boogaloo because why not, it was pretty cheap. The boys enjoy it.

And I evened out the buy 2 get 1 free by getting Borderlands 2!
Well, after several hours of Dark Souls, I've managed to get to somewhere called Blighttown.

In getting there, I've fought 6 bosses, including the tutorial Asylum Demon. 3 I killed alone, 2 I summoned a 'phantom' to help me fight, and 1 killed itself.

Interestingly enough, the last one, the Splayed Dragon or something like that you find in the Depths, I managed to kill first-try, without dying.

Also, I love my Halberd+6. It's saved my life countless times in that game, and made some fights rather easy.
Halberds are ridiculously good. Try and get it to +10 if you can.

Also, good luck in Blighttown. You're gonna need it. Which boss did you get to kill itself?
I actually had zero issues getting through Blighttown. Everyone kept saying how terrible of a place it is, so I must have gotten lucky.

Now the Great Treehollow on the other hand, fuck that place.
Just finished Beyond Two Souls. Good game. Good pacing. Very impressed with the graphics. Its by far not the greatest game in the world but was a good experience to me.

Im very interested so see what quantic dream will do with nextgen.
Sourdeez said:
Just finished Beyond Two Souls. Good game. Good pacing. Very impressed with the graphics. Its by far not the greatest game in the world but was a good experience to me.

Im very interested so see what quantic dream will do with nextgen.
You need to stop playing games so fast and enjoy them. I mean, you just finished GTA V not so long ago.
I only really wanted to finish the story missions in GTAV. Im going to wait for the pc version to really fuck around and explore the rest of the world.

Beyond two souls is a short game.

Next game shipping from gamefly is Diablo3. Another game I will only finish the story quests and then send it back.
Poker night 2

I usually only enjoy poker with real players, but playing with Brock (Venture Bros), Claptrap (Boarderlands), Ash (Army of Darkness), Max (Sam & Max), and GLaDOS (Portal) is pretty awesome. I could listen to these guys shoot the shit all night LOL.
danielrbischoff said:
Haha, I wish I could get it to do that....
There's a place where you can knock it off. It, Iron Golem, and Ceaseless Discharge all have unique falling animations.

...I'm gonna replay Demon's Souls. Because while I love Dark Souls, the other people who play it have gotten a tad obnoxious.

But then again, it does produce this kind of stuff. Thanks Japan.
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