danielrbischoff said:
Wow, Craig. Tell us how you feel at this moment. How fast did you play through all these? What's your Shepard's name? Fem or Male? Hair color?
What choices did you make on this great journey?
I just finished Mass Effect 3 like, five minutes ago... because I am a complete and utter loser.
It took me about a month to finish all the games plus their DLC's. That being said, I only played really on the weekends. I probably played for about a minimum of one hour per night, so the weekends were uh... a lot more. Overall, I think my total play time with all three games combined was about sixty or seventy hours over the course of four weeks. Mass Effect 1, 2 and 3 were the only games I played all month, which I started shortly after my completion of Batman: Arkham Origins.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not Daniel

but in all honesty, I feel kinda sad right now. Mass Effect is probably my favourite video game franchise ever and it's sad to see it come to an end. But it's a great journey regardless. Before the final mission, I had a very "This is it" kinda feeling. God I'm such a nerd.
I'll note all the major choices I can think of below and the overall outcome of my Mass Effect experience, but I'll be sure to do the whole spoiler-hide thing, since you asked Daniel.

Maybe one day I'll write a big long in-depth blog or article or something on the "one month of Mass Effect" experience, but for now...
Name: John Shepard (default).
Male Earthborn, sole survivor, soldier class, used default appearance (I hate male custom).
Mass Effect 1 outcomes (spoilers):
-Recruited all squad members (as Garrus and Wrex are technically optional).
-Saved the Rachni Queen.
-Urdnot Wrex survived on Vermire, staying on the squad.
-Saved Kaiden Alenko, Ashley WIlliams died on Virmire. Kaidan was at the nuke, Ashley was the Salarians' back up.
-Saved the Citadel Council in the battle against Sovereign.
-No romance.
-Overall Paragon path.
-Most used characters: Garrus and Tali, occasional swap with Wrex and Kaidan.
Mass Effect 2 outcomes (spoilers):
-Recruited all squad members, including DLC characters (Kasumi and Zaeed).
-Completed all squad member loyalty missions, acquired loyalty of all squad members.
-Fully upgraded the Normandy.
-Romance with Tali.
-Rescued the kidnapped Normandy crew from the Collectors.
-Chose to destroy the Collector base.
-All squad members survived the Suicide Mission.
-Overall Paragon path.
-Most used characters: Garrus and Tali, occasional swap with Grunt and Thane.
Mass Effect 3 outcomes (spoilers):
-Recruited all squad members, including DLC character (Javik).
-Cured the Krogan Genophage. Mordin sacrificed himself in order to do this. Female Krogan "Eve" survived.
-Saved the Salarian Councilor from Ceberus (Kai Leng). Thane helped in saving the Councilor but shortly after died due to his disease.
-Councilor Udina was killed in Ceberus' assault in the Citadel, killed by Kaidan - now a Spectre himself.
-Created peace and alliance between the Quarians and the Geth.
-Continued romance with Tali, despite being hit on by Kaidan, Cortez and Diane Allers. I had no idea Kaidan was into Shepard. They all got friend zoned.
-Overall military strength: 6356.
-Readiness rating: 92% - multiplayer raises this stat.
-Effective military strength: 5847.
-Ending: Shepard used the Crucible and sacrificed himself for the purpose of organic/synthetic synthesis, e.g. the "green" ending.
-Overall Paragon path.
-Most used characters: Garrus and Tali, occasional swap with James and Liara.
There you go Daniel and anyone else who's interested. A quick nutshell of my one month of the Mass Effect trilogy.