What are ya playing?

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Mass Effect 1 I've beaten only twice.

Mass Effect 2 I've beaten 3 times.

Mass Effect 3... also done it 3 times. Once original ending, twice extended cut.
I beat Mass Effect 1 around 5 times. Probably 4, though.
I beat Mass Effect 2 twice, though I sped through the second time and didn't really care.
I never finished Mass Effect 3. At that point, I already knew what happened and really didn't care about the characters, who were the main focus of everything unfortunately.
Mass Effect 1 = 2x(for story)
Mass Effect 2 = 6
Mass Effect 3 = 9

I played one of each class.
Favorite class was the vanguard. The engineers turrets and drones are awesome and the super powered Cloaked One Shot ability of infiltrator really helped change up the gameplay.
Let's face it, the game may have more rails but it is still going to be on rails in the end. Video games can never compare to the give and take in a night of Pathfinder with friends.
Still playing Assassin's Creed IV: Blackflag on the PS4 and really enjoying it.

"What do you do with a drunken sailor?..."
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