What are ya playing?

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The platinum trophy for ICO looks extremely easy to get. So, I'm trying to get the Castle Guide trophy. This is a huge b*tch. In case you don't know what it means, it's beating ICO in two hours
I'm away from home again this week so I downloaded Hotline Miami on the Vita. I really really like lots of things about it but I hate the controls. This is generally a problem for me with almost all vita games though. I never get a comfortable hold on it.
used44 said:
I'm away from home again this week so I downloaded Hotline Miami on the Vita. I really really like lots of things about it but I hate the controls. This is generally a problem for me with almost all vita games though. I never get a comfortable hold on it.
I played it on Vita too. It's just so awkward and flat in your hands so it makes finely aiming with the analog sticks really hard.
Finished the story mode of GTAV.

Spoilers below...

I liked the ending, I chose option C, the "death wish" ending. I couldn't kill Michael or Trevor and I'm surprised they didn't kill each other... but man, the money after the final heist? Nice.

I tried GTA Online for the first time. Had no idea what the hell I was doing. Was put with one other random guy to do the first race, then do some drug theft mission together. Upon completion of the mission, he tried to murder me using his fists. I pulled out my gun and shot him down to the ground... then seconds later, was immediately run over by some random guy.

Picking up the new Pokémon this Saturday (the 12th of October, the Australian release date) for the 3Ds. Probably going to get version X.

Beyond Two Souls is tempting but... I'm not sure. I've read reviews but it seems mixed. I enjoyed Heavy Rain but I'm not a hundred per cent sure. It's tempting!
As someone who primarily buys from Amazon, Nintendo always releasing games over the weekend really sucks.

I can't get on Team Froakie until Monday damnit.
I took a break from GTA5 to play the first Payday game, since I got it for Christmas like a year ago and never got around to actually playing it. Not quite what I expected, honestly. I was hoping it would involve more actual heisting, like doing shit to prevent the cops from arriving, planning stuff how you want to, etc., rather than being just a 100% action FPS game. Still fun, though.
Haven't had any new games to play lately. Still trying for some of the missing achievements in Spelunky. Speedlunky and Low Scorer are a bitch to deal with. Maybe I'll get lucky one day.
Picked up Pokémon X for my 3Ds this Saturday (12th October). I really like it. All the little things that have changed and improved have made me happy and it's fun.

My only beefs with the game is sometimes the camera angle in certain areas kinda sucks and is annoying and occasionally, battles may have frame rate drops. Other than that, it's great.
I love me some of my cousin's Gamefly! Just picked up Crysis 3 ($11.69), Need for Speed Most Wanted ($13.49), Far Cry 3 ($8.99), and Resident Evil Revelations ($17.99) = Grand total of $52.16 for 4 great games!
The release of The Wolf Among Us reminded me I had Walking Dead: 400 Days sitting unplayed since it came out. So I played that today. That's basically all I've played this week. Oh, and I started FFTactics again.
At least it's a good game. Not like LinksOcarina playing the Dragon Age games fifteen times a year.
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