What are ya playing?

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The only attribute you should ever edit is speed. Other than that, it's a fantastic game.

It takes a while to get into your first time, so just do exactly what the main questline tells you to do.
Sourdeez said:
Citadel brings good closure.

You were right, Sourdeez. The Citadel DLC is probably the best storyline DLC I've played for any game. At the very least, it's the most entertaining storyline DLC I've ever played for any game.

I just finished Mass Effect 3 for the second time, this time with all of the storyline DLC as well as the extended ending. The DLC plus the extended ending made the experience, especially the ending a lot better for me and it did provide more closure overall. I wish Bioware didn't have to resort to the extended ending to begin with... but I was really happy with it.

Not to spoil anything to those who haven't played but for the record, I chose the "green" ending. In my first run (without all the DLC) I went with "blue".
GTAV in the evenings and LEGO Batman 2 with the kids. I think it is easy to say that these two games are on opposite sides of so many spectrums but both quite fun.
Bretimus_v2 said:
GTAV in the evenings and LEGO Batman 2 with the kids. I think it is easy to say that these two games are on opposite sides of so many spectrums but both quite fun.

That's a good combination. I'd honestly like to play LEGO Batman 2, but I have no one to play it with. Single player seems a little boring. :P
Master_Craig said:
I think it's safe to say that everyone on GR is currently playing GTA V. I know I am.

So I've beaten Diablo III on PC with all five classes, and then my older brother finally gets it, but for PS3. My younger brother decided to buy it too so we can play together, so now I'm doing it all over again.

At least the console version has vastly increased rare and legendary drop rates. I've found some tremendously helpful stuff to get me going. Using a witch doctor, as nature intended, and I'm already a level 26, at the start of act III. I have some gripes about the interface and stuff, but I cannot deny that finding better items more often has made the game much more fun.
Battlefield 4 open beta launched yesterday. So, I'll probably take a break from GTA V online and play this.
Master_Craig said:
UghRochester said:
Also downloading and about to check out Beyond Two Souls demo. Thanks to PSLS, they informed me about getting the demo early from GameStop on Facebook. It's a simple like for the code and app. Just delete that stuff afterwards if you want.
https://www.facebook.com/GameStop?sk=ap ... ubmitted-1

Sweet. Give us your take on the demo when you can.
Didn't see this post until now. So here's a video I took while playing it for the first time
Well, I beat Dead Space 3. It's alright, though if you go with the idea that it's not supposed to be a horror game, you'll find it to be more fun than before. It's definately one of the most immersive things I've played in a long time, and the weapon customisation system has some damn awesome possibilities within it, if you're willing to experiment with it.

Recently gone back to playing New Vegas. Never did finish it on PC.
One of the scariest noises I've heard in games is the alien necromorph screech. Hearing that whilst abseiling down that shaft made me panic like Rolf Harris realising he's been caught on CCTV in a nursery.

I've still yet to finish the DLC in New Vegas. Should get on that soon.
I still haven't played Dead Space 3. I've been wanting to... my favourite of the series so far is Dead Space 2.

I'm tempted to install Mass Effect 1 and 2 on my PC, go through it all again... and then do Mass Effect 3, again. With all the DLC's for each game. I'm so sad.
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