What are ya playing?

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How come I never saw those dance moves?

I went to go put Demon's Souls in the other day, but the disc wasn't in its case. No idea where it is.
You have to get the Channeler's Trident and do the two-handed strong attack. You do the big gay dance that they do, which then spreads a buff spell to all of your nearby allies.
Just finished Batman: Arkham Origins the other night. Going to try New Game Plus mode soon after beating some of the challenge maps.
WickedLiquid said:
Is that the HD collection MattAY?

Fuck man, SH3 made me so paranoid when I played it some 10 years ago.

It is indeed.
Well back in the day I only played up until the sewers, so it's all new to me now. It's awesome how I can probably still call the Silent Hill series the scariest games I've ever played. Because during that hell hospital level my heart was in my throat the whole fucking time! The Leonard/Stanley Coleman thing made that level terrifying.
Bretimus_v2 said:
How many stars out of 5? Good? Better? Watered down?

If you're asking about Batman: Arkham Origins... I would say 3.5 or 4 stars out of five. I enjoyed it, but it didn't have the same "wow" factor as Batman: Arkham City.
Far Cry 3 has been thoroughly enjoyable. Started up Crysis 3 and played about 3-4 chapters and then thought hey how about giving Far Cry 3 a chance for a change of pace...have to be 40+ hours later at this point and still not burnt out on sneaking up on pirates for a takedown followed by a knife throw and some quick head shots. Note: the first time I was able to drop down with double death from above kill 2 pirates and manage to run and takedown another before he fully noticed me and then knife a fourth and kill 2 more with the special sub machine gun...feeling badass was an understatement. Did I seriously just sam fisher 6 enemies without having to mark them for automatic dispatch. YES I did! Cleared out the entire top part of the map and now heading to the southern portion this weekend.

Well I'm playing Linezeta right and for me it's really an engaging mobile game for what it delivers...
I mean it's play style is unique from other Mecha fight games and it's actually gameplay can really make you play for it for hours...

For a mobile game it's really addictive for me.
I tried Assassin's Creed III, I really did. Several hours in, not yet playing as Conor, the stealth is dreadful. Just fucking booooooring. I'm done with it.

Sadly (but probably for the best) it has killed any boner I had for AC4 on next-gen.
Honestly, the parts where you play as Connor weren't even as good as the Haytham parts. And the stealth was just so.... poor. Because the AI was so poorly made.

Ship battles made it all alright, though.

And I've been playing Chivalry a bunch. I really wish I had gotten this earlier. So much fun! I played with GL a bit in a free-for-all, and managed to hold my own. The knight's maul is super overpowered goodness.
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